Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 264 Promise, Oath, Contract and Love

Gabriel Delacour actually walked straight towards the fire dragon, which was definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

The Chinese Fireball showed a hint of fun. The dragon's tail gently tapped the ground and looked at the approaching villain with interest.

"Well! Can I take the dragon egg?"

Gabrielle looked up at the tall dragon head and received a shake of her head.

"Then how can I take away the dragon egg? You have to know that this dragon egg is fake and is just a prop for the competition."

Gabrielle innocently told the truth, this is not a real dragon egg, so just give it to lovely Gabrielle!

"Oh my god! This kid is actually discussing with the fire dragon. How can he be so naive!"

Ron looked like he couldn't stand it. Not only him, but many students were worried about Gabrielle's IQ.

"Shut up! Watch carefully. The Chinese Fireball is the smartest type of fire dragon. You can communicate directly in front of it. If it doesn't want to talk to you, it will expel anyone who comes close."

Hermione had a book about fire dragon types in her hand, and the part she was opening was an introduction to Chinese fireballs.

Suddenly, the Chinese Fireball moved, and it waved one of its front paws towards Gabrielle.

"Run! Escape! Where are the Aurors? Professor! Professor!"

There were screams of surprise in the audience, a warrior was about to be beaten to pulp by the fire dragon.

"Look! A fire dragon is a fire dragon. It's the smartest thing. It's just a beast."

Ron was also worried about Gabrielle on the court, but he still had to retort to Hermione.

"Gabriy will be fine."

Hermione closed the book hard. Although she was surprised by this situation, Hermione still believed in her own judgment and believed that the Ministry of Magic would not sit back and watch the warriors die.

Regarding this last point, there is nothing the Ministry of Magic can do, after all, sometimes rescue may not always be timely.

Gabrielle was also stunned. This Chinese Fireball provided them with Dragon Breath BBQ and should be a good person to talk to. Why did he attack like this? Do you want to run away? Can you escape by yourself?

The Chinese Fireball's dragon claws landed gently on the ground, sandwiching Gabrielle between the two dragon claws, and then a roaring sound sounded in the chest.

It turns out that this is the case. Gabrielle, who was caught in the dragon's claws, realized at this time that when she saw Regulus Black approaching the Chinese Fireball and talking to him, it turned out that communication with the Chinese Fireball required physical contact, so that he could communicate with the Chinese Fireball. Under the influence of the roaring sound in the chest and the mental power, I understood its meaning.

But even after understanding its meaning, Gabrielle was still in a dilemma!

Chinese Fireball: "I'm hungry, little girl. Did you bring the cow?"

Fire dragons can be considered foodies. Eating a whole cow in one meal can only be said to be full, but they digest it quickly! Although I can go hungry in normal times, of course I have to eat more if I can get food, otherwise my body will lose weight seriously. In the past few days, I have eaten well, and my weight has actually gained back a little.

Where did Gabrielle get the cow? Where did Gabrielle think she needed to bring the cow?

Gabrielle: "Sorry! I didn't expect to bring a cow over. Maybe I can bring you a cow next time."

Touching the hard dragon claws and scales, Gabrielle regretted her mistake. Regulus Black had always communicated with the Chinese Fireball to get the Dragon Breath BBQ. Why didn't she think of preparing some beef? Woolen cloth! If there is beef, you may be able to exchange it for dragon eggs! I was just nervous before the game and didn't take this situation into consideration at all.

Chinese Fireball: "That's it! I will be sent back after the game, and you won't be able to see me even if you want to."

It is a pity for the fire dragon that people can send tributes every day. Nowadays, people no longer pay tribute, and they still call it restoring the wild environment of the fire dragon and letting the fire dragon hunt by itself, although it is not impossible to catch the prey. , but where is the convenience of ordering takeout delivered to your door!

Gabrielle: "So what do I need to do to get the dragon egg?"

