Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 405: The precarious magic world

After the fight between Snape and Sirius, the half-blood prince never appeared in the Order of the Phoenix again before the end of the Christmas holidays.

Others didn't know what happened between the two of them, but they knew everything about Sirius and Snape's past grudges.

In short, the Christmas holiday ended in this weird atmosphere.

Early the next morning, several people caught the Knight Bus heading to Hogwarts at the urging of Mrs. Weasley. Along the way, they were escorted by Sirius, Moody and Tonks.

Osnett's physical strength has not yet recovered, but as a father, he also sent Astoria on the Knight Bus.

The weather in London in January is particularly harsh, the cold wind erodes the muscles and bones, and the snow keeps falling.

Astoria has never taken the Knight Bus. As the little princess of the Greengrass wizarding family, she used to be picked up and dropped off by the family's exclusive transportation when going to Hogwarts.

Of course, when Osnet stood up to fight against Voldemort, the Death Eaters would definitely conduct a secret purge of Greengrass. Although it would not cause too many casualties, the details hidden within the family would be revealed. will cease to exist.

Of course Osnet was aware of this, so before taking action, he had already transferred all important property resources in advance, including of course some available combat forces. When the Death Eaters came to raid, they only destroyed some insignificant gadgets, but this was enough to cause quite a stir in the entire wizarding world.

Now the Greengrass family has stood on the same front as the Order of the Phoenix, and has also added a lot of powerful support to the Order of the Phoenix.

They waited at the platform for a long time. Even Louis thought that the Knight Bus would no longer appear. Suddenly, a sudden sound of braking brakes flashed in everyone's ears. Tonks waved her hand and motioned for everyone to follow.

Stan Sampak slowly walked down from the three-story bus. Looking at his situation, it seemed that business had not been very good recently.

Before he could say anything, Tonks and Moody dragged several children into the car. Osnet and Astoria hugged each other to say goodbye, and Sirius stuffed a handful of Kinga randomly. The dragon was in Stan's hands and the young man was stunned.

"Stop talking nonsense and drive away. You know where our destination is."

They don't look like passengers on a bus, but more like a group of fleeing robbers.

There seemed to be other passengers in the car, but they all just greeted them in a friendly manner, looking very nervous.

Tonks led Astoria and the girls to the upper level of the bus, while the boys stayed at the bottom.

Harry and Louis dragged a few boxes to find a few beds at the back. Grimmauld Place was thousands of miles away from Hogsmeade, and even as a knight bus, it would take a while to get there.

"Hey Harry, how were you guys doing Christmas?"

Stan Sampak was still the same as before, arranging the gold galleons in his hand, looking like he was wandering in a hanging bag.

"It's fine, Stan." Louis answered first, but before anyone else could say anything, the Knight Bus suddenly started moving. Louis and Harry, who were accustomed to its operating mechanism, were fine, but Ron was not so lucky.

A strong force suddenly threw him away. His face was pressed against the glass behind him and he fell down again.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Stan looked at Weasley lying on the ground with some amusement, "I forgot to tell you to hold on to the guardrail. That's how Ern drives..."

Fred and George smiled and helped their brother up from the ground. Harry did not laugh at Ron, because his first ride on the Knight Bus was no better than him.

He looked out the window at a scene that looked like he was driving on a highway.

"Outside of Birmingham," Stan explained. "You're doing well, Harry. I've been seeing your name in the newspapers this summer, along with Louis and Sirius, of course. Nothing nice to say about it, really. Ernie said it didn't get that far when we met him, did it?"

He handed them the tickets. The few gold galleons Sirius had paid earlier were enough to pay for the fare of everyone present.

Obviously, Stan didn't care about their influence in the world, as long as his name could be reported.

"But now, very few people believe the bullshit news from the Daily Prophet."

"How do you say this?" Lewis grasped the point. He found that the trend in the wizarding world seemed to be somewhat different.

"Explosions, deaths, injuries, murders. These things happen almost every day, and the frequency seems to be very high." Stan lowered his voice, "Especially around the New Year recently, some people have even seen frequent activities of Death Eaters."

"What did the Ministry say?"

"Those guys are still the same as before. The Daily Prophet made a statement, claiming that everything is peaceful, so that you don't have to worry." Stan shook his head, "But things are still happening, and the Ministry of Magic cannot hide it forever."

Louis gradually understood why the Knight Bus business had been bleak recently, why the passengers' eyes showed nervousness after they got on the bus, and why the Death Eaters took advantage of the Ministry of Magic's concealment to massacre and destroy the wizarding world, which further deepened There is panic in the wizarding world. Nowadays, few people are willing to believe in Fudge and his government staff.

After the car drove off the highway in Birmingham, it turned into a rural forest road. The road was winding and rugged, and the whole bus kept bumping up and down. Then the next moment they drove onto the main road in the suburbs, and the inertia belt The strong impact that came made Louis feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm never going to sit on this thing again," Ron complained, falling for the sixth time.

"Alright, everyone, the next stop is Hogsmeade. You need to get off there." Stan said to them in a swaying voice, "I have to remind the girls upstairs."

The young ticket seller went upstairs, and soon there was a sound of vomiting upstairs. Obviously, they were not the only ones who felt uncomfortable riding the Knight Bus.

"Everyone, please step aside. We have to let Mrs. Marsh get out of the car first. She feels bad."

A few minutes later, Stan helped an old lady downstairs from upstairs. The old lady looked pale, and it seemed that she was responsible for the noise just now.

After sending Mrs. Marsh off, Astoria and the others also came down from upstairs and sat next to Louis. Not long after, the bus stopped in front of a small bar. It braked sharply, and the front of the bus was just 0.1 meter away from hitting the entrance of the store.

Louis recognized the Three Broomsticks in front of them. The children hurriedly got out of the car, as if they didn't want to stay up here for a second longer.

Sirius and Tonks helped them get their luggage out of the car and followed them out. As the ones protected by the Order of the Phoenix, it would be safer to send them to school entirely.

On the three-story bus, all the passengers put their noses against the glass and looked at them. Stan grabbed the door handle with one hand and took off his hat to greet them. Then, the Knight Bus started and disappeared into the vast white snow. . . .

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