Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 345 The exchange student from Durmstrang

"It never seems like this?"

Harry said, he could tell that the hat was very different this year.

The Sorting Hat composes a song every year at the opening ceremony. This is its norm, and Louis knew when he first entered school that this hat has its own thoughts. It is more like the Muggle world in the next twenty or thirty years. Artificial intelligence will not appear until next year. It’s just that the Sorting Hat is further ahead than artificial intelligence. If he were placed in the resistance army in Detroit, it would definitely be General Marcus holding a flag and shouting "We are free."

The Sorting Hat can make what he thinks is the most correct judgment on human nature, and it is almost error-free. It also determines the fate of a young wizard's life.

But those students thought it never gave them a warning before sorting. To outsiders, this was more like helping Harry speak to Dumbledore, once again naming Voldemort as having indeed been resurrected.

However, some students believed that this was Dumbledore's operation to bring in private goods.

"It's a bit off topic this year, isn't it?" Ron raised his eyebrows.

"Has it warned students before?" Hermione asked, her voice sounding nervous for some reason.

"Of course, I have." Nearly headless Nick floated into the middle of them, using his more than five hundred years of experience to explain to them, and Neville even brought his whole body close to him.

“The Sorting Hat’s perception is extremely sensitive, and it feels morally necessary to warn the school. As the supervisor of Hogwarts, in a way it represents the embodiment of the four founders in the school. It can I don’t want to watch the school perish.”

This is indeed more responsible than a certain vampire of the same era. At least, although the hat cannot do anything to prevent disaster, it can provide early warning.

Professor McGonagall had already unfolded the parchment in her hand, and the auditorium gradually became quiet again, although there were still whispers. Louis suddenly felt that there were twice as many first-year students this year than before.

"That one seems to be Durmstrang's man."

Colin on the side was whispering to Louis: "I met him during the summer vacation, and we took magic classes together."

Durmstrang? Dumbledore did say that a group of students from Durmstrang College will come to Hogwarts as exchange students this year. Could it be that all these new students are from Durmstrang and will all be in Hogwarts? Sorting?

"Adolf Asimov."

Professor McGonagall began reading the names on the list. This was an eleven-year-old boy who was dressed differently from other little wizards in Hogwarts. He took steps and sat on the stool nervously. It was obvious that he was a Durmstrang student.


The Sorting Hat made a decision the moment it touched his head. Slytherin burst out with a warm welcome. Adolf stumbled over and sat in the seat of Slytherin House.

It seems that there will be a lot of Durmstrang exchange students in Slytherin this year.

The sorting ceremony continues. This year, due to the surge in the number of people, the ceremony took much longer than in previous years. Of course, every new branch was accompanied by fierce cheers.

The first person Gryffindor received was a boy named Euan Abercrombie. He had a pair of surprisingly big ears and was also the most nervous freshman standing in the front of the crowd.

When the Sorting Hat read "Gryffindor", he breathed a sigh of relief, staggered to Fred and George and sat down, his face turned red, as if he wanted to find a hole to burrow into.

Just as Louis thought, most of the Durmstrang exchange students were sorted into Slytherin almost as soon as they put on the sorting hat, so that the people at the Slytherin table applauded for a long time, but There is nothing we can do about this. The Durmstrang students, who follow the teachings of pure blood and tolerate dark magic, and are keen on dueling, are closest to the character of Slytherins.

But not every Durmstranger will enter Slytherin. When the sorting ceremony was halfway through, a name caught Louis' attention, causing him to lock his eyes on the stage for an instant.

"Raven Lestrange!"

The students at Hogwarts fell silent all of a sudden, and even the sibilant voice just now disappeared. The surname Lestrange shocked them as much as it did when Harry Potter came to power.

They were very curious that this most famous wizarding family in the British wizarding world, which had disappeared from Hogwarts for nearly decades, actually had new students participating in the sorting ceremony.

The person who came on stage was a little girl, wearing a Durmstrang school uniform. She walked briskly to Professor McGonagall, and there was no sign of any nervousness in her.

In fact, the Hogwarts students below were more nervous than she was. Even some teachers on the podium were holding their breath, waiting for the result of the Sorting Hat.

As time passed, the Sorting Hat became unusually quiet. It didn't say anything, which was completely unlike its sorting style.

For the students at Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat is like a chatterbox. Even if it finds the sorting to be difficult, it still has to complain a few words appropriately.

But at this moment, the Sorting Hat was silent for nearly a minute. No one knew what the Sorting Hat was thinking.

Just when everyone was almost unable to sit still, the Vicissitudes of Hat finally planned to speak. The loud voice made Raven's body tremble in fright.

"Well, in that case, I decided to assign you to Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table burst into cheers. Finally, one of Durmstrang's exchange students belonged to Gryffindor.

Raven politely returned the sorting hat to Professor McGonagall, winked in the direction of the podium, and then ran down quickly.

As she passed the long Gryffindor table, she seemed to suddenly find something. Louis was waving to her with a smile. Raven found her target at once, and then rushed towards Louis.

"Oh my God, Louise, you know her?"

Ron was very puzzled by this situation. Even Hermione was curious, and she had never heard Louis mention it.

"This is my sister, Raven Lestrange." Louis introduced to the surrounding Gryffindors. Raven bowed to the others. Her petite and cute appearance instantly won over the Gryffindors. Like.

"Lestrange? Lestrange... No wonder!" Ron suddenly understood something, "So she is..."

"She was born in Germany, you guessed it right, Ron."

Louis suddenly remembered that Meserys said that there would be a surprise waiting for him at Hogwarts when she said goodbye to him at King's Cross Station. Could it be that Raven was the surprise she prepared for him?

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