Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1010 Try Your Luck

Mafia's English "Mafia" comes from Arabic, which means "fleeing".

The term was borrowed to refer to a group of middle-aged men living in Sicily, which was occupied by the Turks and Normans at the time, who organized themselves to protect their families from the invaders. Later, this group of people evolved into a group of people who enforced the law privately for revenge, and then evolved into a criminal organization.

Locally, it is an honor to be a member of the Mafia, known as "mafioso", which means "man of honour". The origin of the Mafia has nothing to do with the secret organizations in the Middle Ages.

The second installment of The Godfather of Movies tells the story of Don Vito Kryon's fortune in America. There is a story in which Pomona was very impressive. There was a widow who raised a puppy in order to relieve her loneliness. However, this dog liked to bark very much, which annoyed the neighbors around them. They joined forces to give advice to the landlord. Either the puppy goes or they go.

The landlord was an educated northern Italian who looked down on illiterate southerners from Sicily and Naples, who neglected his tenement apartment, allowed cockroaches and rats to gnaw the empty walls, and was constantly worried about the return on his investment. Not returning to the original, so extra irritable.

He heard the demands of the tenants, so he took this opportunity to increase the widow's rent, saying that it was for new guests.

The widow was desperate, she had no money, and all her friends were in the apartment, so she asked Vito Kryon for help, and he granted her request.

On the street, Vito Creon stopped the landlord and negotiated with him very politely: Since everyone is Italian, I beg you to do me a favor.

The landlord still has an arrogant attitude. Northern Italians have always been like this. How can a magnificent city be better in a country with only citrus and olive trees?

Northern Italy is closer to France and Germany, more consistent with the European Union in terms of ideology and behavior standards, and has a more developed economy.

People in southern Italy recognize leisurely life rather than rushing work. They pay more attention to the enjoyment of life. The pace of life is relatively slow.

But in the eyes of the landlord, this passion meant that any Southerner would stab him at any moment.

He was reluctant when Vito Kryon stopped him, although he and the unknown young man yelled, "What are you, dare to give orders to me, show me some respect, or your Sicilian ass will Going to the streets!" At that time, it seemed that he was not worried that the passionate Sicilian would stab him with a knife.

Vito Kryon had always been very polite to him, and insisted on putting the money into the hands of the landlord, as an expression of his kindness. As a result, the landlord knocked on the door of Vito Kryon's house that night, and sent the money to him. The goodwill money was returned to "Lord Kryon".

The widow could continue to live in the four-room dingy tenement facing the railroad without a rent increase, and she could keep the annoying dog.

In terms of money, there is a big difference between the south and the north of Italy. Italian women in the south do not control the property. They need to ask the man to buy food, while in the north, women control the property.

Northern men believe in "happy wife happy life", and women can buy whatever they want.

The landlord is from northern Italy, so he is a good husband and father, and it is precisely because of this that he is so anxious about money and investment management.

Vito Kryon later opened an olive oil shop. The same is olive oil. The price difference between ordinary people’s olive oil and virgin olive oil is huge. Kryon’s fancy is the civilian business. Two of his men visited Manhattan one by one. Every grocery store in , Brooklyn, and Bronx persuades the owner to sell olive oil imported from Italy. If he really meets the owner who cannot be persuaded by his subordinates, he will do it himself.

Vito Kryon had a reputation as a "reasonable" when he was young. He didn't give those shopkeepers "reasons they couldn't refuse", but relied on his terrible persuasion to get the grocery store owner to agree.

As his business expanded, he inevitably had competitors, and several Brooklyn olive oil wholesalers refused to work with him, so their olive oil warehouses were burned and their trucks dumped. On the cobblestone road, a tea-green lake is formed. There was a hot-headed Milanese who actually called the police to the American police, breaking the thousand-year-old rule of silence. Before the police's case progressed, he disappeared from the world, leaving behind a wife who loved him deeply and three child.

Compared with the poor and remote south, people in northern Italy are more fashionable and modern, and people in the south are more dreamy and romantic, but this is only a relative term. Small towns like Elaine in the Alps, Milan and Turin still have a slower pace of life. Much more, and there is no trace of modernization, it is still as simple as in the Middle Ages, and the residents living in the town are mostly elderly people, and none of them can speak English.

Fortunately, there are many clubs for mountaineering enthusiasts here. The location of the town is a hiking resort where Durin enters the Alps. It is also a famous black truffle producing area, and there are many guides who can speak English.

The town is built on the hillside. At first glance, it has the style of the southern French countryside. There is a small tea-green lake beside the town, and there are towering snow-capped mountains not far away. In summer, the hills will be covered by meadows.

Everything in the town is so alive, it's hard to believe that there is an entrance to hell in the mountains behind the town.

The most popular drink in the town was a golden edelweiss beer, but it seemed inappropriate to drink it early in the morning, so I checked in at the hotel, and after putting down my luggage, Pomona took Severus by the arm With his hands, he dragged the painting box to "sketch from life".

"Run slower!"

Pomona warns while Felix is ​​having fun on the grass.

"We're really in Italy!" Felix yelled excitedly. "It's amazing! Oh hoo!"

"This place is a madhouse." Severus complained dissatisfied, "Why do Italians like exaggerated gestures so much?"

Pomona thinks so.

Italians seem to think that jumping in line is not a big deal. There is a very delicious puff pastry in the town. Many people line up to buy it. The line is loose and casual. Pomona originally planned to buy a few for a picnic, but was rejected. Those who jumped in line were dismissed.

The Bernese don’t need to jump in the queue, because people are as rare as bears, and they probably look like mental patients in the eyes of the Swiss—there are no bears in the bear park, so what are they doing there early in the morning?

The Swiss don't like to greet others proactively, while the Italians are chattering non-stop.

It seems that an Alpine mountain blocks more than just clouds.

"There are a few farmhouses outside the town. Let's go there to try our luck." Pomona pointed to the few small wooden houses standing alone in the field. They are different from the wooden houses that the Swiss live in in summer, and they seem to be lived all year round. Yes, there are fences around the wooden house, and many livestock and poultry are raised inside.

"I don't think they'll know anything."

"You have to ask to know." Pomona carefully avoided a pile of cow dung. "Damn it, people in XZ will pick up cow dung and use it as firewood!"

"I won't eat food cooked with cow dung!" he warned viciously. "And dragon dung."

Pomona looked at him and shook her head.

What a spoiled city kid.

When they approached one of the farmhouses, their sheepdog suddenly started barking.

At first Pomona thought it was a white dog, but when she got closer she realized it was an albino dog.

Such as humans, rabbits, and rodents, the eyes of albinism will turn pink, the eyes of normal hares are black, the rabbits with white pink eyes are actually albinism, and the color of the eyes of dogs with albinism will change It's blue and its nose is pink.

Dogs with white hair and black eyes or noses are sometimes confused for albinism. True albino dogs are very rare.

"Hi! Hello!" Pomona waved to him friendly.

"What's the matter with you?" the boy asked in English.

"You guys have this dog?" asked Pomona.

"That's right." The boy said suspiciously.

"Your collie appears to be albino."

"I know that, we raised it on purpose."

"Did you raise it to defend against piggies?"

The little boy's eyes widened suddenly.

"how do you know!"

Pomona shrugged at Severus. "Look, I said, take your luck."

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