Harry Potter and the Candy Factory

#88 - Cutting spells... lots of cutting spells

That was Chuffchuff and Anker...

Charlie's brow furrowed even more. →

Even just looking at their backs, he quickly recognized who the two house-elves next to Russell were.

Charlie had a deep impression of them... not just because they were among the first house-elves to follow him in the fight against Voldemort, but also because Chuffchuff and Anker were one of the few house-elf couples in the candy factory who had offspring.

You should know that the fertility rate of house-elves is inversely proportional to their lifespan... Nature would not favor one race alone. An average lifespan of over two hundred years also destined the entire race to have a pitifully low ability to reproduce. Some house-elves may never have children in their entire lives.

Therefore, among house-elves, the birth of each newborn can be seen as an extremely important event, representing a kind of continuation, and also meaning that there is still a faint hope for this precarious race.

Thinking of this, suddenly... that conversation Russell had with him some time ago resurfaced in his mind.

"Who are we sending to America this time?"

"It's Dobby... he is the child of Chuffchuff and Anker!"

"That kid is clever and has more courage than his father. He's a good seed."


Almost instantly, Charlie's heart sank.

He pursed his lips, said nothing more, and paid no more attention to the Black American who kept looking at him expectantly.

He strode straight towards the center along the path that the house-elves had made for him.

"What happened?"

When he came to the three people, Charlie also squatted down, asking while carefully observing what was wrong with Dobby, who was lying on the ground.

"Master Black..."

Chuffchuff's voice was a little hoarse. Although he still greeted Charlie, his eyes never left Dobby.

On the ground, Dobby was still conscious, but his brow was tightly furrowed, and he trembled slightly from time to time, as if he was enduring some great pain.

His body was covered with wounds of varying depths, and although he looked extremely miserable, most of them had already scabbed over... Only the lower half of his right leg, below the knee, was missing, leaving only a bloody cross-section. Even though it had been bandaged in a simple way, blood still soaked through it, faintly carrying a hint of festering, making everyone who saw it feel a pang in their hearts...

"It's a Severing Charm... many Severing Charms."

Chuffchuff clenched his teeth tightly, each word seeming to squeeze out from between his teeth.

As an experienced combatant, he naturally could not fail to see what kind of torture his child had suffered. And it was not difficult to understand how vicious and terrifying this torture was.

Every wound seemed to be engraved in his heart, cutting his heart with blood.

The fact that he had not lost his mind at the first sight of Dobby's miserable state was enough to show his mental strength.


Seeming to hear Charlie's voice, Dobby, who had been half-closing his eyes in a daze, leaving only a slit, became more awake.

"Mr. Black..."

He勉强露出了几分笑容, even his originally blurred vision seemed to have recovered some of its brilliance.

Probably out of youthful spirit, not wanting Charlie, whom he admired, to see him in this state, he used a little strength,挣脱开了正被安可握住的手, struggling to sit up.

"Good boy... lie down."

Facing Dobby, Black's expression勉强露出了几分笑容, even if he felt terrible, he didn't let Dobby see his anger at the moment.

"Rest well for a while... you'll be fine."

He said softly, reaching out to help the thin body lie down again.

When the other party's eyes眯了起来 again,似是睡去... Charlie's face finally turned completely black, and then slowly got up.


Russell also stood up with Charlie,小声的说道

"There's no life-threatening danger... it's just that there are too many injuries, and that leg has been截去 with a Severing Charm, I'm afraid..."

As Russell spoke, his expression was also complicated. The words were not finished, but the meaning was already expressed clearly.


Charlie nodded slightly, then沉沉的吐出了一口浊气.

His eyes环顾了一周, from every angry face扫过, and then slowly opened his mouth,对着所有员工下达了命令.

"Come out a few people,陪查夫查和安可一起把达布送到医疗部... the rest all回到自己岗位上, I'll take care of things."

When everything that needed to be交代 was all完毕, the employees who got the order gradually began to散开, Charlie's gaze finally落到了那个从他刚刚进来,便似乎一直有什么话想说的美国黑人巫师身上.

"As for you... if you have anything to say, go to the office with me."




"How should I address you?"



"Andre... Andre Davis."

Andre赶忙礼貌点了点头, and then sat down,对着查理报出了自己的名字.

"Okay... Andre."

Charlie慢慢的倚靠在了座椅的靠背上, his eyes微微闭起,沉吟了片刻.

"Tell me... what exactly happened."

说完, Charlie's words又顿了顿, continued说道

"I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation... after all, this is related to our future cooperation, and my employees."

"Of course... of course..."


After all, from刚刚查理出现, he一直想要找机会和对方说清究竟出了什么事情, but because the scene was too混乱, so he一直没有逮到开口的机会.

此刻对方终于给了他解释的机会, Andre自然不可能放过, so赶忙开口回答

"Actually, things were originally all normal... from that... Mr. Dobby"


"From him来到美国,再到商议好具体协议... everything was井井有条, there were no problems. The problem was after 商议好."


"Mr. Dobby seemed to find everything that the human magical world showed very interesting... just right, there was still some time before the visit to England, so we also did our best to entertain him,陪着他去了各种他想要看的地方."

"Due to Mr. Dobby自带了大量变形药剂的原因, so there were no problems, Mr. Dobby himself also玩得很愉快..."

"Until the last day... he didn't wait for us,独自一个人去了盲猪酒吧."


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