Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1040 The Destination of the Wand

"I want a Coke!" Jan Felix said aggressively at the table.

"Wizards drink pumpkin juice." Pomona yelled at him from the other side of the table without giving in. "Besides, Muggles don't have the habit of drinking Coke early in the morning."

"Nonsense, the kids I know drink Coke in the morning."

"You can make it up, sir, I'm not an ordinary wizard, I don't know how Muggles live!"

"Good morning." Severus, who had just returned from his run, kissed Pomona on the cheek, smelling of sweat and forest fog.

"Where's the jam I want?"

Severus put the paper bag with strawberry jam on the table.

"Drink too much Coke and you'll get fat!" Pomona said, watching Severus' waistline return to normal. "No girl likes a short, fat boy!"

Felix was speechless with anger, and finally sat at the table and bit the bread like a beast.

Pomona chased Severus out of the restaurant.

"How's that for a morning run in the Alps?" she asked silly.

"Very good, you can try it too."

"Hahaha, which Hufflepuff have you seen jogging in the morning besides a Quidditch player?"

"Do those girls who run after Victor count?"

Pomona was speechless when asked by the old bat.

Victor had the habit of running around Black Lake in the morning, and the girls got up early in the morning to follow him.

Even if Harry didn't have the title of savior, she wasn't unattractive, she had heard girls comment in the conservatory that he looked "sexy" fresh off his broom after exercising.

Many girls like Draco, who is so thin that you can see the ribs, but there are also girls who like the sporty boy. They don't like the smell of sweat, but the flexible and smart side shown in sports .

All in all, Pomona kissed the old bat before he went to the bath, and after the kiss was over, she returned to the restaurant floating on a cloud, and Felix looked at her with contempt.

"What?" she asked fiercely.

"Nothing, what are we going to do today?"

"Let's talk later." Pomona looked at the open window in the kitchen, and the bird stand specially used for the crow to stand on. There was a plate on it with some broken bread sprinkled inside.

I don't know if Voldemort will take a bite of his face.

"Edgar said you have to find a way to get me a wand." Felix chewed on the bacon. "How about getting me one today?"

Germany is not far from the Alps, and it is not very difficult to buy a magic wand.

"Can you tell me why you built that dance floor?" Pomona asked Felix.

"The Dark Lord said that there will be many guests here in the future."

"Did he say who it was?"

"If you want to ask a question, you can ask me instead of beating around the bush." ​​Voldemort's voice sounded in her mind, and she looked towards the bird stand just now, where a purple-black crow was standing on it , its eyes are as red as blood.

"What do you want to do?"

"You will know when the time comes." The crow threw the wand in its mouth into the plate. "You try this wand."

"Is this for me?"

"Have you ever used a wand made of anything other than beech?" asked Voldemort.

"It's good to use the one I have now. Felix needs it more than I do."

"Before the Elder Wand, what do you think Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore's wands were?" Voldemort asked again. Self-deception, once the owner can't face his heart, it will not be able to use normally. In the decisive battle of the century, the white wizard wanted to raise his wand to his former lover. It was such an ambivalence, but he still won, not because of Grindel Waugh, but because the Elder Wand never belonged to him."

Pomona's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Even if you become handsome, if you still talk to girls like this, no one will like you." Pomona put her waist in her waist, facing Voldemort aggressively, "Can't you be cute?"

"I found a cave in the valley where the wand is stored. I guess it is the wand left by the loser who challenged the maze before." Voldemort said indifferently, "You can take that kid to pick it inside."

"You let him use a second-hand wand?"

"With these wands, there is no need to register, and there is no need to be followed by Zongsi. He can use magic at will."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he waved his wings and flew away. Pomona didn't touch the wand, but Felix ran to get it. The wand sent a spark in his hand and broke the feeding plate. .

"It's not for you," Pomona said deadpan.

"Why is that crow holding it?" Felix gave the wand to Pomona.

"Owls can always find wizards, and crows also have their special features, such as liking wooden branches and shiny things. Hogwarts' Ravenclaw House means Raven's Claw. The crow just now is our pets."


"We're disguised as Ravenclaws now, and it's normal to have a crow as a pet."

Felix was still dazed, but he was forcibly pushed back into the dining room by Pomona, who was in a daze with the wand.

This is a silver basswood wand, very suitable for occult magic such as divination and Legilimency. Voldemort is a master of Legilimency. Maybe he was not so comfortable with Pomona's beech wand, so I got one for myself. A new wand.

The consequences of using a wand that is not suitable for you are unpredictable. Maybe you can't use magic smoothly, or you may be wiped out by the magic power generated by "explosive weapon" just like the duel between Voldemort and Harry.

Pomona's old wand had been with her for decades, and she had never thought about getting a new one, and she still felt that way now that she had this beautiful silver basswood wand in front of her.

She wanted to go back to England and take part in the war between werewolves and humans, but Voldemort didn't think so.

She has always thought of herself as Sam in the Lord of the Rings, but the situation in front of her seems to be making great strides in the direction of Saruman. Perhaps it is because of this that Dumbledore did not teach her the gargoyle spell.

Only by rejecting the darkness can one stay away from the darkness. Once one begins to accept it, one will be easily seduced by the power of darkness and eventually fall into the darkness.

She picked up the Slytherin locket around her neck and looked at it. She was a Hufflepuff, why did she wear Slytherin jewelry?

It reminded her of the nameplate on the neck of cats and dogs, with its name written on it, and the name of the owner.

She still smelled of sweat from Severus, and it reminded her of those lingering moments.

Occasionally they also hug each other to sleep, when she is doing nothing, she feels very happy and peaceful, which is actually quite good.

If old fools and old madmen could be as reclusive as they are, they wouldn't have come to a hostile end.

Similarly, if the two of them can continue to live in seclusion and ignore the people and things outside, they can also live in peace.

Compared with this luxurious manor, she prefers the house in the wilderness, because there are only two people in it, and this place will become the place where Voldemort meets his allies.


There was thunder outside the window, and the sky was so cloudy that it looked like it was going to rain heavily.

"It's going to rain, it looks like we can't go out today." Pomona put down the wand and looked at Felix.

"Then what are we doing today?" Felix repeated the previous question.

"How about I teach you how to dance?"

"You mean grandpa and grandma only danced the waltz?"

"No, another dance." Pomona said with a smile, "Edgar is an excellent 'dancer'."

Felix looked confused.

"You are destined to be a battle mage, Jan Felix."

"But you're not."

"A coach doesn't have to be a boxer, and a connoisseur doesn't have to be a painter."

"When are we going to explore that sinkhole?"

"When I say ready, it is. Now, finish your breakfast!"

Felix obediently began to gobble it up, but he still didn't want to drink the pumpkin juice, even though he almost choked to death on the dry bread.

Let's see who is more stubborn.

Pomona looked at Felix with a smirk, she looked gentle and kind, a kind witch.

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