Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 292 The twins’ words

After Dumbledore completely left, Wright also stood up from the sofa in the living room, preparing to go to the Leaky Cauldron to tell Chang Chu that he was going to France as an exchange student this semester.

As for Vilita, he stayed behind and asked her to familiarize herself with the use of Slytherin's snake staff to avoid any problems in the future.

As for the basilisk, Wright planned to explain it to Villita after he came back. After all, that thing couldn't be explained clearly in a few words.

Before leaving, Wright specially warned Villita that if she wanted to try the power of the snake staff, it was best to practice it in the magic training room of the Golden Tower and never release it into the air.

In order to avoid accidents, Wright also taught Villita a magic trick: to restore her body to its original state.

However, when Wright arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, Molly, who was not at the Leaky Cauldron just now, had already returned to the bar and was walking towards Harry and Arthur, who were still sitting at the bar. Hermione had disappeared by this time, probably following her parents back home.

Next to Molly, closely followed by Percy, the new student body president, Fred and George who looked disappointed, and Ginny, the only daughter of the Weasley family.

After saying hello to the Weasley family, Wright was about to go upstairs when he was suddenly stopped by Boss Tom.

"Wright, wait a minute!" Boss Tom shouted, "You want to go to room fourteen, right?"

Although it was a question, Boss Tom said it in the affirmative.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Wright turned around and looked at Boss Tom suspiciously and asked.

"It's like this. The guest in Room 14 has checked out just now." Boss Tom said, "The guest staying in Room 14 now is another guest, although I don't know if you know him. ”

"Already left?" Wright said with some surprise, "Uncle Chang, that middle-aged gentleman, isn't he very drunk?"

"Yeah, I thought he was drunk to death just now, and he won't be able to leave until at least noon tomorrow." Boss Tom said in surprise, "But just after you left with the blond girl, he took the black-haired girl with him. The little girl left the Leaky Cauldron together."


"Yes, he looks very sober. He doesn't look like a drunk person at all." Boss Tom said, "Merlin's wine flask. You must know that this gentleman drank nearly twenty bottles of wine, and even drank some wine." Including some with high alcohol content, no customer has ever behaved as well as he can drink, and he can't stop drinking. "

Wright stopped going upstairs with a speechless expression. He had thought that Chang Wei would really not wake up until tomorrow. You must know that so much wine plus a coma spell would at least have that effect. But I didn't expect that he had only been away for a long time before this cheap father-in-law ran away with Chang Chu like this?

And if he took Chang Chu out of the Leaky Cauldron just after he and Vilitta left, what does that mean?

Co-author: This father-in-law just doesn’t want to see me at all? Pretending to sleep? Or something else? Is this level too difficult to overcome?

"Thank you, Boss Tom." Wright, who was in a complicated mood, thanked Tom.

"It's getting late, Wright, do you want to eat in the bar? It's almost dinner time." Boss Tom asked with a smile, "Arthur and his family are also planning to eat here."

"Aren't the Weasleys going back?" Wright asked.

"Yes." Boss Tom paused. Maybe it didn't matter if he told Wright the news, so he continued, "Arthur and his family plan to live in the bar until school starts. You know, their family has seven people." Personally, even three days is a huge expense.”

"They won the Daily Prophet's jackpot before." Wright said with a normal expression.

"Yes, but didn't they also go to Egypt?" Tom said, "Seven hundred galleons is indeed a lot of money."

After chatting for a few more words, Wright resigned from Boss Tom and prepared to leave from the Leaky Cauldron.

However, Fred and George, who had been waiting impatiently, jumped out and stopped him.

"Wright!" Fred grabbed Wright's hand. "Old man, it's wonderful to see you!"

"How are you doing recently?" George pushed Fred away and said pretendingly.

"What tricks are you two playing?" Wright looked at the twins' tricks speechlessly. If he didn't know how these two guys behaved in daily life, he would definitely cooperate with their performances.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about the two of us?" Fred came over and yelled.

"Wright, don't you think we acted very much like the same person just now?" George winked and pointed in the direction of his third brother.

"What evil did Percy do? Or what evil did you all do to Percy?"

"Committing evil? How dare we!" Fred shouted, "The second student body president in the family! Mom's most precious son!"

"What a huge head! (Note)" George also sneered.

"Okay, you two, tell me what you want. I'm in a hurry to go back to eat." Wright interrupted the twins' complaints to Percy and said.

"That's right, do you remember the birthday gift you gave us both before?" George asked.

"Prankster twin demons?"

"That's it!" Fred said happily, "Even after calling its name a hundred times, I still love it so much!"

"What's wrong?" Wright asked, "Could it be that after your unremitting efforts, you finally broke it?"

"How is that possible?" George said seriously, "My dark blue devil is intact, but something happened to Fred's purple devil. Maybe it's missing a leg."

"Actually, it's missing a head." Fred said with a smile after taking the joke from George.

"If you keep doing this, I will have to leave. Because your mother is walking this way, and she probably wants to ask you to go to dinner." Wright reminded.

"Then I'll have to talk to you about this tomorrow." Fred turned his head in disappointment.

"Mom won't want to see and hear what we have to say later." George also felt a little regretful.

What on earth have you done! Even to this extent? Why do you feel like you've dragged me into this?

"Let's just say it this way, let's talk about it tomorrow." Wright ended the topic briefly, because he had already seen the unkind look from Molly.

Wright patted the twins on the shoulders, nodded to Molly, and then disapparated once again and left the Leaky Cauldron, returning to St. Catchpole.

As for the mischievous Gemini Demons and the twins, leave it to their real nemesis, Molly Weasley!

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