Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1048 Dark light


There were no birds in the Death Swamp, but when Harry Potter and Calvin stood together on the castle wall, a flock of crows suddenly appeared.

"You don't like this bird?" Calvin asked.

Harry forced a smile.

"There are many Muggles who believe that crows are a symbol of disaster and death. They are like black dogs in the wizarding world. I heard that you saw a dog spirit in class in your third grade."

"But that's not true, no one died that year," Harry said immediately.

"Some people say that crows can predict death, but they are really smart birds. I once saw a crow pretend to be dead, so that other crows thought it had eaten poisonous bird food, and then the other crows flew away. Had all the food to myself."

"I don't think there's food in this swamp," said Harry, looking down at the Dead Marsh, the mist thinning a bit after the sun came out, so he could see the pale, cement-like mud more clearly.

"Crows don't just eat dead bodies. Harry, they are omnivores like humans. Crows often use their voices to guide other animals to attack animals that they cannot defeat. There was a dragon in the dead swamp, although it was Many years ago."

"I don't think dragons can live that many years," said Harry.

Calvin pursed his lips, and stared at the righteous aura masters searching in the swamp. Although Harry left in a hurry, Zabini left a mark. In addition, he left not long ago, and his footprints were still there. It didn't take long before they heard a signal of discovery.

"There are no dragons here, but there might be basilisks, that's what you said," Calvin said to Harry, and Apparated to the clearing in front of the castle.

"Nothing," said an aura master with the same scars on his face as Moody.

"That's impossible!" Harry yelled as he Apparated right behind him.

"There are a lot of hallucinogenic plants in the swamp, maybe Mr. Director and his friends had hallucinations together." Zhengqi Master said.

Calvin looked at Harry.

"Have you had a drug test, Director?"

"I swear, I saw it!"

"But we didn't."

"Take me to see, maybe you are in the wrong place."

Harry hurriedly walked into the swamp, and the aura master grabbed his collar after only two steps.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to, Potter, you haven't been noticed for so many years, are you going to do something again?"

"Calm down, Jim." Calvin put his hand on the wrist of the aura master. "Maybe they sensed that someone was coming, so they moved away immediately. I need your head to stay clear."

Jim and Harry stared at each other, then let go after a moment.

Only then did Harry realize that Jim's hand was also a silver prosthetic hand, which happened to be the same hand as Wormtail's.

"You said you saw a dwarf." Calvin blocked Harry's view calmly.

"Yes, about the height of a six or seven-year-old child."

"Then, it's about this tall?" Calvin gestured.

"That's right."

"That means it's about the same height as a goblin?"

Harry didn't answer right away. Although he didn't judge often, based on his accumulated experience, it was best to shut up at this time.

"In the 1970s, the Death Eaters killed a lot of rich goblins. Of course, we have no evidence because they all disappeared." Calvin said, "I don't think the goblins will join forces with their former enemies, what do you think? "

"What if there are greater interests?" Harry said, "The relationship between the centaurs and humans is not good, but after the exchange of the Forbidden Forest, the centaurs also joined our camp."

"We will continue to investigate, Mr. Secretary, the Minister said that you and your friends have other tasks. I don't know what it is, but in the current situation of Mr. Ron Weasley, should you be responsible for tonight?" Go back and get ready?"

Harry looked at the aura master, who was eyeing Harry suspiciously through his turned-up collar.

So Harry turned and left, walking towards Blaise Zabini.

"How's the investigation going?" Blaise asked.

"Found nothing." Harry said angrily.

"What? How is it possible?"

"Where's the wormwood?"

"Who is Absinthe?"

"It's the one who walked with me."

"You mean Selwyn, wait, I'll call..."

"Is Selwyn one of the Twenty-Eight Holy Families?" Harry interrupted Blaise.

"Why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing, just curious, how was his relationship with Theodore Nott when he was in school?"

"I probably didn't know him. When we entered school, he was in the seventh grade. 'Rabbit' was very timid and basically didn't talk to people."


"Haven't you heard of Theodore Knott's nickname?"

"No, this is the first time I've heard of it." Harry looked at Calvin and Jim who were talking not far away, "Do you think these people have something to do with the people who escaped from Azkaban?"

"Honestly, Harry Potter, I'm not interested in any of this," Zabini said with a smile. "I just want to be part of the hunt tonight."

"Have you met Professor Remus Lupine, can you take him as prey?" Harry snapped angrily.

"Don't treat them like human beings, Boy Who Lived, it will be much easier for you to use the Avada Kedavra." Blaise patted Harry on the shoulder "Malfoy didn't dare to do anything on the observatory, and finally If you want the dean to replace him, do you want to be like him and be taken care of by others as a child for the rest of your life? Even if you want to, do you have a father, mother and godfather to take care of you?"

Harry stared intently at Blaise Zabini.

"If you want to gain the approval of others, you have to rely on yourself." Blaise squeezed Harry's shoulders tightly. "Respect doesn't come from begging."

"I wasn't going to beg," Harry said.

"I know that werewolves won't listen to your pleadings. Do you know why the righteous aura master confirmed your godfather's guilt because of Wormtail's one finger?"

"They thought he blew up Wormtail because of the Blasting Charm he used."

Blaise shrugged "I heard another version, the werewolf ate Wormtail down to one finger, that year, when 'Professor Lupine' attacked you when he turned into a werewolf, he had scruples that you were his student?"

"No." Harry said, staring at Blaise.

"So, who protected you?"

A black dog flashed before Harry's eyes, and the greasy black hair of the wizard clutching his collar.

"Nobody protected me, where did you hear the rumor?" Harry waved Blaise's hand away.

