"In school, you only learned two things about werewolves."

In the atrium of the Ministry of Magic, the owner of the Auror Office, Calvin Robaz, stood beside the Brothers Fountain and raised a finger to the Aurors standing in front of him.

"One, is to identify werewolves."

Then he raised another finger.

"Second, the way to kill them. Today, I want you to use the knowledge you learned in school to complete the task of protecting Muggles and the wizarding world. According to the werewolf management regulations, they should not go to the community where Muggles live. However, Not only are they violating this rule, but they are also planning to expose the wizarding world. This is a disaster, my comrades. We must stop them before they have a terrible impact. Now, in your hands are the Muggles of today and tomorrow There are six games in total, involving six cities, Liverpool, Middle, Birmingham, Manchester and Newcastle. Tomorrow there is only one football game for Liverpool. As long as tomorrow is over, the next round will be on April 2. At the beginning, everyone can take a good rest during this period, now, you are grouped according to the list in hand, and then find your respective team leaders to assign tasks..."

"I can't believe it." Hermione turned her head, not daring to look at the scene downstairs.

She, Harry, and Ron were on the second basement floor at the moment, in the office of the Director of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic, from which the atrium could be seen condescendingly.

The Ministry of Magic’s management of werewolves has always been chaotic and inefficient. Wizards have never regarded werewolves as human beings. They are too dangerous to Muggles, so they are not allowed to live in the Muggle world. After 1993, they are also in the wizarding world. Unable to find a job, it seems that the world has no other way out for them except hiding in the ruins and living by stealing and killing.

It is precisely because of this that the crime rate of werewolves is very high, which forms a vicious circle: werewolves are all outlaws, they cannot find a job, they can only do evil if they want to live, and werewolves are all outlaws. Deeper.

"Wizards are lazy and unwilling to change." Harry said quietly, looking downstairs.

"Merlin's beard." Ron opened his eyes wide. "Am I blind or something, why is Lucius Malfoy here, still looking so proud."

Hermione, who had turned her gaze elsewhere, turned her gaze back again. The platinum nobleman had his long hair smooth and flowing, fluttering slightly with his steps. He was wearing a black cloak and a fine dragon skin Gloves, a silver snake staff in his hand, and an elegant smirk on the corner of his mouth, just like he did in the Ministry when he gained power.

"It doesn't make sense," Ron murmured. "Even he can come back to life."

"And that pink toad." Hermione stared at Umbridge, who was wearing a pink robe among a group of men in black.

"No, they didn't." Harry continued indifferently.

After Lucius and Umbridge shook hands with Calvin, the two stepped aside, and a young man appeared in front of the crowd.

"Brace Zabini, how could it be him?" Hermione murmured.

"In such a chaotic scene, what if little Malfoy was bitten by a werewolf?" Ron said sarcastically.

"But he's not a Death Eater," said Hermione.

Ron and Harry watched her together.

"I mean, he doesn't have the Dark Mark on his hand, so he doesn't have to be involved."

"Go downstairs." Harry glanced downstairs and said, "The guests are all here."

"I heard that people from the Sports Department will also participate." Hermione said after Harry. "The Muggle stadium is very big, and we are short of manpower."

"Is it as big as the Quidditch World Cup?" Ron asked.

"We'll find out soon, Ron, you're the protagonist today and tomorrow." Harry patted Ron on the shoulder, and at this moment there was a "ding" from the elevator, and the three of them seemed to be drinking a blessing. As lucky as the elixir.

"Maybe it's just that there are fewer people on Sunday." Hermione said, looking at the two.

But no one really listened to what she had to say.

They took the elevator to the atrium, and the Aurors had almost left, leaving only Calvin and the people from the beast office to greet.

"Oh, Harry." Lucius Malfoy greeted him enthusiastically, "It's been a long time."

Ron snorted coldly behind Harry's back, which was quite loud, but Lucius kept a false smile as if he didn't hear it.

"Me too, long time no see, Mr. Malfoy." Harry and Lucius shook hands, and then they let go immediately.

"I believe you know Blaise." Old Malfoy gave up another handsome man in Slytherin. "This operation is under his command on our side."

"Where's Draco Malfoy?" Ron asked, "Why didn't he come?"

The smile on Lucius' face almost froze, but he still managed to answer Ron's question with a forced smile.

"He is not in the country now."

"Then where did he go?"

"It's someone else's business, Ron." Hermione stared at old Malfoy and said, "Why aren't you in charge, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Give young people the opportunity to display their talents, now is your time."

"I think you're scared." Ron muttered softly. Harry heard the voice, but he wasn't sure if Lucius heard it. Anyway, the albino snake still looked normal.

"All in all, I wish you all good luck." Lucius touched his forehead with his snake stick as a signal, and then walked away without looking back. Umbridge smirked at the three of them and followed him.

"So, what's your plan?" Brace stood in front of a group of men in black and asked the three of them like a leader.

"We're going to search a castle, do you dare to come?" Harry asked.

"What castle?"

"Which of you has the Dark Mark?" Hermione asked loudly.

At first no one answered.

"I think you've heard rumors that Voldemort is coming back." Harry looked at them and said, "Do you want him back?"

Still no answer.

"If Voldemort really gets stronger, or really comes back as the rumors say, your Dark Mark will be different, I heard it will be very hot, that's why we need you, so you don't have to Fear."

"Forget it, Harry," whispered Hermione. "They won't tell."

"I said they all have them." Ron said with a sneer, "otherwise, why would you join in the fun."

"This is an interesting hunt. It's hard to miss the opportunity." Blaise stepped forward and said against Ron's nose.

"Don't get yourself into trouble, Zabini," Ron warned.

"Otherwise what are you going to do?"

Ron wanted to draw his wand excitedly, but Hermione stopped him in time.

"We haven't heard of anything other than going to the stadium," Gower said.

"Then you can stay here until you are notified." Harry walked around them and walked towards the fireplace.

Bryce murmured silently what was coming, and then waved behind him, and the crowd followed the trio in a mighty manner.

"Where are we going?"

"Death Swamp."

After Harry finished speaking, he walked into the fireplace first, and disappeared with a burst of green flames.

"Welcome home," said Ron, sarcastically overtaking the Slytherins, and walking into the fireplace as well.

Hermione wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. She turned her head and followed Ron. The two of them were holding hands and shrouded in green light together.

I moved the matches between Manchester City and Tottenham and Newcastle and the Spears to March 20. In fact, there were only four games on the 20th and 21st. Middle won the championship in 2004, the first time in 128 years

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