Hogwarts, the bathroom on the first floor, was in shambles at the moment, and several professors began to work on restoration and detection.

Dumbledore, who had not participated in the restoration, stared at the stone door and roof that had completely dissolved from the bottom up, and was silent.

After a long time, Dumbledore spoke, “Severus, what do you think?” ”

Behind Dumbledore, Snape also scanned the corridor with a serious face, which was full of traces of magical attacks and the dissolved stone door in front of him.

“Very powerful magic, each spell has at least the level of an adult wizard, as for this attack in front of him…” Snape’s indifferent pupils condensed slightly, remembering the rumors that had been in the overturned alley.


That was a year ago, in the tumble alley.

“That little ghost is Wilkes’ son, also called Wilkes, gee, heck, it’s really a terrifying little ghost.” The wizard who passed by in the alley overturned looked down and was talking to others.

Snape wore a black cloak and walked through the overturned alley, although his expression was still indifferent, but he couldn’t help but hear that everyone around him was discussing a person.

A ten-year-old child.

Even the two parties who are trading in the store mention it from time to time.

“Have you heard, yesterday another confused egg was burned to ashes, and the pillar of fire in the sky, even if it is hundreds of meters away, can be clearly seen.”

“I heard that it was Chris Tian that guy who was killed before he even took out the magic battle.”

Almost every few steps, Snape could hear someone talking about a kid named Wilkes.

But in the end, because of his identity, he didn’t show up to ask anything, and silently left the overturned alley.


“A very powerful, definitely top-of-the-line spell, and one that has never been documented, and as far as I know, Wilkes mastered it at least a year ago.” Snape commented pertinently.

“Is it…” Dumbledore’s eyes flashed with countless thoughts, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until the corridor was almost repaired, only the stump of the troll on the ground remained, and Professor McGonagall walked to Dumbledore’s side.

“Dumbledore, it’s already fixed, but this troll must have been attracted by someone, we should…”

“Minerva, you have worked hard, let’s stop here today, I will investigate this matter clearly, everyone go back to rest.” Dumbledore interrupted Professor McGonagall’s concerns.

Turning to look at Snape again, Dumbledore said, “The troll part will be left to you, Severus. ”

After that, he left uncertainly.

Professor McGonagall and the other professors looked at each other, hesitated, and left one after another, leaving only the silent Snape staring at the remains of the troll at his feet.


The night at Hogwarts was surprisingly quiet.

Due to school rules, all students are not allowed to leave the common room, so the corridors of Hogwarts Castle are empty at night.


The door of the entrance hall on the first floor suddenly opened a gap without wind, but after a few seconds, it closed strangely.


In the silence, there was a sound of slow footsteps, listening to the sound, it was walking in the direction of the dark Forbidden Forest, and the dead branches and leaves on the ground on the way were stepped on from time to time.

“The Forbidden Forest is really gloomy, but I have to say, it’s really a good place to raise magical animals.” In the seemingly no-man’s place in the air, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Disperse.” There was a sound again, and I saw a magic wand suddenly appear in the air, and the wand crossed the place, and a figure appeared.

A boy who looks like a teenager, with clear eyebrows and bright teeth.

It was Wilkes who had just sneaked out of the castle using the “Illusion Charm”.

The Forbidden Forest, also known as the Dark Forest, is located on the edge of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry grounds, and students are generally not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, except for fines and confinement, or during classes to protect magical creatures.

“It should be deep enough that no one else will find it.” After walking for a long time, Wilkes stopped.

Looking around, there was a wide flat land, and huge and thick trees grew in an orderly manner.

This is a rare flat place in the Forbidden Forest, and a good place to feed the shadow bears.

“Come out, Shadow Bear.” Wilkes took out the dragonskin pouch from his waist, took out the shadow bear doll, and threw it directly into the open space in front of him.


The next moment, the black teddy bear gradually expanded as it fell, turning into a shadow bear with a black aura wrapped around it.

Touch! Touch!

As soon as the shadow bear appeared, two bear paws slapped his chest, and saliva splashed in his mouth:

“Whoosh! Oh! ”

“Okay, stop barking, go eat, big stupid bear.” Wilkes directly interrupted the domineering appearance of the Shadow Bear, casually a “levitation spell”, levitated the dragonskin bag to the side, and tilted the hole down.


The next moment, countless foods exuded a clear fragrance and sloped down like a waterfall.

“Whoosh! Oh! Oh! The shadow bear’s nose moved, and after smelling the aroma, the two small eyes were dumbfounded, the mouth closed sharply, and immediately climbed under the dragon skin bag with a fart, and sat on the ground with a “touch”.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, the shadow bear immediately gobbled up, and his cute appearance made Wilkes feel helpless.


When fighting, the shadow bear is quite domineering, but this look makes him can’t help but cover his face.

“Well, the food of the Shadow Bear will really be a trouble in the future…”

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