Chapter 1 Badger's Morning

There are many long valleys in this island country far away from the mainland, especially Loch Ness in northern Scotland. It looks a bit like an enlarged, slow-flowing river. The lakes of the mountains lie peacefully on the plains alluvial by the rivers.

"Oh my God, they let that plesiosaur come out again." As Pomona walked up the stairs from the second floor to the first floor, the daily Prophet was owled through the window, and St. Mrs. Prout was reading the news on the front page.

"What? Run away again?" her grandson Pete, who was eating oatmeal, couldn't help but hear the grandmother whispering, and the milk spurted out of his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth.

Pomona remembered the plesiosaur, but Muggles prefer to call it the Loch Ness Monster. Every year, many tourists from all over the world come here to visit that remote place with unremarkable scenery.

It likes to be noticed very much, and likes to see Muggles make a fuss when they see it, so it often goes to the Muggle world to hang out. The Ministry of Magic had to set traps around the lake, but they apparently had no effect, and the dragon reappeared.

"Don't they have anything else to report?" Pomona grumbled, walking past Sprout with her flowing platinum-blonde hair that looked like gold.

"Oh, miss!" screamed Mrs. Sprout at the sight of her attire. "Are you going out like this!"

"Is there a problem?" Pomona checked herself, because the blood of wizards is withered, and now many Muggle-born wizards have entered the wizarding world, so there are many people dressed in strange clothes.

She can be sure that she is definitely not wearing Muggle pajamas, but the style of this witch's robe reveals her calves, which is definitely not acceptable to an elderly witch like Mrs. Sprout.

"Your face, you forgot to cast a spell."

Pomona suddenly felt that her good mood in the morning was gone.

Humans have a sense of superiority over humanoid creatures. House elves are a race conquered by wizards in ancient wars, and each elf must receive enslavement training as soon as it is born. Veela is also a kind of elf, but they are big elves instead of little elves like house elves. Even though they were beautiful young women when they became human, marrying elves would still make those high-ranking wizards feel shameful. However, the beauty of veela is unforgettable for men who are obsessed with them, so there are many mixed-race illegitimate children like her in the world.

"Why should I hide my face?" Pomona didn't want to cast a spell on her face, she was eleven years old, and every girl at this age wants to be well-groomed, and what else? It wasn't her who did the shameful thing, why should she bear the punishment for the consequences not caused by her own mistakes?

"Miss, please don't embarrass me." Mrs. Sprout looked at Pomona with pleading eyes.

"I think you look good in that," Pete said, chewing on a banana slice. "Are you going on a date?"

"No, I'm just going to Diagon Alley. I need a wand no matter whether I end up going to Hogwarts or Beauxbatons."

Pomona's biological father was French but had lived in England with Mrs Sprout for as long as she could remember.

She was supposed to go to Beauxbatons, but then she would be at the same school as many "relatives" and it would be awkward for both of them.

"Oh, I can't let you go to Diagon Alley alone!" Mrs. Sprout exclaimed. "The wizarding world is not suitable for an eleven-year-old to wander around."

"Isn't the war over long ago?"

"Greenwald's being in prison doesn't mean the world is safe. He was a prophet and a liar, and there are still many people who believe every word he says."

Pomona is tired of this, she just wants a simple life, why do humans complicate simple problems.

"I hear there's another pure-blood madman," interjected. "At school he was called Tom Riddle, but now his servants call him the Dark Lord."

"You shouldn't be talking about a dark wizard like that," Mrs. Sprout accused Peter. "You're going to get yourself in big trouble."

"How could he know, I'm at my own home." Pete put down the spoon, picked up the bowl, and drank up the rest of the oatmeal in two or three bites. , let's go together."

"Should I put a spell on my face?"

"Why? You don't like it, don't you?" When Pete walked up to Pomona, he suddenly bent down and leaned into her ear and said, "If anyone asks who you are, just say you're dating me."

Pomona couldn't help giggling.

"At least eat breakfast before leaving!"

Pomona vaguely heard Mrs. Sprout shout as the green fire of pilchard blazed in the fireplace, but the excitement of having a wand of her own made her forget her hunger, and she could finally officially become a The wizard is gone.

What's more important is that she can leave the house called home, which is actually a cage. She lived in the apartment her father arranged for her for only a few weeks. It looked large and luxurious, but she lived alone, so Mrs. Sprout took her into her own home.

During the reign of Gellert Grindelwald, not only the wizarding world, but the Muggle world also had World War II. Pete's father worked in the Ministry of Magic and died in an accident, and his mother worked in St. Mungo's .

Pomona knew that Pete's perpetually cheerful personality was because he was a Hufflepuff or it was by nature, that there was never any gloom or depression on his face, and that he always had a smell of cheesecake on him scent.

Mrs. Sprout is very good at food magic, in her eyes, food can bring happiness. When the war starts, everyone will be busy fighting, the land will become scorched, no one will be able to farm and raise livestock, and food will become very scarce, she repeated in their ears like a mantra.

After Pete went to Hogwarts, he only needed to listen to her nagging every winter and summer vacation, while Pomona had to listen to it every day. Between being chanted and learning food magic spells, she bravely chose the latter, Her "talent" was awakened by food.

The Floo exit of Sprout's house in Diagon Alley was just opposite the Honey Baron, and she could smell a strong smell of honey from the moment she stepped out of the fireplace.

Diagon Alley was the same, except that everyone who passed by looked twice at her face, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

"Take my hand, dear princess." Pete walked to her side, curled his arms, and said to her with a smile, "Today I will be your knight."

"Where is your sword?" Pomona looked Pete up and down. Boys changed rapidly after the age of sixteen, and Pete was already much taller than her.

"Here." Pete took out his wand, "Since everyone is here, do you want to buy a broomstick?"

"That's what you're after, isn't it?" Pomona suddenly realized that Pete had been complaining that his broomstick was too slow for him to perform badly in Quidditch. Pay him more for the newest broom.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Pete said with a grin. "I'm just a Hufflepuff."

After speaking, Pete took Pomona's hand and blended into the bustling crowd.

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