Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 271 What’s going on with this black dog?

Harry Potter VS The Black Dragon of the Hesidian Islands

This was the last battle with the fire dragon. The melon-eating crowd was cheering, but this could not offset Harry Potter's fear at all.

For a whole week, Harry Potter didn't have the slightest plan. Without Hermione, the brain that formed the iron triangle, Harry Potter only had blood, courage and unscrupulous boasters around him.

Harry Potter does not need to achieve anything to become the object of their praise, just because Harry Potter defeated Voldemort when he was young. This great achievement alone is enough to brag about for a lifetime.

However, this is not the case at all for Harry Potter. Harry Potter's parents sacrificed for this, and what he calls defeating Voldemort is the magic and love left on him by his parents. It's the key to defeating Voldemort.

In other words, Harry Potter had no credit for defeating Voldemort.

Harry Potter knew this very well, but he couldn't explain it to the people around him.

Therefore, Harry Potter envied Cedric because he got the dragon egg from the Welsh Green Dragon. This was a real thing, and he was the most relaxed among all the warriors. This made Harry Potter envious.

Harry Potter still doesn't know what to do to get the dragon egg, especially when facing the black dragon of the Hesidian Islands.

According to the explanation given by Regulus Black's assistant, only the Black Dragon of the Heshidry Islands has the ability to control dragon flames better than the Chinese Fireball.

The Chinese Fireball can turn dragon fire into a ball, while the Hesidian Black Dragon can turn its own dragon fire into flowers.

It is a super fire control ability that is like magic control. Some basic flame states, such as fire tornadoes, fire waves, fire rain, and fire bombs, are not problems. In other words, what Harry Potter has to face is A master of fire magic control.

It can be said that there is no chance of winning! If only the invisibility cloak were fireproof!

"Harry Potter! Harry Potter! Harry Potter!"

The cheers suddenly rose, awakening Harry Potter from his thoughts.

The audience was already in place, and so was Harry Potter, who was standing just outside the entrance. A few steps inside would have killed him in flames.

The black dragon of the Heshidry Islands was taking a breather. At the same time, the black dragon was also wondering, when did he have the dragon egg?

I remember that I had just roasted a deer and it was snatched away by those annoying thieves. I was very angry and burned down a large area, but I still couldn't find those damn thieves, and then I was caught.

Those wizards must be accomplices of the thieves. They are coveting their own barbecue skills. It seems that just stealing their own barbecue is no longer enough for them. Now they even kidnap the chef. How abominable!

correct! Why do I have dragon eggs? I still can’t remember when I was born. When was it born? Who is Long Bao's father? It's so disgusting, I still can't remember it. Reminds me, I must make it look good!

Thinking of getting angry, the Black Dragon of the Heshidry Islands spit out a mouthful of dragon flames forward.

Poor Harry Potter was attacked by the dragon's fire before he could even enter the sight of the black dragon of the Heshidry Islands.

What is it like to be washed by dragon flames from the front? Harry Potter's mind went blank at this moment... No! It was dragon flames that filled the screen in front of his eyes, and pieces of red flames sprayed out, giving people the illusion that they were about to become one with the flames.

The people who said they ran were all people who had never really faced this kind of situation. If they were able to resist and be burned to death, they could be said to have reacted quickly. Those who ran away directly like in the movie, whether they were He is a strong man both mentally and physically.

Harry Potter couldn't reach this level yet, so he froze.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side and knocked Harry Potter down. This black shadow was the black dog transformed by Sirius Black, and he actually saved his godson's life at a critical moment.

There are many people who know that this is Sirius Black, but after all, it is a matter in a small circle. Even if Regulus Black tries to exonerate Sirius, he still does not disclose that Sirius Black is an Arnie. Report on Mags.

However, I didn't expect that this otherwise worry-free brother would show up like this.

"Sirius Black! I hope you didn't forget your collar."

Regulus Black closed his eyes and felt the collar he specially made for Sirius. It was not only a prop to restrain Sirius, but also a prop to provide protection.

The black dog that had just knocked down Harry Potter suddenly made a motion of grabbing the collar with its hind legs, and the collar clanged loudly.

"Godfather! Do you want me to help you get it?"

Harry Potter said as he tried to help Sirius take off the collar.

"If you don't want to be disqualified, stop being stupid and don't talk godfather to this stupid dog."

This was clearly the voice of Assistant Teacher Regulus Black, coming from the black dog's collar, which made Harry Potter's extended hand pretend to be to appease the dog.

"Since this stupid dog is involved, he can only be a dog, and he must be a dog, the helper you summoned."

Regulus Black stood up in the audience and pushed his way through the crowd towards Headmaster Dumbledore.

"What's going on with this black dog? Is this cheating!"

Principal Igor Karkaroff excitedly waved the steel staff in his hand. If a Hogwarts warrior could be disqualified, why wouldn't a black dog be an excuse? Even if Harry Potter brought out a rabbit Feeding the fire dragon can be used as an excuse!

"Calm down! Principal Igor Karkarov, pay attention to your image. This matter depends on what Director Barty Crouch says. Whether the contestants can summon animal companions should have a standard, right?"

When Regulus Black arrived, he limited the question to the word 'animal companion', which was obviously not intended to reveal the fact that this was Sirius Black.

"Regulus! There is no precedent for a warrior to summon an animal companion to fight. However, I personally think that as long as he does not summon a fire dragon to deal with another fire dragon, it is not a violation, haha!"

Barty Crouch is also a wonderful person who can read people's faces and speak. Looking at Regulus Black's face, Barty Crouch said a very broad standard.

hehe! Can a person who can summon a fire dragon still be unable to defeat another fire dragon?

"I protest!"

Principal Igor Karkaroff excitedly waved the steel staff in his hand. He had done this behavior many times.

"Don't you think you would have protested if Harry Potter had been burned to death just now?"

Snape suddenly appeared behind Igor Karkaroff and asked gloomily.

Is there a chill in your back? Igor Karkarov felt as if he had been stabbed in the back by an assassin.

"Does that mean that as long as you don't ask other people for help, animal companions and even magical animals are within the summonable range, then some props can also be used, right?"

Regulus Black continued to discuss this issue very seriously. After all, it involves future competition standards. If a consensus can be reached in advance, it will also be good for future competitions.

"I think there is no problem with this. After all, if something happens that makes the Ministry of Magic feel that it should be restricted, then it only needs to be restricted based on that issue. Broad standards will help the warriors broaden their minds."

Dumbledore finally spoke, apparently settling the matter.

Madame Maxime has nothing to worry about. After all, her students have already won. Even if the restrictions are to add trouble, it is equivalent to adding trouble to her future self. Any problems after Hogwarts suggests this can be attributed to Hogwarts. On the head.

"Now that everyone has agreed, let's continue the game! It looks like it's going to rain outside."

Regulus Black looked up at the sky. Fine rain powder was falling. Such weather was very disturbing to the fire dragon.

"The game continues, and the warrior can summon animal companions to assist."

Barty Crouch also announced the results.

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