Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1021 Grinu0026Grim

In the dark and damp cave, the sound of water droplets echoed in the cave.

There was a bony figure, or what looked like one, naked with gray skin and rags like a house-elf.

Now it was squatting on a black rock, and its hands were washing something in the water in the cave.

"Let's wash it up," said the little monster. "As long as I'm here, those ugly, hypocritical, cunning thieves will never touch you, my darling."

Pomona thought this dream was really weird. The little monster in front of her reminded her of Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

He used to be a hobbit named Smeagol. He found the Supreme Lord of the Rings while fishing. He was tempted by the Lord of the Rings, killed his friend, and gradually changed shape under the power of the Lord of the Rings, living in caves. For 500 years, until one day the Lord of the Rings got tired of it, ran away from him, was found by Frodo's uncle Bilbo Baggins, and brought back to the Hobbit village...

Pomona opened her eyes.

The sun was shining brightly through the window, and the town of Irene hadn't changed much since the Middle Ages, and for a moment Pomona thought she was in the world of Lord of the Rings.

"Are you awake?" Severus sat by the window, looking at the manuscript of the astrology she drew yesterday by the sunlight. "The puff pastry you want is on the table. If you want to eat, get up quickly."

Pomona looked at the wooden table, and there was indeed a piece of mille-feuille cake with a heat-retaining spell on it, which was sold by the store where she wanted to queue up to buy yesterday, but was dismissed by the queue jumper.

"I had a dream," said Pomona. "I dreamed of Gollum."

"The Lord of the Rings?"

"The Supreme Lord of the Rings allowed him to live for 500 years. Do you think that piece of sun gold will make people immortal like the Philosopher's Stone?"

"And the man who got the Ring turned into a monster just like Gollum." Severus laughed. "Your imagination is really rich."

"Nick Flamel drank the water soaked in the Philosopher's Stone to stay alive for nothing. He is as fragile as a glass man."

Severus stopped smiling.

"I remember that there is usually a seal on the ring, and there is also the Peverell badge on the resurrection stone. The sun gold is made into a ring, and the ring is made into a blue rose badge. When writing a letter, you can take it off and use it as a seal." Pomona rubbed "We're going to find the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf."

"Who are you then, Sam?"

Pomona expected him to say Frodo, but Frodo is the main character, and Sam is Frodo's gardener and loyal assistant, who happens to be a gardener, so she accepts the "nickname".

She lifted the quilt and got up, walked to the table in rabbit slippers and started eating puff pastry.

"Merlin's beard, this is delicious!" she exclaimed. "There's a lot of cream and jam in it, come and taste it, Severus."

He looked at her and shook his head.

"Do you realize how serious the situation is now?"

"We almost died yesterday, how bad could it be?" She picked up her fork and popped a large piece of puff pastry into her mouth.

"The old fool said that dreams are a world that belongs entirely to us." He looked at her and said, "We can fly freely in dreams."

"He told you this?" She had a bitter face like eating a rotten walnut.

"He didn't tell me, do you remember the night when everyone lived in the auditorium?"

"You mean the night Sirius attacked the Fat Lady and everyone slept in sleeping bags?"

"I never dreamed it was you. We searched every corner of the castle but couldn't find Sirius Black."

"He's always been nocturnal, and you've always been in the lab doing experiments." Pomona looked at Severus "Albus told me he spent too much time in the office, So much so that I ignored the people and things around me, and didn’t notice what kind of changes happened to the people around me.”

Severus curled his lips and said slickly and slowly, "How many secrets do you have?"

"I have the same question. How many secrets do you have?" Pomona said. "What did the Dark Lord tell you when I was sleeping?"

"Should I tell her, Master?" Severus asked.

"Tell her," said Voldemort in her head. "There's nothing she can do anyway."

"In the Chamber of Secrets, Ginny Weasley almost slept forever. Tom Riddle's soul quickly materialized by absorbing her life. He could touch Harry Potter's wand." Severus stood up, just Blocking the sun, the black shadow was huge, covering her completely "Just like Peeves can throw chalk and water bombs at students, which gave him some inspiration, he needs to absorb a person's vitality to recover quickly But this person can't resist like Quirrell, he wants to open his heart to Tom Riddle like Ginny, and give willingly, so he chose one of the many followers."

