Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 105 Fierce Battle

"It's so smart, use the soundless bird." The Potions professor, who was stumped by the question set by the principal, slapped the table and suddenly realized, "In this way, we can record the singing of mermaids that can only sing in water."

"But even if the bird's saliva is extracted immediately after drowning, the mermaid's singing can only be preserved for a short time, and I don't know where to sing when it comes to the Triwizard Tournament." Pomona said while eating cookies." The singing of the mermaid can only be heard in the water, but not on land, this sound has magic power, how to preserve its magic power is also a problem.”

"That old fool." Snape sneered.

"I think you already know how to prepare, when will you be ready?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"You can't let mermaids sing and they will sing to you. I also have a problem to solve. The hostages will stay underwater for more than an hour. I don't know what to do. Can you help me?"

"Is it a deal?"

Pomona nodded.

"Let me think about it." He said glibly, fiddling with the stationery on the table.

"Severus, don't do this with me, are you planning to delay until the last moment, I can't sit still, and then you can threaten again?"

"Don't you people in Phoenix put the overall situation first?" Snape was seen through his scheming, and took a bottle of wine from the cabinet full of potions.

"When did you learn to drink?" Pomona looked at the cookie in her hand, thinking that it looked extremely childish now.

"I said it the first time I went to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, this is the most beautiful thing in the Order of the Phoenix." Severus poured wine into two glasses "Shouldn't you give up sweets, try this?"

That's what he'd learned as a Death Eater.

Pomona looked down at the biscuit box in her arms, as if she saw it was covered with maggots.

"You know Dumbledore is not a good person, why do you still listen to him?" Snape brought the poured wine in front of her.

"He's doing the right thing." Pomona took the drink, which smelled like the chocolate bonbons Frank gave her.

"Do you want to be like Minerva? Be single for the rest of his life for his great career."

"Who will fall in love with me." She tried to sip the wine, which was a bit spicy, but still sweet.

"Just stop drinking Polyjuice Potion, you're beautiful, don't get buried by that old fool."

Pomona looked up into those hollow, tunnel-like eyes, perhaps the red-haired girl deep in his eyes.

"Thank you, Severus, I heard that many people are recruiting you, why don't you agree?"

"Did he ask you to ask, or did you ask?"

"What's the difference? Anyway, as long as he asks, I will tell him."

"You don't have to tell him, so I can tell you the truth."

"You still love Lily, don't you?"

The Half-Blood Prince took a sip of his wine, turned his head and ignored her, he could no longer see the shadow of the boy from the slums.

"When you grow up, Severus, don't make impulsive choices like you did when you were a child, especially when you marry. Have you ever thought about revitalizing the Prince family?"

"Will you help me?"

"I've done everything I can. You can choose what to do next. I won't be with you forever."

"why not?"

"Your wife is the one who will accompany you for the rest of your life. I'm not, I'm just your teacher." Pomona stood up. "Look, you are taller than me. We are equal, Professor."

"That's what he's after, Pomona, equality, he wants you to convince me to give up pure bloodism." Snape said deadpan.

"I don't think so!"

"Please get out." The tall and thin Severus looked down at her, full of defense.

With such a face, no man would like it.

Pomona looked at her reflection in his eyes and turned away in shame, her gray hair making Sprout's already dull face look more like an old man.

As the dean of Hufflepuff, she would sometimes receive invitations to meet the dean of Slytherin on social occasions. They were people from two different worlds, as you could tell by the people around her.

Slytherin always puts interests first, maybe he has become an ambitious man who relies on interests to make friends.

"We've concluded the deal just now, right?" Pomona asked before opening the door.

"Yes." He replied, turning his back to her.

"Then let Robbie notify me when you're ready."

"He did it for you," Snape said softly. "Leave Hogwarts and become my house-elf."

This is her plan. Just giving the elves a piece of clothing and letting them go is a kind of exile, but giving it a new home is beneficial in many ways. There are too many house elves in Hogwarts, and other emerging or declining families No, it would be good for everyone to get a little bit out, but it was very difficult to take the first step, but Robbie stepped out for her, and became an outlier among the house elves.

"Thanks to his help, Irene will be so comfortable when she leaves. Be nice to her, don't be like Malfoy to Dobby." Pomona said.

