Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 289 Pettigrew killed Cedric

To say how demonic the wind was, it was so demonic that it blew Harry Potter away like a piece of paper.

Snape finally became nervous, because Harry Potter's current situation was obviously abnormal.

If you can slow down the scene now, you can see that Cedric is one step faster than Harry Potter and has already stepped on the pedestal.

However, as long as Harry Potter touches this pedestal, the trophy will be transferred again, but this is obviously not the result that the people who helped Harry Potter want.

Harry Potter flew directly over Cedric's head and towards the trophy.

Not to be outdone, Cedric reached out and grabbed the trophy.

In an instant, the two children who touched the trophy at the same time disappeared together with the trophy.

"What's going on? Barty Crouch, what's going on? Regulus Black, you promised me there's nothing wrong with the props."

Minister of Magic Fudge suddenly felt that he had been cheated, so he became extremely nervous and wanted to push away the responsibility.

"Don't be nervous! Minister Fudge, when things are unclear, the most taboo thing is to mess up."

Regulus Black walked out with a sullen expression, but looking at his face, no one would think it was him who did it. On the contrary, anyone who knew him well knew that Regulus Black was very angry now.

"I want to recover that gauntlet first!"

Regulus Black levitated after saying this, so naturally he didn't need anyone's approval.

"Shrink quickly!"

Regulus Black directly waved his magic wand to change the giant Stanislav Ivanetsi, who continued to stand in the center of the maze, back to his original appearance. As for his act of directly changing the person back, would it hurt him? He couldn't care anymore.

"Send him to the medical service."

After taking off the bulky gauntlet, Regulus Black directly ordered the students around him to do this.

“A lot of issues were taken into consideration when designing, so these gauntlets can determine the position of each other. There is no problem with the props I made myself. At the same time, the two missing warriors can be found through these four gauntlets. "

Regulus Black said and handed the gauntlet to the Auror beside him for inspection.

Several Aurors put on the gauntlets, and soon they determined one thing. Cedric and Harry Potter were in a distant place at this time. If the location was not mistaken, there were many wizards there. Everyone knows it, but many wizards deliberately ignore it.

Riddle Hangleton Cemetery, Lord Voldemort's family cemetery.

"Look! There's another image."

Regulus Black calculated that there had been a difference of nearly half a minute from the time the warriors in the match disappeared to the time the images appeared now.

It seems that the speed of remote image transmission is still not as good as the Muggle system, and further research is needed.

On the big screen, Cedric and Harry Potter appeared in a cemetery. There happened to be the largest crucible there, and the potion was being warmed in it. The two children who were teleported by the trophy didn't know what happened. What's going on!


A figure came out of the dark corner and shot the killing curse directly on Cedric.


Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, the Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic, saw his son being killed with his own eyes. He immediately collapsed and fell to the ground. That was the Dark Lord's family cemetery. Anyone who could take action It's obvious who it is.

Peter Pettigrew appears holding a baby-like object, the one who has just killed Cedric Diggory.

Because the resurrection of the Dark Lord cannot be unexpected, it is natural to kill the extra people directly.

Just as Harry Potter was about to take action, Peter Pettigrew took control of his body and nailed him to the tomb statue behind him. A statue of the God of Death was controlled by a transformation spell, turning it from a stone statue into a living stone statue. Harry Potter was held firmly in his arms.

"What are you still doing? Arrest Peter Pettigrew immediately."

Regulus Black turned around and shouted to the Aurors around him. It was obvious that someone had cast a 'portkey' spell on the trophy and tricked Harry Potter out of Hogwarts.

The surrounding Aurors looked at each other, and someone immediately performed a 'Apparition', targeting Riddle Hangleton's cemetery.

However, the person who had just left soon came back.

"We can't get there. Someone has cast a secrecy spell on Riddle Hangleton's grave, and the secret keeper should be..."

The returning Auror looked at the big screen. Peter Pettigrew was proudly preparing for the ceremony, the ceremony for Voldemort's resurrection.

'Phantom Movement' is a long-distance movement spell, but the wizard must have visited the location himself. Only such a clear memory can be used as coordinates, and these Aurors who have been to Riddle Hangleton's cemetery, The reason why they couldn't reach the place they wanted was because another spell was taking effect.

The 'Secret Loyalty' spell can hide a location through magic. It is generally used to keep the address secret. When this spell is used, even people who originally knew the address will not be able to find the location. , people who want to find this address will wander around, and only the people who live at this address and the only secret keeper can remember this address.

If the secret keeper is revealed, it is very likely that the address can be obtained through torture or the 'Legilimency' spell. Once the secret is revealed, the 'Secret Loyalty' spell will lose its effect and everyone who knows the address will Think about it.

However, when the secret keeper is hiding in this confidential address, then there is no way for outsiders to find this place. Even if you stand at the door, you will leave for countless reasons.

Therefore, Peter Pettigrew made himself the secret keeper and stayed in the place where he cast the 'Secret Loyalty' spell. That was the safest way to hide, and it was the only way to escape the arrival of the Aurors, because everyone who wanted to Any Aurors who wanted to go would fly elsewhere.

When Cedric and Harry Potter touched the trophy at the same time, the world was spinning and the two people were transferred out.

Even Hogwarts's defensive magic cannot stop the use of the Portkey from the inside out.

"This is where?"

Cedric, who was dizzy from the fall, looked at his surroundings. It was obviously a cemetery, but he had never been there before.

But soon he knew why, because the trophy they snatched was actually cast under a 'portkey' spell, so they were transported to a strange place.

"I seem to have been to this place before."

A strange memory occupied Harry Potter's mind, as if he had been here a long time ago. This made him involuntarily look at the tombstones around him, and a surname named Riddle came into view. This place was actually similar to Voldemort has something to do with it.

"Cedric! Go back to the trophy, it's not safe here."

Harry Potter instinctively felt that this was not a place to stay forever, so it would be best to leave as soon as possible while nothing happened.

"Harry Potter, we were sent here by a portkey. Isn't that part of the game?"

Cedric was a little confused about the current situation. He first studied the 'portkey' spell on the trophy, and then began to observe the environment here. There was a surprise at the end of the game, which he did not expect.

"No! Go back to the trophy, there is danger here...ah!"

Harry Potter suddenly felt a splitting headache, and a powerful soul force appeared around him.

Peter Pettigrew appeared holding Voldemort in his baby state. He looked so evil, as if he had crawled out of hell.

In the center of the cemetery, the crucible that was originally simmering on a low fire immediately burst into flames.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

When Cedric saw that Harry Potter looked in pain, he knew there must be something wrong with these two people, but he didn't see them casting a spell on Harry Potter. It was completely unclear how this happened.

"We don't need extra people here."

Voldemort didn't have that much nonsense for him, and directly ordered Peter Pettigrew to kill people.


Without even the slightest sense of self-defense, Cedric fell to the ground and died on the spot.

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