Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 413 Hogwarts has changed

"What? Did you meet Bellatrix?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Hermione."

In the common room, several people were sitting around the fire. It had been one day since the Hogsmeade attack. Everyone in the school was talking about it, and some even claimed that Hogwarts was no longer safe.

"Do you know who she is?"

Ron was a little strange. He had just finished Quidditch training and collapsed on the sofa. In order to win Hufflepuff, Angelina forced them to train day and night, especially Ron. She almost had to Wood called back to give Ron a special training.

Fred and George thought she might actually do it, and that this woman was no less crazy than Umbridge.

"Look at the newspaper Ron." Hermione thrust the Daily Prophet in front of him, which contained news about the Azkaban prison break.

"But why are there Death Eaters in Hogsmeade?"

Ginny's arm was wrapped in a bandage, she had also been there and her hand had been cut by the magically shattered glass.

"For Harry's sake, I'm afraid."

Several people looked at Harry who looked helpless at the same time. These days, the legend of him and Voldemort has spread throughout the school. The boy who once survived has now become a dangerous person in the eyes of his classmates. Some even think that as long as Kick Harry out of school, and then Hogwarts will be an absolutely safe place.

But Louis felt that Bellatrix's action was not entirely based on Voldemort's will. It might just be her crazy idea. Because Harry was not present when the chaos occurred.

However, Bellatrix's power also surprised Louis slightly. With his current strength, there is no problem in dealing with an adult Death Eater, and he has more room for it. But Bella's power allowed him to experience the oppression from the four knights.

He once faced Fenrir, who transformed into a war knight. With the cooperation of him and Yoms, he still relied on the Eye of Terror taken from the werewolf secret place to gain the upper hand.

Of course, if Dumbledore took action, it would be another matter, but the old man did not do so.

Now, due to inquiries from the Ministry of Magic, Fudge believes that Dumbledore is no longer capable of protecting Hogwarts.

"You can't do that, Mr. Minister."

Professor McGonagall was a little surprised by Fudge's decision. If Dumbledore quits Hogwarts, that would be the real danger.

"The Ministry of Magic has the right to decide the layout of Hogwarts, Minerva." Fudge calmly took a puff of cigarette and looked at the middle-aged man holding a cane next to him, "I think the school governors also mean the same thing. For such a big thing, I always have to give an explanation to the parents.”

"But Minister, there is no one more qualified to guard Hogwarts than Dumbledore."

"There is no need to worry about the job vacancies. I think Dolores is very suitable." Fudge sneered, and several people stood in front of Dumbledore's desk, as if they were trying to force him into the palace.

"Of course, Cornelius, of course. If this is really what the boards of directors want, I am willing to accept this decision." Dumbledore glanced at Lucius, the same thing happened three years ago. But what's different this time is that this time there is the support of the Ministry of Magic.

"Dumbledore???" Professor McGonagall couldn't understand why Dumbledore made this decision, but the old man with the white beard did not let her continue.

"Oh no, Dumbledore, I think you misunderstood." Fudge showed a proud expression on his face, and he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, "According to Education Order No. 26, you no longer have the right to be in this position. Go sit down. Actually, I just came here to inform you that such a big thing has happened that will make you spend the rest of your life in Azkaban."



The portrait behind Dumbledore cursed, but Fudge didn't hear anything.

"I will give the parents an explanation, Connelly, but at least not now. This is indeed my dereliction of duty. But is there any misunderstanding here?" Dumbledore had already raised his wand, which made Fudge panic.

"What are you going to do? Are you crazy? Are you going to fight against a few of us?"

"Connelly, although I admit that you do have a few outstanding Aurors, if you want to force me to go with you, then I have to hurt you."

"Catch him!" Fudge didn't want to talk nonsense to him, so several people behind him took action.

But Dumbledore was faster. The phoenix Fawkes flew by, bringing with it a heat wave. Before the Aurors could react, it turned into a dazzling fire in an instant, along with the wheat beside him. Together with Professor Ge, they disappeared into the office.

"No!" Fudge shouted, "Where has he gone?"

"You can't use invisibility here at all!" Umbridge yelled, "At least this is still in school."

"Maybe on the stairs!"

Several people from the Ministry of Magic hurriedly rushed out of the principal's office, leaving Lucius Malfoy standing there alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, who had escaped from the encirclement of the Ministry of Magic, were standing on the astronomy tower.

"Are you OK."

Minerva McGonagall shook her head, "Are you really planning to leave?"

"Fudge and the Ministry of Magic have planned it. This incident is just an opportunity. If it is still under their supervision, it will be difficult to do the next thing."

Fudge was afraid that Dumbledore would be a danger to his position, and catching him was one of the ways to control the old man. As for Azkaban, all the dementors had rebelled, and the entire prison was almost unguarded.

"Then where do you plan to go?"

"Don't worry, Minerva, I won't just find a place to hide." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Let's see, in a few days, Fudge will definitely regret driving me out."

He put his hands behind his back: "Fudge and the others will find this place soon, Minerva, I need you to help me protect Hogwarts."

"Also, help me tell Harry and Louis that I respect any decision they make, and..."

"Dumbledore's Army, that's a good name."

. . . . . .

Ministry of Magic Education Order No. 27

Dolores Umbridge replaces Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Posted by: Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge.

This news exploded in Hogwarts in an instant, and what followed was the news that Moody and Mercedes disappeared together with the principal. The security of Hogwarts was fully handled by Aurors, and Fudge Almost a team of Aurors were sent out to patrol around Hogwarts day and night.

This time, Hogwarts seems to have really changed.

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