Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 239 Descendants of family planning work

"Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Draco from the Malfoy family."

Young Master Platinum extended a hand of friendship and was just enjoying the sunshine, sea breeze and ice-cold drinks.

"Hello, my name is Sarah Maidani, and Regulus is my patron."

Sarah Maidani shook hands with Draco calmly. The status of patron was discussed with Regulus Black.

There is an underage girl with me, and she is neither a daughter nor a student, so it is very troublesome to explain.

"I am a third-year student at Hogwarts, and I am the head of Slytherin House. Where do you study?"

Young Master Platinum began to show off, like a platinum peacock spreading its feathers.

"Hogwarts! It's so enviable. I didn't go to any magic school because I was a squib."

Sarah Maidani spoke out about her situation without any fear of being despised by the other party.

"Squib? How can you be a squib?"

Draco Malfoy's thinking was already messed up. Just now he saw the other party using the 'flying around' spell to get items.

"There's nothing wrong with a squib. Mr. Black is currently teaching me magic theory. I've already learned all the seventh grade content."

Sarah Maidani had no idea how much such words would hurt the proud platinum master.

I have learned all the magic theoretical knowledge for the seventh grade, and it seems that my grades will not be bad.

Draco Malfoy did not dare to doubt these words. This was Regulus whose father had always told him to deal with him carefully. He was a very trouble-making person, and it was difficult to predict what he would do or create.

As an in-law of the Black family, Lucius Malfoy knew much more about the inside story of the Black family from his wife than the average person. The Black family did not have those mysterious inheritances at all, and those inheritances did not appear in the ancient thousand-year-old family.

However, this cannot explain many things that happened to Regulus Black.

Where did those curses that impregnated witches come from?

Where did those ‘god-calling guards’ who killed the dementors come from?

There are also various modified spells and items, even a unicorn doesn't look for a virgin to find him, and there is a deer wandering in the Forbidden Forest...

In short, Lucius Malfoy knew a lot, and there was even more that he didn't know, so he already looked at Regulus Black very differently.

Regulus Black created all of this, but he didn't care at all about the reputation he could get in return. He just held it firmly in his hands.

Obviously, being able to make the Squib use magic was also Regulus Black's initiative. The Platinum Master was already speechless.

Two children were drinking ice-cold drinks on the bow, so it was natural for the adults to gather together and drink some adult drinks.

Kreacher quickly served the wine and glasses. The champagne was swirling in the glasses, and the golden liquid reflected the sunlight.

"Lucius, what are you going to do to welcome the return of the Dark Lord?"

Regulus Black's words almost knocked over Lucius's wine glass.

What does this mean? Regulus is still a member of the Dark Lord, or is he testing on behalf of the Auror department?

"Haha! Regulus, you really know how to joke. Will the Dark Lord be resurrected?"

Lucius Malfoy used the act of drinking to cover up the embarrassment of almost losing his hand just now.

"I'm not joking. Peter Pettigrew has found the Dark Lord, or rather the Dark Lord has found him. The resurrection ceremony will be carried out soon. Even the potions have been collected. What is missing is just a chance. It depends on Black How many helpers can the devil have around him?"

Having said this, Regulus Black pointed at the two people present. Lucius and Narcissa were both subordinates of the Dark Lord back then.

But when it comes to his subordinates, the Death Eaters who were imprisoned in Azkaban are now gone.

Female Death Eaters have died after giving birth to daughters, while male Death Eaters have also died after the birth of their children.

Death Eaters who are now unwilling to join this family planning work are strictly guarded by Aurors. They are die-hards and there is absolutely no room for compromise.

The pregnancy curse that originally caused headaches for the Ministry of Magic and the Auror Department has now become a benchmark for identifying die-hard Death Eaters.

If you voluntarily die, you can leave your bloodline, and then all the previous matters will be wiped out.

However, if you still live shamelessly, that is a sin, the most serious crime.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic strongly encourages male wizard criminals to participate in this family planning work. After all, they can have multiple choices and leave more bloodlines. This is worth promoting for the entire wizarding world with a small population. .

Regulus Black, on the other hand, gained a large number of godsons and goddaughters, and the families behind them all automatically leaned towards the Black family.

Those left-behind elders from the wizarding family will no longer follow the Dark Lord. They still have children to take care of!

The bloodline of descendants is the most important thing. According to the theory of pure blood mentioned by you Dark Lord, our own children are pure blood.

There is no need to argue, no need to resist, and of course no need to get close.

Even if the Dark Lord is resurrected, he will lose a lot of support from the forces.

"We still have Draco's. Regulus, you should understand that if the Dark Lord is resurrected, we will have to make a favorable choice."

What Lucius Malfoy means is that if the Dark Lord is really resurrected, then for the sake of his family he will have no choice but to join the Death Eaters again. This is also a very helpless choice. After all, he was involved in it in the first place, and the Dark Lord will not Let the traitors go.

"Remember what I told you in the bookstore?"

Regulus Black glanced at Lucius's left arm.

If you eliminate the Dark Mark, you will completely sever your relationship with the Dark Lord. If you keep the Dark Mark, you need to take considerable risks.

Once the Dark Lord is resurrected, it will be a problem to be arrested by the righteous Aurors, or to be removed by the Dark Lord as a traitor.

"Sarah! You haven't visited the Malfoy family's castle tent yet! Draco will be happy to explain the relevant spells to you."

Regulus Black turned his head and looked at the two children in the distance. This was not for them to go on a blind date. Sarah was his woman. It was just an excuse to let Draco leave.

Obviously, the two children didn't understand. Draco looked at his father in confusion.

"Go! Xiaolong, don't be rude when you serve as a tour guide for this Miss Sarah."

Lucius Malfoy obviously knew that Regulus had something to say, and he directly asked Draco to leave.

"Okay then! Miss Sarah, I wonder if I would be lucky enough to take you to visit the Malfoy family's castle... tent."

Young Master Platinum stood up gracefully and made an invitation gesture.

"Of course I am! I am very happy to visit. I find that the tents here are very unique, if you are willing to introduce them to me."

Sarah Maidani put down her drink and held up her skirt as a lady.

The two children quickly left the Blake yacht tent.

"Okay, for your own safety and my safety, please wear this ring."

Regulus Black took out two rings. The two rings were handmade from wood, jewelry resin and beeswax, and were inlaid with different exquisite scenes.

"Wood reduces the overall weight of the ring and gives it a warm and thick feeling. The top part of the ring is transparent and irregularly cut, with different designs inside. It all depends on my mood when making it. Sometimes there are several pieces. Golden snowflakes, sometimes a few flowing ink stains, sometimes a real petal, such casual designs can add a lot of magic to these exquisite works of art. "

Lucius Malfoy got a snow mountain, and Narcissa Malfoy got a vine.

"In fact, the value of the ring is not in the decoration on it, but in the different woods below. Those are the materials for making wands, and the magic conduction effect is very good. What we are going to talk about below must not be leaked, so I am going to put a Spell."

Regulus Black watched the two of them put on their rings, and then tapped both of their rings with his wand.

"The memory of fish! This is the inspiration I found from the act of extracting memories and putting them into the Pensieve. It's a brand new spell."

‘Fish Memory’, people who are cast with this curse will continue to lose their memories. When the curse expires, they can only remember the memory of the previous 7 seconds at most.

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