Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 103 Goddess of the Night

"Sirius, stretch out your left paw."

Sirius Black, who was lying on the sofa reading a book, glanced at the little hand of the gray-haired elf Pomona Sprout from the book.

"I'm not a real dog."

"You've become uncute, Sirius, you did whatever I asked you to do before." Pomona couldn't help complaining.

"That's why I thought you asked me to do this because it had something to do with Animagus. James later took it as a joke and laughed at me. Can you be a little more mature, sister." Sirius turned his eyes away after finishing speaking. in the book.

Pomona misses the innocent and lovely Sirius infinitely. His Animagus is a dog. He completed the transformation for the first time, and was terrified when he changed from human to animal and then from animal to human again. Pomona Instead of comforting him, he played a game of "claw holding" with him, just like those who have pet dogs play with dogs. How obedient he was at that time.

Animagus will retain a bit of the characteristics of the transformed animal. Professor McGonagall likes to grind his nails like a cat. James always messes up his hair because his scalp is itchy. He always thinks he is growing antlers. , Pete Pedilou left the nails and teeth of the mouse, she once thought it looked cute, Sirius left the dog's sense of smell, he can distinguish people by the sense of smell, so even if Pomona drank compound soup He can also find the "senior sister" for help.

"Is this the Blake family's library?" Pomona was at a loss for words.

"I need strength." Sirius continued to read the book, "I didn't do anything in Azkaban for twelve years. I want to get back the past time."

"You still want to come up with a mission?" Pomona was a little upset. He is the last heir of the Black family, and he shouldn't go to such a dangerous place. "I think the mission Dumbledore assigned to you is to take care of Remus."

"He's resting in the duel room, there won't be any problem." Sirius said impatiently, "What I need now is the skills to fight people."

Every night when the moon is full, Lupine will come to the old house of the Black family to complete the transformation, and Sirius will accompany him as in the past. The hard life makes Remus weak, and Sirius becomes The big dog is already big, and he said that there is no problem with a person.

"I thought you wouldn't touch black magic."

"That's war. No matter what spells are used, the ultimate purpose is to kill people. You don't think we are playing around like Harry and Draco Malfoy."

"You know they fight each other?"

"Harry told me that Malfoy made a snake and he could control it with Parseltongue. What kind of snake is that? Pomona, not all snakes I know can understand Parseltongue .”

"I didn't look, and Severus made the snake disappear later."

"I bet he's in the cellar studying the dark arts again, he used to be like that, hexes us whenever he gets a chance, the kids describe it so aptly, maybe he's pouring like an old bat sleep."

"Don't say that about him, you guys went too far when you were fifteen, what did Harry say to you that day through the fireplace?"

Sirius didn't speak, but Pomona could roughly guess what he was saying, because Harry had always been a kind boy.

"He can't accept that his father is that kind of person, right? He takes pleasure in bullying others, and the Dudley family always bullies him. Remember what you said before to vent your anger on Harry? It's good that you are still a little sensible ’” Otherwise he would be no different from those Death Eaters who tormented Muggles for fun.

"Why do you defend him? Is it because he has more achievements than me?" Sirius put down the book.

"Who am I defending?"

"The snot, the old bat, the youngest head of Slytherin, the winner of the Prince Award, if I hadn't been imprisoned in Azkaban, I wouldn't be worse than him, he just used Dumbledore to escape Sanctions, Lily died and he didn't think about revenge, if he really cared so much why she didn't come to Azkaban to kill me! He is a selfish bastard, he will do anything for fame and fortune, don't be caught by him like a silly girl Appearances deceive, Pomona."

Pomona was shaking with anger.

"Come with me, Sirius Black." The subdued roar from behind made her stiff. When did Severus come?

Sirius put down the book and stood up neatly, neither of them looked at her.

By the way, Severus would deliver medicine to Remus every time the moon was full, and it had to be prepared and drunk right away. In order to deceive people, he usually came after the dead of night.

When their figures disappeared, the twins reappeared where Severus was standing just now, and they looked at her in horror, as if waiting for her to do something.

Playing around is different from being murderous. For example, women and children are particularly sensitive to it. Pomona looked at the two children, and she didn't know what to do.

Not all places in Hogwarts cannot apparate. For example, on the bridge leading to the castle, Grindelwald apparated from there when he attacked Hogwarts.

Even if it is an ancient pure-blood noble family, the defensive magic cannot be as strict as Hogwarts, because there is guarding the next generation of little wizards who represent "hope". Apparition must follow the three d principles, goal, determination, Take it easy. After the Fidelity Curse blocks the location, it is impossible to identify the target.

Sirius didn't like the old house. He moved out at sixteen and never thought about moving back. Molly took her children to clean up to make it more livable. He couldn't help at all with housework. He was busy, and his career as a prisoner of Azkaban did not make him much progress. He hated Pete to death, and sometimes even disguised himself as a dog to track the mouse by smell. Once he had a whim to nine and three-quarters The platform saw Harry off. He was such an emotional and casual person, completely different from Severus who was good at forbearance.

He is very smart and can learn everything quickly. The black magic of the Black family also needs to be practiced. The duel room can block most of the tracking of the Ministry of Magic. Plus the werewolf Lupine, just as she expected, the Black family was almost captured by the three of them. The two were dismantled together, and the warning that the defensive magic was about to shatter made Dumbledore think that the headquarters had been attacked, and came back from an apparition somewhere. At that time, she realized that the students she had taught were already stronger than her. up.

The first place in the Order of the Phoenix is ​​Mad-Eye Moody, and the second place is Severus Snape. Sirius' strength cannot be ranked at all, but he often provokes Severus. Patience is for revenge , endured until the end Severus was completely irritated, and then there was that conflict that couldn't be adjusted at all.

She didn't dare to look, the twins went, and finally everyone left the room alive. After the big winner, there were two little followers. Snape, who had been suppressing himself, began to laugh loudly at Black's house, and Sirius I don't even want to stay in that house anymore.

Maybe it would be better for Severus to talk to George.

She was absent-mindedly stroking her gray hair with her fingers, looking at the atrium outside the window. Of course, St. Mungo's Hospital does not have a magic circle that restricts apparition. This is a public place, and there are many emergency patients. The disease will be delayed.

"Hello." A woman's voice sounded behind her. Pomona followed the voice and saw a female doctor with glasses standing at the door.

She was not pretty, with a square face and dark red hair, but she looked at Pomona very familiarly, as if she had known her for a long time.

"There's someone here," Pomona told her, still waiting for Draco to practice Brain Defense.

"Can you recognize my voice? I'm Charlotte Prey." The female doctor said, "I once treated you. I'm a student of Professor Snape."

Pomona remembered.

"Don't worry, no other doctor except me knows that the professor is still alive. You live in a confidential ward, and we know how to keep it secret."

"Do you want to talk to me?"

"No, I just wanted to see you." Charlotte said with a smile. "Glad to see you're alive, Knox."

After speaking, Charlotte turned and left, leaving Pomona alone in the compartment.

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