Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Infernal Corpse 227 Loli who writes hard and writes questions

Sarah, who was sitting on the stairs, watched her mother reject the suitor again, with no expression on her face.

"Sarah! Go back to your room and do your homework. If you don't finish it, don't think about eating."

Sarah didn't respond, but immediately turned around and went back upstairs.

Although her daughter was still well-behaved and obedient, seeing the poor communication between mother and daughter, Mrs. Black, who returned to the room, was secretly sad while holding a photo of her husband again, but there was no frontal photo of her husband in the camera.

"Blake! What should I do? I need help. My daughter's problems are getting worse and worse now. Frights have become a part of her life, and she always talks nonsense and I don't understand. What should I do? Blake. "

Mrs. Black came to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. Like many Americans, they drink when they are unhappy and then become alcoholics. Such behavior will make this single-parent family even more miserable. Alcoholics will beat their family members to death. There is a lot of news.

However, the single mother in the plot is still strong. The wine bottles were opened and the wine glasses were put away, but she stopped preparing to drink. A black and gloomy figure came outside the kitchen.

"Mrs. Black! You shouldn't be like this. Drinking will only make you more miserable, and you can't even guarantee what you will do to your daughter when you are drunk."

Blake leaned against the kitchen door, not trying to forcibly stop the other person's behavior, but just giving a kind warning.

"Blake! Am I so useless that I want to drink to escape from all this?"

Mrs. Black put the cup and bottle back in their place, seemed to use all her strength to support herself by the kitchen sink, and then poured water to wash her face to cheer herself up.

The two of them returned to the living room. Mrs. Black curled her legs on the sofa, her posture sultry but her expression sad.

"Sarah's recent behavior is becoming more and more scary. Maybe I should ask the priest of the church to take a look."

Mrs. Black's head was leaning on the armrest of the sofa. Although her gaze was directed towards Black, she felt that her eyes were out of focus.

"It's not that far yet! Sarah is usually a lively girl. Maybe I can talk to her more. It just so happens that I haven't had much inspiration to write recently and I have enough free time."

Blake turned away shyly at Mrs. Blake's gaze, as if he was not very good at communicating with women's eyes.

"I hope Sarah gets better, I'm going to go crazy if she continues like this."

Mrs. Black closed her eyes with some relief. Anxiety, fatigue, and sadness had exhausted her energy, and she soon fell asleep.

Blake was a little restless. No one here would drive him away, but the awkward atmosphere forced him to leave.

He took a blanket from Mrs. Black and gently covered the sad woman, and then Black left.

Upstairs, Sarah was working hard on her homework, and various test papers were piled scatteredly on the table.

"Sarah! Can we talk?"

Blake asked as he came to the door and knocked.

"No! I still have a lot of homework set by my mother to complete. Also, who are you?"

Sarah replied as she kept writing, but it was obvious that she didn't know Blake.

Blake couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, he was really a little transparent.

"I am a tenant living in your basement. My surname is Black. Your mother told you about you. I am very curious about what happened to you to make your mother suffer so much."

Without the permission of the room owner, Blake just stood by the door and asked. If the little loli chased people away again, he would have no choice but to leave.

"You won't understand. I can see ghosts. Do you believe it?"

Sarah stopped writing and turned back to look at Blake. Her golden eyes were piercing as she looked at Blake. After all, if this little loli's inner secret was revealed like this, if she didn't get recognition, then there was no need to continue.

"You know what? I am a writer of novels, so I personally agree with the existence of ghosts, ghosts or other supernatural beings, but we must also look at the problem rationally. How do you confirm that what you see is a ghost or apparition?"

Blake tried to communicate with the little loli. Communicating with children is sometimes more tiring than communicating with adults.

"In other words, you also agree that there are supernatural beings?"

Sarah seemed very happy to have found someone who recognized her.

"Yes, I think there is paranormal stuff out there, the question is how do we identify it."

Blake's words were reserved, but it was obvious that the little girl only wanted to hear what she wanted to hear.

"You'd better leave! I still have a lot of homework to finish, otherwise there won't be anything for dinner."

With a little bit of joy, the little Loli continued to write hard on the exam paper. With such a little bit of good mood, even the boring homework became easy to do.

All right! It seemed that there was some progress between the two people, and Blake didn't want to let this progress go back. Obviously now would not be a good time to talk, so Blake had to leave Sarah's room.

"It seems that this child is still able to communicate. The next step is to observe her actions from the side."

Blake muttered to himself and left the second floor, returning to the basement downstairs.

In the evening, Black came to the living room. Mrs. Black had already had dinner with her daughter Sarah. His tenant did not include all meals, but it was obvious that Black did not plan to eat anything. He just came to lie down on the sofa where Mrs. Black was sitting. Next, Blake prepared to wait quietly at night for something to happen.

I don't know when he fell asleep. Blake heard a slight cry from upstairs. It was obviously Sarah's voice. Could it be that this little loli was crying because she had a nightmare, but the sound was very soft and difficult to wake up. Mrs. Black in the other room.

"Sarah! Are you okay?"

Blake pushed open the door, which was actually unlocked. There was a flashlight on in the room, and Sarah was sitting on the bed wrapped in a blanket and kneeling on her knees.

A large number of religious symbols around them looked strange under the illumination of flashlights, but other than that, there were no supernatural phenomena.

Blake stood at the door and checked the time for a while before walking to the bed.

"Sarah! Sarah! Wake up! Are you having a nightmare?"

Blake patted Sarah gently. He was not sure whether the little loli was in a state of sleepwalking.

"He appeared. A man who had just died appeared in my room. He wanted to tell me something, but I was so scared. I didn't want to see his appearance. It was so scary and terrible."

Sarah obviously didn't seem to be sleepwalking. At this time, the little Loli was very awake and holding a tape recorder in her hand.

"What did that 'him' say to you? Do you know who he is?"

Blake needed to analyze whether Sarah had really encountered a supernatural phenomenon, so he could only ask in detail. This was simply an act of rubbing salt into the wound.

"I didn't know what he was going to say, and I didn't want to hear him talk to me. It was horrible, horrible."

Sarah put the tape recorder in Blake's hand, and then wrapped herself in a blanket, obviously not intending to continue talking to Blake. After a while, the little Loli fell asleep while sobbing intermittently.

Blake looked at Sarah. It was obvious that her reaction was not like she was faking it, but that she was really frightened. Blake was determined to investigate.

Taking the tape recorder, Blake came to the basement and began to listen to the contents over and over again.

The tireless Blake listened all night and heard no other sounds except Sarah's exclamations, questions, and cries. Could this all be the little loli's nightmare? Or just a prank?

It was already dawn outside, and Mrs. Black was preparing breakfast for her daughter, and then driving her child to school.

Blake decided to follow Sarah throughout today to see how she was doing at school. Some children were bullied at school but would not go home and communicate with adults, which would also cause nightmares in the middle of the night.

"Mrs. Black, I want to go to school today and spend the whole day with Sarah. I will let you know if anything happens."

Blake was still a little shy when he saw Mrs. Blake, unnaturally avoiding her eyes and speaking.

"Sarah! You are at school..."

Before getting in the car, Mrs. Black asked her daughter worriedly.

"I'll be fine in school, don't worry, Mom."

Sarah seemed unwilling to communicate more with her mother and responded with a cold face, which also made Mrs. Black a little uncomfortable.

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