Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 276 What spring does to the cherry tree

Wright was in a daze.

He tapped the saprophytic wood wand wrapped around his wrist, and the wand fell smoothly into his palm. The smooth body of the wand seemed to fit perfectly with every line in his palm.

"Call the gods to protect you."

A vague silver-white behemoth emerged from the tip of the wand. After circling Chang Chu in a circle, it gradually dissipated in the air. Scattered silver starlight was still woven around her body. .

At this moment, Wright's heart stopped.

He didn't care why Chang Chu and Hermione, who were supposed to be staying in Dijon, France, appeared in St. Catchpole or appeared together on broomsticks; they didn't see Harry looking at Chang Chu with surprise and envy. The handle of Chu Yue that Chu held in his hand exuded a soft glaze, and he almost lost the ability to describe his emotions in words; he never thought that this sudden patron saint spell would bring trouble to several people present.

"Tonight, I'm going to do with you what spring does with cherry trees."

The moon faded into darkness.

The faint fragrance floated, and the faint fragrance swirled in the room, entering from Wright's ears and into his nose.

Dots of starlight filtered in through the carved windows, falling on the clean bed, the raised pillows, and Chang Chu's blushing face.

Wright was breathing unsteadily and holding back.

"We -" Chang Chu suddenly became nervous. She might be able to boldly break into the dark and dangerous Forbidden Forest and remain calm in the face of the ferocious Acromantula, but it was absolutely impossible to remain calm in such an environment.

Inexplicable, panic, fear.

Joy, anticipation, shyness.

These extremely complex emotions were intertwined, torturing her and making her tense up.

He tried to suppress his breathing, but his breathing became increasingly rapid.

"What's wrong with us?" Wright asked teasingly, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Chang Chu buried her head deeply into his chest like a frightened ostrich.

Wright lifted Chang Chu's chin and pressed it gently.

Chang Chu closed his watery eyes, raised his head, and kissed her on his own initiative, panting and infecting him with her scent.

Wright put his arms around Chang Chu's waist and cooperated with the girl's somewhat jerky kiss.

.........Forget it, just fuck it,......

The early morning sunshine filled every piece of land in the village of Saint Cachipol. This three-story building located on the northern edge of the village woke up from the wonderful night.

"Until now, I can't believe that Ron and his family actually won the first prize of the Daily Prophet." Hermione carefully looked at the latest newspaper in her hand, for fear of missing something above. Some of the messages from good friends said, "But the most unbelievable thing to me is that they are actually planning to spend all that money at once! Seven hundred gold galleons! What a lot of money!"

"Yeah, yeah." Harry picked up a biscuit somewhat mechanically. He had already guessed what Hermione was about to say, because this scene had been repeated many times yesterday.

"And, they actually went to Egypt! Egypt!" Hermione raised her head and looked at Harry. She emphasized her tone, her bright eyes like a burning flame, "According to historical records, ancient Egypt almost had the most valuable resources in the world. Time-honored Wizard Questions. Oh my gosh! I bet Ron will learn a lot of new things this summer! Ancient Egyptian wizards are so fascinating!”

I bet Ron will be very tan this summer! And you won’t learn anything new! Harry picked up the milk cup and cursed in his mind.

At this moment, Harry and Hermione were the only two people sitting in the kitchen. The owners of the house, Wright and Chang Chu, and Villita were still on the third floor. The two of them could only pick some topics to talk about. .

"I really didn't expect that Wright actually built such a big house by himself! There are many books in his study that I haven't read yet. I will definitely read them later!"


"The food cooked by the Wright family chef elf tastes really good. It tastes just like what we eat in school. I wonder if I will gain weight this summer."


"I don't know if my parents found the note we left there. I hope they won't be surprised that we dared to take such a risk and return to the UK. You know, they both definitely want to fly back."


"Harry, you must have learned a lot from Wright here, right? You have lived here for almost half a month."

This couldn't be answered with simple modal particles, and Harry began to rack his brains to think about other things he had learned in the past ten days.

Summer homework that’s almost finished? No, most of those assignments can be found out by just looking up the books.

A little progressive Quidditch? Hermione didn't like Quidditch that much.

A mysterious alchemy tool? It's quite interesting, but I didn't understand it, I just watched it a few times.

Just when Harry began to despair, a sound of brisk footsteps came from the kitchen door.

A moment later, Light walked into the kitchen with a smile, picked up two sumptuous breakfasts, and immediately left the kitchen. The whole time, he didn't notice Harry's look of help and Hermione's searching look. look.

While Harry and Hermione were looking at each other, a calm-looking Villita moved into the kitchen step by step with visible pressure, and left with her breakfast.

"What's wrong with them?" Harry couldn't help but ask, expecting his good friends across the street to give him a comprehensive and reliable answer like before, "Why do they look so strange? And Chang Chu isn't here either. Here? Is the breakfast that Wright served for her?"

"It seems so, right?" Hermione looked at Villita's disappearing back in confusion, her tone full of uncertainty, "It's just that they all looked strange, as if they had suffered something terrible overnight. ”

"Are there any strange creatures here?" Hermione asked Harry suspiciously.

"Does Luwei count?" Harry scratched his head, "It's the three-headed dog Luwei we saw last year, but this time it only has one head, and its size is also very small... Well, according to its previous size In terms of size, it’s relatively small.”

"But it listens to Wright, doesn't it?" Hermione frowned, "And Wright seems quite happy, but Villita is in a bad mood."

While Hermione and Harry were having a discussion in the kitchen on the first floor, there was Wright's room on the third floor.

"Call the gods to protect you."

A giant tiger with bright silver light emerged from the top of Wright's wand, bringing an even more joyful atmosphere to the room that was already filled with a happy atmosphere.

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