The old and young Malfoy were arrogant and rude, with no aristocratic temperament at all, and no matter how docile the house-elf was, he wanted to betray them.

"I know." He choked out "Thank you."

"no need thank me."

"Everything you did." He covered his face and cried, probably remembering the days when Irene passed away.

Pomona opened the door, walked out, then closed the door and returned the cleanliness to him. She thought he might want to be alone for a while now.

"Have some chocolate, Draco." Pomona placed a large bar of chocolate in front of him. "You'll feel better."

Master Malfoy, who was sweating profusely, took the snack and took a hard bite, panting heavily.

"I now know that Potter wasn't studying pharmacy in the godfather's cellar at all." Draco said, looking at the golden egg in the water tank, "he was also practicing Occlumency, right?"

"The Dark Lord was resurrected with Harry's blood, and there was a fragment of his soul on him. He often had nightmares. In his dreams, he was sometimes from the perspective of the Dark Lord. Mr. Arthur Weasley was attacked by Nagini. He was the first to discover and call the police, thus saving Mr. Weasley's life. He thought he could invade the mind of the Dark Lord, but he did not expect to be counter-invaded. The first battle of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic was that the Dark Lord invaded Harry In addition to being beautiful, the mixed-race Veela can also use Imperius and Legilimency. In fact, we are the same as the dementors, who feed on human souls, but only The ghost looks horrible, and it only sucks happy memories, but we suck all memories." Pomona looked at Draco, and lowered the voice of the last sentence, "You didn't see Fleur and my hair Are the colors different? This is the sign of adulthood and immaturity, do you know the difference between adulthood and immaturity?"


"No, it's observation and judgment. Didn't you find anything unusual about your father and mother?" Pomona looked at the twenty-five-year-old boy, she was very reluctant to let Draco grow up, but he But he is already "sensible", thanks to his godfather who doesn't like to close the door, and his shameless godmother.

"Your mom and dad will probably get a divorce because your dad cheated on your mom so many times he did to those women what you did to Pansy Parkinson and your godfather blind bat can't fool me , You are very smart, but you didn't use it in the right place, now use your brain to think about how to solve your parents' problems, otherwise you will become a child of a single-parent family like Zabini."

Draco grimaced, like the chocolate didn't make him jump.

"After you learn Parseltongue, you have to solve the problem of the three heads of the rune snake arguing endlessly, and this will be your future battlefield." Pomona pointed to her head, "You have a wonderful mother, and a Father like a peacock, who do you think rescued you from the Dark Lord and brought you out of the Forbidden Forest?"

"Should we continue to practice?" Draco asked frowningly.

"You don't have to practice anymore, you can mention something you want, this is the reward for your hard work."

"You mean I want one more thing besides the egg?" Xiaolong was surprised.

"That's right."

"Is the fish gill grass okay?"

"Ask your godfather about this."

"Then why don't you call him now? I miss him!"

Draco said expectantly, but Pomona always felt that he was up to no good.



"Don't think I don't know what you're up to, Draco." Narcissa Malfoy chose that gloomy old bat to be the golden Malfoy godfather because he took a fancy to his strength, he could beat anyone who dared to provoke him He is the one who teaches his son, and he is not afraid of offending others at all. Everyone knows that he has that kind of personality, so she won't make fun of herself.

Draco showed a smug smile just like his godfather, grasping her handle, pointed to the ring on her right middle finger and said, "Then I want a ring like yours, I heard from my mother, it can summon the godfather."

"He gave it to me."

"Then you summon him, and I'll ask him for it."


"Don't be so childish, Christine!"

"You're naive, Draco Malfoy!" It's shameless to ask for a helper if you can't win by yourself!

"He definitely doesn't want to eat dinner alone, let him come." Xiaolong kept prodding, and this time he hit the nail on the head.

Based on her understanding of the old bat, it is common to forget to eat.

"Okay." Pomona compromised, "I'm going to prepare dinner, you can play with this egg."

"Okay, Knox!" Xiaolong hugged the golden egg and left the compartment with a look of excitement.

"No, he doesn't dare to do anything to you." Pomona smiled forcefully and smoothed the bristling hairs all over her body, she didn't believe that the snot-nosed man dared to teach her.

So she left the cubicle, humming a song, and prepared dinner like a carefree fool.

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