Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 243 Monastery Veela Golden Toad Swallows Demon

It was rare for Veela to be allowed to perform the Charm Dance, but to be interrupted by the leprechaun, she immediately went crazy with anger.

The Ministry of Magic stipulates that it is a felony for a Veela to perform a seductive dance on a wizard to seduce him, and if they are combined, it is a capital crime.

The mad Veela transformed from a woman with a perfect figure into a bird-man with the head of a man and the body of a harpy. They all let out sharp screams and pounced on the little leprechaun opposite.

Not to be outdone, the little leprechaun threw phantom light balls at the Veela. The Veela who was hit immediately fell into the illusion of fear and fell to the ground rolling on the ground.

"It seems like this is an illusion of being burned."

Watching the Veela rolling on the ground and slapping their bodies, Regulus Black made an analysis. Since almost all birds can be restrained by fire, the leprechaun's attack was well-targeted.

However, the two sides were destined to be unable to fight. This was the place where wizards held the Quidditch World Cup, not a place to watch magical animals fight. The Aurors in charge of order immediately took action, separated the two sides and lifted the illusion spells on both sides.

The Quidditch players on both sides had just been robbed of the limelight by their own mascots, but immediately after the illusion was eliminated, they quickly demonstrated various difficult flying skills to attract attention, and the audience also responded with endless cheers. of applause.

"Everyone! Good evening, as the Minister of Magic, I am honored to announce that the 422nd Quidditch World Cup Finals... begins now!"

Connery Fudge's speech was much more concise than that of ordinary bureaucrats. With a wave of his wand, a ball of light exploded in mid-air over the playing field. This was the signal to start. Players from both sides rode their rocket crossbows into position.

The box in the center of the field opened by itself. First, the Golden Snitch dangled in front of the two teams of chasers as always, then two Quaffles jumped out of the box and rushed towards a random player. Finally, there was the cue ball without any magic. Ejected from the box.

The game suddenly reached extreme speed, and players from both sides began to fly back and forth.

"It seems that the mascots of both teams are illusion-type magical creatures, and that's right! The Ministry of Magic will not approve magical creatures with powerful attacks as team mascots, such as Veela and Leprechaun! 81 of them Veela, 43 leprechauns, there are quite a few on both sides.”

Regulus Black's eyes at this time showed only greed. In his opinion, these mascots appeared in the original work and could be regarded as treasures of wealth. Collecting them into his own hands was simply a mission. Feeling!

While others were watching the game and staring at the players, Regulus Black used the invisibility spell to shuttle through the crowd and stared at the two groups of mascots controlled by Aurors on the ground. Impulsiveness is being blamed and soon they will be sent back to their respective teams.

The team's logistics will be responsible for their placement, and it is not an exaggeration to say they are locked up.

Regulus Black was thinking about how to place them as he moved. After all, they added up to more than a hundred figures.

My own skills do not include such summoned creatures, so the temple-type props I made are good places to contain them.

[Black Lake Temple of Soul Potion], think about it! In addition to the Inferi, there are Dementors inside. If you take them in, they will become food.

Maybe the Veela turned into the Inferi would be very beautiful, but the Inferi leprechaun might not even be able to climb onto the shore of the Black Lake.

[Red Nightmare Witch Monastery], this is good, it can also change the target of the income to become a nightmare demon.

However, the attributes of this temple are very suitable for Veela, but not for leprechauns.

[Dragon Egg Secret Realm of Golden Memory], this item has the largest space inside, and it can also provide job transfers to the 7 major Diablo professions.

This place is suitable for Veela and leprechauns, but it feels like it would be too luxurious to let them live here.

And...it seems that there are no more, I only made three temple-type props!

Just for these 43 little leprechauns, making another [Cornwall Green Elf Magic Lamp] is not worth it.

It seems that the only option is to feed the little leprechaun to the [Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad], but I don’t know what changes will occur.

Regulus Black couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. When the book came to use, he regretted it. He made a lot of amulets and props, but there were only three kinds of temple-type amulet props, and the scope that could be covered was still too small.

No! The main reason is Regulus Black's preference for beautiful things. It is obvious whether to choose a Veela or a leprechaun. The amulet props he usually makes are naturally biased towards beautiful things.

Stopping, Regulus Black found himself standing outside the room where the Veela was being held. Inside, there was the sound of a group of women cursing the leprechauns. It was obvious that he had been distracted just now.

The wizard who was looking after them had left to watch the game, but had just put a locking spell on the door.

Regulus Black easily broke the spell, opened the door and walked in.

"Hi! Girls, I'm here to pick you up and transfer you to another place."

The sudden intrusion of a handsome man made the Veela who were cursing the little leprechaun suddenly stop talking, and all of them immediately became bright-eyed, but they controlled themselves not to pounce on them.

"If you are all ready, we will leave now."

Regulus Black wants to put intelligent creatures into a temple-like amulet. He needs the other party not to resist. Either he beats the other party down, or he needs the other party to be willing. Now he uses deception and illusion. It has no effect on Veela.

Regulus Black's inquiry received a response of nods. For these Veela, it makes no difference to stay in another place, even if it is to change the owner, it is normal.

Do they all volunteer to be the team mascots? Not all of them were arrested and sold.

Regulus Black took out the amulet [Red Nightmare Witch Monastery] in his system space.

It is a dead unicorn that has been transformed into an undead nightmare. There is a nightmare altar on its back, which can transform women into nightmare demons, and can also advance all the way to nightmare girls, nightmare nuns, and nightmares. The Saint until the Nightmare Holy Spirit.

The Nightmare Demon Clan can also obtain three professional bloodlines, namely Puppet Dancer, Trickery Warlock, and Ghost Priest.

It corresponds to the three skills of the Necromancer, [Summon], [Bone and Toxin] and [Curse].

[Red Nightmare Witch Monastery] This amulet is semi-automatic. If Regulus Black lets it wander around the city, it will automatically find suitable women and force them to be contained in the Nightmare Altar for transformation.

Now, the nightmare unicorn carrying the altar discovered that there were 81 suitable targets in the room as soon as he appeared.

The Veela was still wondering why the visitor released a unicorn, when a burst of red light flashed and brought them all into the altar.

"Bulgaria team, go cry!"

Regulus Black put away the [Red Nightmare Witch Monastery], and with a thought he divided the 81 Veela into 3 groups, which were equally distributed among the three professions.

Quietly changing positions, Regulus Black arrived outside the Irish team's lounge. 43 leprechauns were left inside. They didn't have any hobbies in seducing people. They belonged to the dwarf race that can still communicate. Looks like an ugly child.

Wild leprechauns like to use illusions to conjure wealth and trick passers-by. However, this group of domesticated leprechauns can complete the coordination of illusions under training and use their talents to create various special effects. .

But according to the wizard's imagination, it is just to create the little dancing Irish man above the arena.

No nonsense, as soon as Regulus Black entered the room, he directly released the [Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad]. This huge toad directly ejected its tongue and swept across the room. The little leprechauns were panicking. Amidst the screams, it was firmly stuck to the tongue, and then swallowed in one gulp.

In terms of mental strength, Veela still has the possibility of refusing to enter the temple-like amulet, while the leprechaun has no room for resistance at all.

[Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad] has a huge difference in force value with them, so it is powerless to resist no matter what.

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