"He wouldn't choose you and Lucius, would he?" Pomona said deadpan.

"Of course not us. I believe that you already have the answer in your heart. You are a smart girl."

"Not as smart as you think." Pomona shook her head, pushing the puff pastry aside, "Did you drug it?"

"It's too late for you to raise your vigilance now, your brain defense won't work against him."

"And he's not directly attached to me, Severus."

"Bella is still alive, although she is very weak." Severus said softly. "She is absolutely loyal to the Dark Lord, as she said, and even willing to give her life for him."

"But she is Lady Lestrange."

"I don't remember ever being too intimate with Bella," Voldemort said in her head.

"That Muggle woman, she said souls live where they can choose."

"It's the insula."

"If the soul is the choice, then the Goblet of Fire selects the warriors from among the many applicants, then does it also have a soul?" Severus asked, "I feel that the light emitted by the trophy is similar to the color of the soul."

"What's the point of mentioning it?" Pomona asked inexplicably. "It's just a portkey."

"I sorted out the situation carefully. The Goblet of Fire has been burning." Voldemort said in a hoarse voice, "Do you know where it is now?"

"What?" she asked blankly.

"It seems she doesn't know, Master." Severus said humbly, bowing his head.

"And you too," said Voldemort coldly. "She was with you all the time."

"Are you looking for the Goblet of Fire?" Pomona looked at Severus.

"It is I who want the Goblet of Fire," said Voldemort.

"The best way is not to look for the Goblet of Fire, so that even if he has a time-turner, he can't complete the resurrection ceremony without the Goblet of Fire." Severus looked at her, as if looking at another person through her" Don't inquire about anything related to the Goblet of Fire!"

"You defied him so much..."

"Never mind that." Severus shook his head. "I hope you're happy."

She was almost emotional and moved to tears.

"Are you going to do something stupid again?" she said dryly. "Look me in the eyes and talk, Severus Snape!"

But he was not obedient, and his eyes were still looking elsewhere.

Pomona followed his line of sight and saw a monster squatting on the ground, looking at them with a grinning grin. There was a golden ring in his palm.


She sat up abruptly.

Severus, who was reading by the window, was taken aback by her.

"Are you having a nightmare?" he asked.

Only then did Pomona realize that she was still lying on the bed instead of sitting at the table, and there was no mille-feuille on the table.

"Am I dreaming?" She asked in a daze.

"What did you dream about?" Severus asked seriously.

"You won't believe it." She wiped the cold sweat from her brow and said exhaustedly, "Make me some euphoria, Severus, I need it."

Without hesitation, he took a peacock blue test tube from the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket and handed it to her.

She only felt better after drinking the euphoria-making potion.

"I always thought this potion was useless." She looked at the empty test tube with a wry smile. "Who needs it to make happiness?"

"That's because you're a happy man, Pomona." He looked at her seriously. "One day we'll be free, I promise."

"We can find Sun Gold, as long as he doesn't find the Goblet of Fire, he can't be resurrected without the Goblet of Fire."

"What?" Severus' eyes widened in surprise.

"You should give me and memory potion, I almost forgot about that dream."

"Forget it and forget it, I'm here." He stretched out his arms and hugged her. "We will get through this difficulty together, and everything will be fine."

She snuggled into his arms, too lazy to think about anything.

It's a happy thing to be a carefree fool, and why should a fool Hufflepuff seek wisdom like Ravenclaw, what if she's as crazy as Bridget Willock?

Hufflepuff may not be able to become a savior like Harry, and may not be remembered like Dumbledore, but they will constitute many ordinary details that are almost negligible but essential.

the devil is in the details

Rowling tweeted that the Goblet of Fire made Voldemort's reborn body partly human, while his original body lost that quality with the use of black magic - reproduction, and Bella gave birth before the war Yes, I personally think this setting needs to be considered

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