A few seconds after being pulled by the portkey, Louis and Astoria were teleported to a distant mountain.

The altitude here is much higher than when Louis went to the Lang tribe before. The cold wind blew his nerves bitingly. It seemed that the living conditions of the giants were even worse than those of the werewolves.

But this is also due to their huge bodies. Although they move slowly, they are extremely capable of resisting attacks. The magic spells used by ordinary wizards will not have any impact on them.

Even the half-blood giant Hagrid was able to withstand a few stun spells, which would have been the fate of an ordinary wizard being sent to St. Mungo's Hospital.


Louis, who was walking in front, shielded Astoria from the cold wind blowing in front of her. The little girl shook her head stubbornly, even though her long hair had been blown out of shape.

Louis took a coat from the Eternal Stone and put it on her body. Just as he finished this action, he heard the sound of the earth shaking.

"Come in."

He greeted Astoria, put on the invisibility cloak quickly, and the girl stayed close to him. This invisibility cloak looked bigger than Harry's, but it was really not easy for two fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old children to squeeze together. not enough. Astoria could only lean as close to Louis as possible. He could even smell the body fragrance coming from her body, which made his heart beat faster.

But he didn't have time to think about this, and he saw two huge creatures, about twenty meters tall, ugly in appearance, holding a thick wooden stick. Lewis believed that if this stick went down, he would definitely be beaten into a meat pie.

They were still mumbling words that Louis couldn't understand. Although the sound was deafening, he couldn't understand it at all.

"What are they talking about?"

The same question came from Astoria's mouth. Louis shook his head, but Lius responded immediately.

"That's the language of the giants, you brat."

"Can you understand what they're saying?"

"I don't know. I haven't learned it in detail. In our time, the relationship between giants and wizards was very bad, and there is no need to learn it."

"Then shut up."

He cut off the conversation with Lius in his mind and tried not to think about the conversation between the two giants. The wind generated by the giant's movements could knock them over, so he added a possession spell to the invisibility cloak so that it could always cover the surface of the body.

Louis was not worried that the two of them would be discovered. Judging from their size, wizards were like inconspicuous ants to giants. What's more, the giants had low IQs. Even without the invisibility cloak, the two of them sneaked past the giant's feet. I'm afraid I won't be discovered even if I slip away.

After the two giants patrolled around, they started to walk back with wooden sticks. Louis and Astoria followed quietly. They were surrounded by trees. For those giants, this was not an obstacle, but for Louis, it was Some trouble.

The trees were trampled by the giants and were swaying. Louis could only hide and try to avoid being hit by those things. Of course, there were several that he couldn't avoid and he could only use the crushing spell to destroy them.

But even so, the two silly guys still didn't notice anything strange. They just walked in front. After a while, the scene in front of them suddenly opened up.

Lewis originally thought that the giant tribe should unite and help each other and live in harmony like werewolves. But the situation was very bad. Just like what Dumbledore said, the giants had just experienced extremely violent internal fighting. There was no time to deal with the traces left by various battles. The snow-white ground was dyed red with blood, and the corpses of several giants were piled up. On one side, the suspected leader of the giant tribe was sitting by the fire wearing a helmet, and there seemed to be a wizard beside him.

Astoria was uncomfortable seeing this scene, and Louis held her hand in time, looked at her, and gradually calmed her down.

The scene in front of him made Louis confused. The wizard and the giant were enemies when they met, but the chief of the giant tribe had a very good relationship with the man and even felt like they were married.

Without thinking too much, the wizard had already stood up from his position, and Louis quickly followed behind. He seemed to be familiar with the giant tribe, and he stopped in front of a bumpkin building after a while.

He looked around and made sure there was no one there, then used magic to open the door, and one person slipped in. Louis and Astoria quickly followed, and the door was quickly closed.

"Where is this?"

There was no light in the pitch black space, as if he had entered an endless abyss. Louis could not tell the direction clearly. He wanted to use a fluorescent spell, but soon he found that the magic failed in this space.

"Use this." Lius didn't know when he took out a luminous stone from Slytherin's inventory. This is a luminous stone. Although it usually has only sales value outside, it is an endless lighting tool here. .

Just when Louis was lighting up the surroundings with luminous stones, all kinds of dissatisfied roars suddenly came from the surroundings, and he suddenly realized where he had arrived.

This is the cage where giants are imprisoned. All giants who opposed the regime at that time were imprisoned in it by the current chief.

The earth bag cage was opaque and exploited the giants' greatest fear to destroy them. Since they had not seen sunlight for a long time, the light from the luminous stone was also extremely dazzling to them.

However, Lewis soon discovered his target. In the deepest part of the dirt bag prison, there was a trace of light, and there were two somewhat decadent giants sitting there.

Their stature is much smaller than other giants, but through the light, the wounds on their faces are shocking, as if they have just experienced a battle.

"Hagrid?" Louis called uncertainly. The giant man raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him with some disbelief.

"Why are you here?"

The injured giant man in front of him was Hagrid. Louis didn't know what he had gone through, but the way he looked now, he seemed to have no strength to stand up at all.

"Dumbledore asked us to come. He asked us to take you out, and he also said..."


Mrs. Maxim on the side immediately reminded him, but it was a little too late. An adult hand grabbed Louis' neck and pressed him against the wall.

"As expected, it was Dumbledore who asked you to come. I didn't expect that the person who came to die would be an underage wizard."

Louis was choked by him and couldn't speak. For a moment, he couldn't breathe at all, and the luminous stone fell to the ground.

"Save it, Hagrid. My master asked me to come over and win over the giants. I have already thought about how to deal with Dumbledore. There are not only magic restrictions here but also bloodline restrictions of the giants. I'm afraid you can't do much now."

"Say goodbye to the world."

"Bang!" Before the wizard could finish his words, he was hit in the temple by a sneak attack. He let go of Louis and wanted to turn around to find the attacker. Louis quickly took a breath, picked up the stone slab on the ground and struck hard. Hit the man's head hard.

The wizard fell to the ground without warning. Louis looked up and saw Astoria standing in front of him holding the luminous stone.

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