Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 213 A Letter from Mrs. Sharp

The investigation in the United States has made progress. The private detective previously commissioned by Mr. Cushing, because he investigated the Sharp siblings for Mr. Cushing, also believed after Mr. Cushing's death that Mr. Cushing's murder was related to the siblings. It must be related.

The private investigators continued their investigation and contacted the one person who had not yet given up on finding the truth, Alan McMichael.

A social elite who graduated from medical school, an ophthalmologist who opened a private hospital, an elegant, gloomy and shy handicraft otaku.

Now it’s time to add the attribute of persevering in standing up for justice through actions.

"Hello Mr. Alan McMichael, I am glad that you are still persisting in the investigation."

The little private detective arrived at the prearranged location, where Alan McMichael had been waiting for a long time.

"Aren't you also investigating? What should I call you?"

Alan McMichael had long known that Mr. Cushing was investigating the Sharp siblings, but he didn't know that the detective was such an inconspicuous little man. Think about it that he didn't even know the other person's name, but he came because of a letter from the other party. Joint, this trust comes from nowhere.

"My name is not the point. I am here to deliver new information. It was originally supposed to be given to Mr. Cushing, but he encountered misfortune, and you, Alan McMichael, are the only one who insists on finding the truth. , I would not waste my efforts if I leave it to you.”

The short man handed a file bag to Alan McMichael, which turned out to be a stack of copied old newspapers.

"My principle is not to get involved in the affairs of the client, so whether the life or death of the client or the person under investigation has nothing to do with me, if you want to seek justice and find out the truth, you still have to see what you want."

The short detective spoke slowly, which also gave Alan McMichael some time to read the content.

"This is a replica of a newspaper from that year. The two girls in it are the Sharp siblings. Their mother was killed in the bathroom. Neither the murderer nor the murder weapon was found. Then they were sent to the church's orphanage. Educated by nuns and priests, they received an aristocratic education because of their status, which would allow them to inherit the family business and, of course, pay off their tuition when they reached adulthood.”

The short detective sneered. If there was no Scarlet Mountain Villa to inherit, why would the church's orphanage provide them with aristocratic education?

"I don't quite understand the value of this evidence. Has the murderer not been found yet?"

Alan McMichael actually already had the answer in his heart, but this was too unbelievable. They were only 10 and 11-year-old children at that time. Were they the murderers? How can this be?

"Yes! The murderer was not found. There were only two siblings in the villa at that time, and there was no loss of property. Moreover, Mr. Thomas Sharp married four times in his adult life, and none of his wives could survive the local situation. In winter, all of them died of illness.”

The short detective poked the newspaper heavily with his finger and said 'died of illness' in a paused manner, which made it very clear.

Ellen McMichael suddenly felt like a knife had been stabbed in his heart. His childhood playmate Edith Cushing was already in England at this time, and God knows what happened to her.

"I need help sir."

Alan McMichael immediately thought of asking the detective to help him.

"I'm sorry! I have said before that my principle is not to get involved in the incident of the person involved. I am only responsible for the investigation. Maybe you should call the police locally. You already have a lot of evidence. I wish you good luck."

The short detective directly rejected Alan McMichael's request. After all, there is a taboo in the detective industry. Detectives with emotions will inevitably die. This has become a common understanding in the industry.

Alan McMichael, who had already obtained side evidence, could not force the other party, so he had to go to the UK immediately, hoping that it would be late.

Here in England, the blizzard has stopped. The people in the small town hotel gave "Mrs. Sharp" a letter. Inside was a unique-shaped key. Edith Cushing could see it at a glance. It was the same as the box she found. There are relationships.

Shortly after returning to the Villa, Edith Cushing's health began to continue to deteriorate, and she even began to vomit blood.

I only knew that the bride would bleed on the wedding night, but I didn’t expect that she would vomit blood after the wedding!

Edith Cushing felt that she had overlooked something. It was absolutely abnormal for her body to deteriorate so quickly. Her eyes shifted to the tea beside the bed. She remembered that she would inevitably fall asleep after drinking the tea. There was definitely something wrong with this tea.

Thinking of the key brought back from the hotel, it was stored with them by 'Mrs. Sharp' before.

I had never kept letters in the hotel, so why was there another 'Mrs. Sharp'? This question was ignored at the time.

Edith Cushing found an unattended opportunity and used the key to open the mysterious box. Inside the box was a small drum recorder. This antique was a high-end gadget when it first appeared.

There are many photos and letters stored inside, and in the other half there are two rows of six wax-sealed cylinders, which are the recording components.

Although unused, Edith Cushing installed the cylinder by fumbling.

In the recording, there was the voice of a woman, Qi Qian Ai Ai. She said that she had been poisoned, her whole body was weak, and she was coughing up blood. She estimated that she would not survive the winter, so she left these pieces of evidence. The boxes in this box all belong to the Sharp siblings. offense.

She was the fourth of four women Thomas Sharp married for their excavator research.

Each of the previous women had brought a generous dowry to the Sharp family, and soon they would die of illness in the winter. When I thought about myself becoming so sick, I was sure that these women and myself were poisoned rather than sick.

Edith Cushing listened to the recording in surprise and looked through the letters and photos in her hands.

As expected, there were four photos of Thomas Sharpe and four other women. Some of those women were fat, some were ugly, and some were old. If she hadn't married them for money, Edith Cushing herself would have been Do not believe.

Especially the photo of the old woman. The dog in it is the puppy that Edith Cushing saw when she first came here. This dog still runs around in the villa now. These photos are all real.

In the fourth photo, an ordinary-looking woman is holding a baby in her arms and leaning against Thomas Sharp. This woman actually has a child, but she is still dead. Even if she has a child, there is no guarantee that her life will be taken away. Walk.

Moreover, there are no children in the villa, which means that it is very likely that the children have also encountered misfortune.

Killing a child is a fact that is difficult for Europeans and Americans to accept mentally, although they also kill many young children.

There was just one thing that Edith Cushing didn't understand: why were the first four people able to get the tape recorder? This is not normal!

Edith Cushing decided to look for evidence on her own, but the entire villa was very large, with four floors and a basement.

There are two guest rooms on the southeast and west sides of each floor. Only the north side is the public area. The first floor is the kitchen, dining room and bathroom. The second and third floors are a small library that can be connected. There is a huge collection of books. Edith Cushing visited the fourth floor, which was Thomas Sharp's studio. It contained the design drawings of the excavator and many small collections of Sharp family members from past generations.

It is said that the father of the Sharp siblings has the largest collection. He traveled to various countries and bought many small items and squandered the family's wealth, which naturally brought Scarlet Villa into decline.

Edith Cushing's search for evidence in such a large estate would drive her crazy.

Since detailed investigation could not be carried out, Edith Cushing was more hopeful that a ghost would appear to point her in the right direction. When she came to Scarlet Heights, the first time she saw a ghost, she was taken to the basement. A locked chest with secrets was found there.

If she saw a ghost again, Edith Cushing would never let herself be afraid. The little girl who was once afraid of even her mother's ghost was now very eager to get help from ghosts.

And such help came quickly.

"Five victims, that means five ghosts will appear!"

Milla Jovovich curled up her legs on the sofa and wrapped herself in a blanket, expressing her nervousness and anticipation.

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