Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 376 Neville’s Potential

Lewis explained it in great detail, covering basically all the knowledge points.

Including some practical combat skills, as well as various methods of quickly casting spells, everyone listened with interest.

As expected of a professor who once taught a Potions class, he can make some obscure and boring knowledge points easier to understand. In this aspect, he was inspired by Lupin.

After he finished explaining, each person was divided into two groups, and Louis' request was to knock the wand out of the opponent's hand as quickly as possible.

He did not require the use of silent spells. He himself was not very proficient in silent spell casting. Of course, senior students who could cast spells silently had an absolute advantage over younger students. He knew this very well, so when he formed groups, he usually formed groups of people of similar grades.

"Now, listen to my command. When I count to three, take action."

As Louis walked past each group, he found that some students were staring nervously at their opponents, especially Neville who was almost blushing, while opposite him was Ron who looked calm.

"one two three!"

When the word "three" fell, bursts of shouts of "Expelliarmus" filled the entire Room of Requirement. Fortunately, this room was completely soundproofed from the outside world, otherwise it would inevitably be noticed by the passing little wizard.

The power of the disarming spell was a little better than before, but it was still not powerful enough.

Many people still couldn't completely remove the weapon from the opponent's hand, and could only shake it in their hands, or just force the opponent to take a few steps back.

Only a few people succeeded, including Ron, who dealt with Neville, and Rolf Scamander, who was with Luna.

Ron's actions were extremely fast, perhaps because he had been with Harry and Louis all year round, and his practical experience was much richer than that of the students. The disarming spell was cast immediately, and Neville's wand instantly flew out of his hands and hit the ceiling, causing sparks to fly.

Louis used the Flying Charm to call back the wand. Neville's face turned red. After taking the wand from Louis' hand, he said softly, "Thank you."

The second time, Neville pointed at Ron. This time Ron did not dodge, but when Neville's red light hit Ron, his wand just shook left and right.

"Neville, it's not that you can't use the spell well, it's just that your heart is not firm enough."

Looking at Neville who was a little frustrated, Louis encouraged him.

"You have to know that magic moves according to your heart, and the power of the spell is also related to your character. You lack confidence, so that's why you are like this."

"But, I..." Neville said timidly, "I can't..."

"Okay, I'll practice with you."

Louis motioned for Ron to go back, while he stood opposite Neville.

"Raise your wand Neville, you need to strengthen your belief." Louis said to him, "I know you had a fight with Malfoy and the others a few days ago. Although I don't know what they said, but I need you, Think of me as Malfoy and whip me to your heart's content."


Neville's voice was still trembling, but it was obvious that this time his tone was higher than before. Louis was unprepared, and the vine wand came out in an instant.

"I succeeded!" Neville was very excited. "I have never succeeded before. I can't believe it! Thank you, Louis."

"Well done, Neville." Louis picked up the wand from a distance, "That's how it should be. You must be firm when casting the spell and don't be too hesitant."

In his opinion, Neville's potential is very high. After all, as a candidate for the Boy Who Lived, his parents are the best Aurors in the Ministry of Magic. Neville, who was born in this environment, has a certain substance in his body. As powerful as Harry.

However, his grandma put too much pressure on him, and his biological parents were lying in St. Mungo's Hospital in a state of limbo. Neville could only choose to close himself off to the feelings around him.

Maybe one day, this real Gryffindor will shine on the stage that belongs to him.

Louis returned to the center of the room and Ron continued to help Neville practice his spells.

He discovered a strange thing about Zareis Smith. Every time this guy wanted to disarm Anthony Goldstein, his wand would fly out first, without Anthony making any sound.

This is not to say that Anthony used silent spells. They were only fifth grade students and were not proficient in mastering silent spells. Then Louis saw not far away, Fred and George taking turns casting spells on Smith.

"I'm sorry." He paid attention to Louis' eyes, and the twin brothers stopped immediately, "I couldn't hold it back."

He didn't care about their behavior and just continued on. The situation in the first and second grade was worse than that in the upper grade, but they were all working hard to practice magic.

Natasha has been able to make the wand swing slightly, and once even made Raven opposite her almost let go.

Louis guided them carefully, but even so their speed was not very fast. Only Raven could completely disarm her opponents. She even challenged senior Ernie McMillan. When the Hufflepuff prefect was surprised to find that this first-year Durmstrang exchange student was actually more proficient than him, he felt a little ashamed.

Harry, Astoria and Cho Chang followed around to provide guidance, and sometimes the three of them would practice together with Hermione alone.

Colin and Daniel were in a group and were practicing actively. The little guy seemed a little absent-minded. He looked in Natasha's direction from time to time.

"Expelliarmus!" Colin chanted the magic spell, but unfortunately it didn't hit his opponent, and instead passed by his brother's face.

This startled Daniel, and the wand fell to the ground through physical means.

"You have to pay more attention Daniel." Colin looked at his brother with some reproach, although he was not much better.

"We are here to improve our Defense Against the Dark Arts capabilities, don't think about anything else."

"Got it." Daniel blushed and rejoined the training.

The training continued, and in the competition between three assistants and one manager, except for Hermione, the other three were evenly matched in strength, and the battle situation was more intense than any other training session on the field.

"No fight, no fight." Qiu Zhang was the first to initiate surrender. "You young people have too much physical strength to compete with us."

She sat down on the ground, the nerve pressure from the wand waving and dodging seemed more tiring than the Great Quidditch.

"It seems I have to teach you a little more." Louis looked at the three of them teasingly.

"Please spare me." Qiu Zhang complained, "Who knew that after joining your Defense Against the Dark Arts team, I would have to be your assistant teacher. You know, my mother will never let me go against Umbridge. , she wrote to me specifically."

"Then why did you come to join?"

"Because I believe in you, um, and Harry." Qiu Zhang said subconsciously, "I didn't even tell Margarita, she will definitely not come, her parents are both from the ministry "

"My dad is also from the ministry," Astoria said, "but he will definitely not object to my opposition to Umbridge."

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