"I heard from Draco, that mud... Hermione Granger punched him, he went back to the castle, you headed towards the Forbidden Forest, he told Dean Snape the news, and Said, the dean will definitely teach you a good lesson."

"So that's what happened..."

"The wolf howl was so shrill that we couldn't even pretend we didn't hear it in the castle." Blaise stared at Harry and said, "Later, everyone knew that Remus Lupine was a werewolf. I think what happened that night It's not hard to guess what's going on, is it?"

Harry sees Blaise Zabini in a whole new way.

"You think more than I do..."

"Smart, obviously if I don't have the skills, how can I lead those prominent pure-blood families." Blaise opened his narrow, slightly slanted brown eyes "I inherited this from my mother. She married seven times, and each time Both marriages have brought her great wealth."

"I don't think it's an honorable thing, Zabini."

Blaise smiled contemptuously, "Let's go, Potter, we have nothing to do here."

"what do you want?"

Harry asked before Blaise left.

"Nothing, power, and fame, and I'm on my way to get them." The dark-skinned boy smiled bloodthirstyly at Harry. "Don't waste time, Harry Potter."



A crow screamed and landed on the treetop outside, and Pomona was startled.

"What's wrong?" Severus asked, wiping his mouth.

"Nothing." Pomona looked out the window, trying to tell if the crow outside was Voldemort.

"Are you finished?" Severus asked.

"Almost there," she said, looking at what was left of her plate of creamy scallop bisque.

"Let's go to the secret room." He put down the napkin and stood up directly.

"I haven't washed the dishes yet."

"Save it for Kricht."

Pomona glanced at her untouched strawberry cake and left the table with it.

"We're looking for materials to make a time-turner, Kricht." Pomona didn't know if it could hear it, but said anyway, "You have to be patient."

She followed Severus to the study room and watched him push open the secret door hidden behind the bookshelf. The sand table of the maze was still in the middle of the secret room. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she felt it was clearer.

"Tell me about Mungnes Sessius Hagrid," she asked, eating her cake.

"He's called the dark light, and he's been a figure of legend for centuries."

"It's like a blue rose, it can't exist at all." She said with some enlightenment.

"The real labyrinth is bigger than what we saw. The Dark Lord said that it is either another space, or the space expansion spell is used, but the magic beast guarding it has been wiped out. If the magic circle disappears, the sun inside will disappear." Kim will run away, so we need to get in as quickly as possible."

"It's artificial after all, and it won't last long."

"Contrary to what you think, the Dark Lord thinks the maze is opening up for him."

Pomona raised her eyebrows and took another bite of the cake.

"This cake made of fresh strawberries is delicious, would you like to have a bite too?"

She said it generously, and took a spoonful of it to his mouth.

"Not interested." He looked at the lump of pink in disgust, and hid back. "Where have you been researching?"

"The first gold coin named after a planet, the mysterious person thinks it is the alpha star Regulus of Leo. The material is a mixture of gold and mercury, which represents the heart of the king. The second gold coin named after a planet is Perseus Beta star Algol, although the basilisk is terrifying, it can represent the symbol of alchemy, ouroboros. As long as it grows big enough, it can go around the maze and bite its own tail. From the third floor, we appear Disagreement, I think it is Virgo Alpha, he thinks it is Bootes Alpha, Virgo's lucky metal is mercury, but the puzzle stipulates that gold coins cannot exceed a quarter of an ounce, what metal should Bootes use instead?"


"The ears of wheat in the girl's hand, I think the kingdom of heaven will also celebrate the harvest, otherwise, what would the god of wine use to make wine?"

Severus didn't answer her, lost in thought.

"What do you use to fertilize the land? Potassium? Sodium?" he asked after a moment.

"Use them all."

"So, the third metal is chosen from these elements?"

"Did people in the Middle Ages know this?"

"How would I know." Severus took out his cigarette and started smoking.

"Even if we find it, there is still the order of the kingdom of heaven." Pomona whispered, "If we fail, then whose face will be left?"

"It's awesome not to say victory before saying defeat, can you think of something better."

"I don't want my face to stay, but your ugly face is very suitable."

The death stare of the old bat appeared.

Pomona was not afraid of him at all, she even sat on the couch and ate cake with her legs on it.

"Let me warn you first, you are not allowed to sleep here. There is a bedroom upstairs. No matter how late you study, you have to go back to sleep on the bed in the room." She pointed at the big nose of the old bat with a fork and said, "Also, you It's time for some sunshine, Severus, that vampire Giovanni is not as pale as you."

He snorted disdainfully.

"How about we watch a ball game when the sun comes out?" She invited, "I know you lazy snakes, you don't bother to go out when the weather is bad."

"Why is it raining heavily?"

"Hahaha, don't ask me." Pomona dug another spoonful of cake into her mouth.

Birds know how to avoid the rain when it rains, but why do athletes still "exercise" outside? Is it because you sweat too much? It doesn't matter if the left and right clothes are soaked through?

"I'm a 'bookworm' like you, and I can't figure out what the athletes are thinking."

"Fortunately, Muggles are not as stupid as you. The rain was so heavy that they suspended the competition." Severus said, "Two yesterday's competitions have been postponed to today."

"I didn't say the English game."

"It's okay now." Severus said calmly, "Thank you."

Pomona felt that she hadn't done anything, but she was relieved to see him like this now. Fortunately, he went out without taking a shower.

"How about I go back with you?" she asked, "Take a leave with 'teacher'."

"Do you think he'll agree?"

"I don't know." She put down the cake in her hand, "I think begging will work at this time."

The friend who voted 53 times, is there a problem with the system? This is the first time I saw that one person could cast 53 votes.

This chapter is tomorrow, and it will be presented today. I have basically hidden the clues of the maze, let’s guess.

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