Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 251 Since ancient times, red and blue have appeared in cp

"birthday present?"

"Yes." Wright nodded naturally, "Two dolls, one for each person."

In fact, perhaps except for the Weasley family, few people know that Fred and George, a pair of naughty twins who like to play tricks all day long, also had their birthdays on April 1, 1978, that is, Commonly recognized as April Fool's Day.

After all, since entering Hogwarts, the Weasley twins have always been the kings of pranks. Although they are only in fourth grade now (fifth grade after school starts), even Peeves, who has lived in the castle for nearly a thousand years, has secretly acknowledged their talent for making trouble.

But it is precisely because of Fred and George's cheerful personalities that few people pay attention to their birthdays. In the words of one of their good friends, Li Jordan, "Every day I spend with George and Fred is an extremely happy holiday. Anyone can have as many Gryffins as they want, but they are absolutely indispensable." .

Wright once browsed this information by chance and remembered this date firmly. After all, compared to July 31st, when Harry was born, and September 19th, when Hermione was born, April 1st is more memorable and easier to remember.

It's just that he had been busy preparing for the Animagus in April and didn't have time to send out the gifts.

George wordlessly took a dark blue doll on the table, and Fred took another purple one.

Compared with the flying props, transforming hats, fluorescent lamps and other products that Wright brought out before, the appearance of this pair of "prank-loving twin demons" is more in line with the product positioning of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, which is a prank product. .

With its slippery and extremely ferocious appearance, it looks like a little devil crawling out of hell, with short tentacles, dim yellow eyes, sharp fangs, a pair of membrane wings the size of bat wings, and a Thin and pointed tail. The red and blue twin demons in the hands of Fred and George exuded a strong smell of teasing from beginning to end.

"George, this seems to be the first time someone has given us a birthday gift besides family members." Fred pinched the wings of the purple devil. The words were obviously questions, but in his words they were calm and straightforward.

"If I remember correctly, it seems like this." George pulled the dark blue demon's arm with a complicated look on his face.

"I wanted to be a little touched."

"Me too."


"Stop it!" Wright said dryly. Why is this scene becoming more and more pretentious? Could it be that the people sitting in front of him at this time were not the Weasley twins, but the more sentimental Weasley sisters?

"Speak normally, I'm scared!"

"Pfft!" Fred couldn't help laughing, and George sitting next to him also laughed and covered his stomach.

"Let me tell you, Wright must not be able to bear such a scene!" George wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, with a cheerful smile still on his face. "As long as we perform such a melodrama, he will Stop immediately."

"You win! George!" Fred patted George's shoulder hard, "That one galleone is yours! Seeing such a scene, even the one galleone ticket price is worth it!"

"I thought so too, haha!" George said with a laugh.

Wright touched his wrist with a stiff expression. The saprophytic wood wand began to rise and fall with the owner's thoughts, as if it would turn into a straight-handled wand and appear in his hand in the next second.

Looking at the twins who were still overjoyed, Wright wasn't sure whether it would be a good idea to give each of them a break at this time, or whether it would be a good idea to just kick them out of his home now.

"Light! Don't be like this!" Fred raised his hands excitedly, almost throwing the purple devil out of his hands, "This is just a joke! Don't be too excited!"


"That's absolutely the case!" George also raised his hands and looked at Wright sincerely, "I guarantee it with Fred's personality!"

Before Wright spoke first, Fred got angry: "Why are you using my personality as a guarantee instead of your own?"

"I don't know why I said that." George shrugged, "But I think it's quite natural. Is there anything wrong?"

"It doesn't seem like it." Fred pinched his chin and looked like he was thinking seriously.

"That's it!"

"Although I didn't find anything wrong, I just felt something was wrong." Fred jokingly pointed the purple devil in his hand at George's face, "Little red devil, help me teach this man a lesson!"

Wright's pupils shrank, but before he could stop him, the crimson demon's eyes suddenly widened, and a fierce and fierce flame spurted out from its mouth!

George, who was so close, couldn't react in time. The moment he saw the flames approaching, he only had time to jerk his head to the right.

Fortunately, Fred had also noticed this unexpected situation, and he quickly tilted the purple demon in his hand to the right.

The flames narrowly missed George's head and hit the wall behind him with a bang. The originally white and clean wall immediately became darkened.

"Huh!" George, who survived the disaster, breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he found that his back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

The purple little devil stopped spraying flames outwards, burped with some energy, and then closed his mouth.

Fred wanted to apologize to George immediately, but seeing George's appearance at this time, he couldn't help laughing again.

Just when George was wondering, he suddenly smelled a smell of burning hair.

An extremely ominous premonition came to his heart. George raised his left hand tremblingly and touched the left side of his head. The stubble touch told him that half of his original bright hair had been burned off.

Wright suppressed a smile and kindly handed over a mirror.

"NOOOOOO!!" Looking at the semi-bald head in the mirror, George wailed loudly.

"Don't be like this, George. Mom will cure it. Just a bottle of hair growth potion will do." Fred pretended to comfort him and patted George's shoulder. "No, you just lost one side of your hair. Maybe half a bottle is enough." That's enough."

"Little blue devil! Help me get revenge!" George directly raised the dark blue devil and aimed it at Fred's head.

Biting frosty air spurted out from the dark blue devil's mouth, directly freezing half of Fred's hair on the right side.

"Fire can burn your hair, but when have you ever seen that ice can also freeze your hair?" Fred shook his head with a smile while shivering from the cold, and icicles as thick as hair fell from his head. It was thrown out and fell to the ground with a crisp dinging sound.

"Really?" George sneered, "You'll know just by touching it."

"Even if I touch it ten thousand times, it won't change the result." Fred directly pulled out a large handful of icicles from the right side of his head, "Look if you don't believe me!"

Fred smiled and looked into his hand, only to see a red hair wrapped in the middle of each crystal clear icicle.

The twins, one of whom had less hair on one side, looked at each other miserably, and the next moment, they looked at the culprit sitting on the other side with hatred and hostility.

With a crackling sound, Wright's figure left directly from the spot, leaving only one sentence in the air.

"The functions of the Gemini Demon are more than that, you can explore slowly! Also, please clean up the hygiene in my house before leaving, otherwise I will go to your house and complain to your mother!"

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