Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 109 The Owl and the Howling Letter

"What is this?" Snape looked at the roll of parchment in Peter's hand.

"This is good stuff."

He unfolded the roll of parchment, and Snape moved closer and pointed the light source at the center of the parchment.

"The secret is revealed!"

However, nothing happened. Snape frowned and clicked the wand.

"I, Professor Severus Snape, command you to reveal the secret!"

A bit of ink suddenly appeared on the parchment, and a few words suddenly appeared on the paper: Mr. Moon-face greeted Professor Snape and asked him not to stick his abnormally large nose into other people's business.

Snape was stunned, and his expression was a little unconvinced, but the Marauder's Map continued to display the words: Mr. Prongs agreed with Mr. Moony, and was willing to add that Professor Snape is an ugly idiot. .

But this is not over yet. Under the words of "Mr. Prongs", there is also a paragraph: Mr. Padfoot is willing to express his surprise at how a fool like Snape could become a professor.

Snape was already livid with anger. If that was the end of it, then forget it, but.

The fourth sentence is this: Mr. Wormtail greets Professor Snape and advises him to wash his hair, which is a ball of slime.

"Humph, is this the good thing you said?"

Severus controlled his emotions and turned to look at Peter aside. Under the light, he saw a sly smile flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, don't worry, that's not how this thing is used." Peter Pettigrew did this deliberately just because he wanted to see Snape make a fool of himself. As a student, he was one of Snape's bullies.

He straightened the parchment, touched the paper with his wand, and then said:

"I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong!"

This sentence was read with high arrogance and no distractions, and it was true that this mouse could do some good things.

The Marauder's Map appeared in front of the two of them bit by bit. Snape had seen a lot of people in the world, but he saw that the entire Hogwarts was displayed in front of him like a two-dimensional picture, and there were also names of some characters. Moving, he found that his name coincided with that of Peter Pettigrew.

"This thing is called the Marauder's Map. It's a thing I made when I was a student." Peter Pettigrew directly attributed all the rights to make the entire map to himself.

"Are the characters at these points where they are in real time?" Snape asked. Although he was jealous and even hated James's talents, he had to admit that the achievements they had achieved were beyond his reach.

Of course, he would never believe that Peter did it alone. He knew what kind of person this mouse was.

"Yes, so we can know Blake's location."

"But there's no Black's name on it." Snape's face remained stern. He directly knocked Peter Pettigrew against the wall and asked.

"Of course." Facing such a powerful Snape, Peter's tone seemed a little stuttering, "This does not show the Forbidden Forest part. I will update this map later. Of course, there are still some Your help, Professor Snape."

"Then go to the dungeon. No one will find him there." Snape grabbed Peter's body and rushed to the dungeon.

"I understand, I understand everything." Peter Pettigrew nodded with a half-smile, "But I can go on my own, Professor Snape."

Snape also felt helpless. Just an hour ago, Dumbledore told him that he would patrol the school to catch Peter Pettigrew. At first, he thought the old man was confused, but the old man was very determined and Saying that Snape was a former Death Eater was enough to gain his trust.

Although Snape was able to help Dumbledore in the name of Lily, this matter was related to the dispute between those people thirteen years ago. Snape also wanted to know who betrayed his beloved Lily Evans. .

What's happening in Hogwarts these days is not much less than last year.

Moreover, the most terrible thing was that Lucius did not get much benefit from the fact that Professor Lupine was a werewolf, so he published the matter in the Daily Prophet.

"Oh no."

Ginny unfolded the newspaper and looked at it with Louis, who was sitting next to him.

The entire Daily Prophet's comments were almost one-sided, with parents accusing Dumbledore and Fudge of being useless and incompetent, and actually daring to appoint werewolves as Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers at Hogwarts.

What's more, he wants to capture Lupine into Azkaban and give him a dementor's kiss.

"That's too much! Professor Lupine shouldn't be treated like this!" Ginny said angrily. She knew that people after being kissed by a dementor would live like a walking zombie, without a soul or a mind.

"The Minister of Magic came forward to explain this matter, and indeed said that this was a dereliction of duty on his part. Now the Ministry of Magic has intervened to investigate the matter and will give everyone an explanation."

This was just a courtesy from the Minister of Magic. Fudge had told Dumbledore about Lupine's werewolf identity earlier, but he didn't expect this guy to be exposed so quickly.

While several people were discussing this matter, suddenly, there was a vibration from the top of the castle, and then everyone saw thousands of owls flying past the castle windows.

"It's a Howler letter. My grandmother once received one." Neville pointed at the red letter in the owl's mouth.

"To whom would you send all these shouting letters?"

Louis looked down at the newspaper again. It read: In response to this incident, parents have signed a letter asking Principal Dumbledore to give them a reasonable explanation.

"Crazy, all crazy!"

Hagrid ran in from the gate, looked at the people coming and going in the hall, and found Lewis and the others.

"Are you guys okay?"

"What's wrong, Hagrid?"

"Early this morning, the principal's office was filled with owls. All kinds of roaring messages were coming in. There was no room left to stand."

"Dumbledore isn't there?"

"No, he and Fudge went out, probably discussing Lupin's affairs. Oh, that poor man." Hagrid sighed.

"By the way, where's Harry?"

"Taken away by Wood, it was said to be the last game against Ravenclaw." Louis spread his hands, "After all, it was Oliver's last chance."

"Yes, the Quidditch Academy Cup will be the last match tomorrow," Hagrid murmured.

After chatting with Hagrid, everyone separated. Ginny went to find Luna. Hermione had long disappeared to deal with her heavy studies. Ron, on the other hand, was going to the Quidditch pitch to watch Harry practice.

On the way to the dungeon, Louis seemed to hear the familiar voice. He stopped and found Astoria being pestered by Professor Trelawney.

"That's not true, Professor. I think you have the wrong person."

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