She is a little desperate about the current situation. Chinese Fireball would rather eat beef, but she doesn't have beef. If she wants to use magic to solve this problem, Gabri has no hope at all. Gabri's magic level is not even half of her sister's. Seeing that her sister had beaten herself into soot to get the dragon egg, Gabrielle felt that she wouldn't be able to get the dragon egg even if she died.

Chinese Fireball: "First of all, I want to eat cow!"

Gabrielle: "But I don't have a cow for you to eat. Maybe Mr. Regulus Black has one. I can ask him for it."

Chinese Fireball: "That's it! That's okay, but it's not your cow after all, so as a matter of exchange, how do you repay him?"

When the Chinese Fireball was worshiped as a god in the East, it learned a set of basic principles of fair exchange. You come to worship me and send me tribute, and I will do something for you in return, whether it is robbing your home or looking after your home. Or taking care of children, as long as the tribute is sufficient, this is not a problem.

As a weapon of war, the fire dragon is of course the first choice whether it is offensive or defensive, or as a mascot to protect the country.

In other words, the logic of Chinese Fireball is...

"The dragon eggs I protect can be given to you. You need to provide a tribute...a cow, but you don't have a cow. The cow you gave me belongs to someone else, so how are you going to repay that person? If you repay him, then I I’ll give you this fake dragon egg.”

The logic is clear, this is a triangle debt problem.

Gabrielle: "I can give Mr. Black some money afterwards to pay for the cow."

Chinese Fireball: "I can't agree with such a transaction after the fact. What can you give to the other party now, and he will definitely give me a good way? After all, you are going to take away this fake dragon egg now."

Gabrielle: "Where can I give it to Mr. Black now?"

Chinese Fireball: "What humans can give is not all material, it can also be spiritual, such as promises, oaths or contracts."

This is what Chinese Fireball has learned. In the ancient times of the East, human beings stick to a promise, oath, and contract for hundreds of thousands of years. Chinese Fireball also recognizes this way and protects it at the same time.

Gabrielle: "I can give Mr. Black an oath and a contract."

Chinese Fireball: "Oh! If you can do that, I can pretend I didn't see you take the dragon egg. Come on, tell me!"

Chinese Fireball was very happy to be able to eat a whole cow again, and even urged Gabrielle.

With her face flushed, Gabrielle glanced around the stands and found the dark figure in the crowd. She put the wand against her neck and used the "loud voice" spell.

"Mr. Regulus Black! I like you! I love you! I only love you in this life. Can you accept my love? No! Please accept my love, because I can only love you. , can no longer fall in love with others.”

The Chinese Fireball shook its head and looked around. Because of the curse, it could only see people coming in from the entrance. It completely ignored the people in the stands. Judging from Gabrielle's reaction at this time, there should be many people around. .

"Mr. Black was actually confessed by Gabri."

Fleur Delacour looked at this scene in surprise. In the public, under the witness of the fire dragon, the consequences of Gabriel's confession would be unimaginable if there was no response.

All the girls were surprised by Gabrielle's boldness, but the boys at Hogwarts were already used to it.

Who is Blake? The love interest of Hogwarts, the girl bulldozer.

This little girl from France was taken down within a few days. This is absolutely normal.

Everyone turned to look at Regulus Black. The girl has already expressed her love, so you should express it!

Mrs. Maxim's expression was very bad, but she could not prevent this situation. It was really difficult to choose whether the result of the game or the puppy love of a girl in her school was more important.

Regulus Black took out his wand and waved it, directly lifting the magic ban above the courtyard. All the spectators were exposed to the eyes of the Chinese fireball, which made the fire dragon suddenly become excited. Isn't this the scene of ancient sacrifices? Well!

"I like you too, Gabrielle! I receive your love. Chinese Fireball! Take it, this is your cow."

Regulus Black also answered with a 'loud voice'. A cow was thrown in the air. The Chinese Fireball opened his mouth to bite the cow, roasted the cow directly in his mouth, and then ate it with relish.

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