Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 218 The real man is Allen

What a pure man, a good man of the century, who dared to drink poisonous soup for his lover.

Whether it is a passerby or Milla Jovovich watching the video at home, they all have the same evaluation.

Ellen McMichael drank the pumpkin soup, which made Lucille Sharp feel at ease a lot. This time she put several times the amount in the soup. She didn't want to poison the opponent on the spot, but just wanted to kill him. Stay here so you can deal with it slowly.

But she had no idea that Ellen McMichael had already called the police before arriving and was just waiting for the snowstorm to end.

As for the poison he drank, as long as he didn't die on the spot, Alan McMichael was still confident that it could be resolved afterwards. You must know that he was an honors student in medical school and had perfect scores in pharmacy.

Moreover, this will increase the crimes committed by the Sharp siblings, what if they escape some charges! It's a fact that he was poisoned!

Reading the original novel written by Regulus Black, you can naturally see such a description, but in the movie, it is shown by Allen with an absolute and inexplicable confidence. This chronic poison is nothing.

The poison of red soil carrion is really nothing in the wizarding world. It is just a very common material, because it is too easy to collect such materials. You only need a piece of red soil to bury the corpse of any animal, etc. It's been there for a while.

Compared with those potion ingredients like 'berries stepped on by elves dancing in the moonlight', the poison of red soil carrion is really cheap.

When Regulus Black started writing Scarlet Heights, he thought of the poison of red earth and carrion. Although it is a very common material in the wizarding world, such a concept is completely different in the Muggle world, and it will be refreshing. .

Although Allen, played by Regulus Black, reassured Lucille Sharp, his behavior of being too close to Edith Cushing was simply intolerable to Thomas Sharp. This was simply the king next door. Come as a guest!

The fire of jealousy was like the flame in the fireplace. Thomas Sharp kept adding firewood to the fireplace, and the cold hall suddenly became much warmer.

What makes people feel most comfortable in winter is, of course, sleeping, burrowing into a warm bed, and not wanting to leave even after waking up.

Snow was falling in the center of the hall, but the fireplace near the kitchen was warm as spring. Edith Cushing lay asleep, and Ellen McMichael lay asleep on the sofa nearby.

"What should we do now? If this person named Allen can come here in the snow, he must have found something."

Lucille Sharp looked at the two sleeping people not far away, playing with the knife in her hand and questioning her brother.

"Obviously, my dear Thomas is fascinated by this woman. The original purpose of getting married was for the other person's money. He has already been married four times, but he hasn't seen through this yet."

Lucille Sharp picked up the knife and gently marked Thomas's neck. She would never allow her brother to fall in love with another woman.

"Lucille! Please don't hurt Edith. We have made mistakes many times. Let's end it!"

It seemed that Thomas Sharp had given true love this time, otherwise he would never have said such words.

"If it weren't for waiting for her to sign the transfer of assets, I would kill her now."

Lucille Sharp waved the knife and shouted angrily, disturbing the two sleeping people, who looked like they were about to wake up.

"I will not let you do this, including transferring assets, and I will not agree to it."

Thomas Sharp took on the posture of being the male head of the Sharp family and rejected his sister Lucille's idea.

Coming to Edith Cushing's side, Thomas Sharp behaved very gently.

"My dear, I'd better take you back to your room to sleep! It will be uncomfortable to fall asleep on the sofa."

With that said, Thomas Sharp was about to pick up his wife and leave.

"Mr. Sharp, you'd better not move Edith now. Her condition is not suitable for moving yet."

Alan McMichael also woke up. Although he heard a little bit about the argument between the Sharp siblings just now, how could he let Edith leave his sight!

However, when Allen McMichael wanted to get up to stop him, he found that he could not lift up his energy at all and his whole body was in a state of weakness. Apparently, the chronic poison in the pumpkin soup he just drank had an effect.

"Get out of here! Edith is my wife."

Thomas Sharp pushed Allen away, causing his lower back to hit the kitchen worktable. It was a table made of thick solid wood, and Allen immediately felt that his waist was about to break.

Lucille Sharp had just been rejected by her brother Thomas. Whether it was killing Edith and Allen or transferring Edith's assets, he was his only relative. How could he do this!

Like a girl who had just lost her love, Lucille Sharp chose Ellen as the target of her overwhelming hatred.

It was all because of him coming here. Once he came here, everything started to go wrong. It was all his fault.

"You go to hell!"


Lucille Sharp suddenly slashed at Allen, who had his back turned to her with a knife. The blow was not light, and the entire back was cut open.

"No! How can you do this?"

Edith Cushing, who was slumped on the sofa, saw this scene, and the fear of death suddenly filled her heart. It was Thomas who pushed Allen away, and it was Lucille who chopped Allen with the knife. Allen was seriously injured. .

It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! Edith Cushing fell into deep self-blame.

Allen McMichael also felt like he was going to die. The injury on his back caused a lot of bleeding and a long wound.

right! It was a long wound, but it was very shallow and did not damage the muscles or bones.

I was originally thinking of stalling for time, right! Wait for time, as long as you run out, the Sharp siblings will definitely come to look for them! This can also delay a lot of time.

Alan McMichael, whose thoughts were a little confused, chose to leave and walked slowly towards the door of the hall with strong support.

After he opened the door before, it was not closed because of the snow. At this time, the snow piled up one meter high at the door.

"If he left like this, we would all be in trouble. At this point, there is no turning back for Thomas, no! There has been no turning back since we were children."

Lucille Sharp handed the knife that just killed Allen to her brother.

"I have been protecting you for so long. I have done so many dirty things. It's time for you to get your hands dirty."

yes! Thomas Sharp also protected his sister from infringement, but that was by not participating in the jewelry association.

But Lucille Sharp's method of protecting her younger brother was to actually kill people and remove all obstacles.

This time, Lucille Sharp decided to force her brother Thomas to walk on the same road of no return.

"No! Don't do this, Thomas! I beg you to let him go."

Edith Cushing stood up holding on to the chair. The nap she had just taken had restored a lot of strength. When she knew that Thomas was forced to kill Allen, she could only beg him to let Allen go.

"Don't run around, there are still documents that need your signature!"

Lucille Sharp grabbed Edith's blond hair and dragged her back to the couch.

Thomas Sharp walked slowly towards Allen. He was hesitating whether he really wanted to kill the love rival in front of him. However, no matter how slowly he walked, he would eventually move faster than Allen, and he would eventually move faster than Allen. Meet Allen.

"You are a medical student. Tell me where to stab you so that you won't die. I don't want to kill you, but if I don't do this, Lucille will definitely kill you again."

Being blown by the cold wind, Thomas Sharp had a flash of inspiration. Due to the distance, his sister and wife could not hear him, so he spoke out the only way he could think of.

Allen McMichael didn't know if he could trust the other party, but at this point he could only take advantage of it. After all, the other party didn't attack directly with a sword. This was the greatest sincerity.

"Take good care of Edith. Once she signs the transfer of assets, she will die. Just insert the knife from here and don't pull it out afterwards."

Alan McMichael reached out and grabbed the knife in Thomas' hand, leaving a section less than the length of his hand, and then put the tip of the knife against his abdomen, where most organs could be avoided, including the intestines if he was lucky. Will hurt.

Thomas Sharp also cooperated very well. He stabbed the knife just as far as Allen's hand, and then threw him face out at the door without pulling out the knife.

"why why?"

Edith Cushing cried heartbrokenly. From where she and Lucille stood, two men could be seen fighting for the murder weapon, but Allen still lost. Thomas Sharp killed Allen.

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