It is human instinct to become stronger.

In the past, he did not have that ability, nor did he have that opportunity, but now the opportunities are in front of him, if he does not fight for it, it will not be a waste.

Then, the lesson was teasing Luna while paying attention to Professor Quirrell from time to time, and it ended quickly.

“This lesson is just… That’s it, see you next time. Quirrell stood on the podium and finished the lesson.

All the students stood up and said goodbye to the professor one by one, with a longing expression in their eyes, and it had to be said that Ravenclaw, and even Hufflepuff students, were always the most eager to learn.

“Yes… By the way, Wilkes, you stay. Just as Wilkes was holding Luna to leave, Professor Quirrell suddenly stopped Wilkes.

“Huh?” Wilkes looked wary.

Professor Quirrell stopped him, could it be that he wanted to attack him? No, he shouldn’t dare to do it to himself at Hogwarts.

Besides, for the sake of the “accident” just now, it will not come to the point where you need to eradicate yourself, it would be too stupid.

But after thinking about it, Wilkes suddenly frowned, since he had no reason to stop himself, that is…

“Is it Voldemort, because of what? Want to control yourself because of your father? Wilkes guessed.

In just a short moment, he had already guessed most of the facts!

“However, I am not what you want to call and linger, why should I listen to you.” Wilkes laughed secretly, then pretended to frown and looked at Professor Quirrell.

“Professor Quirrell, I’m sorry, I’ve already made an appointment for Luna to go to the library to read books, or next time when I’m free, presumably the professor won’t care, right?”

After that, without waiting for Professor Quirrell to answer, Wilkes hurriedly pulled Luna out of the classroom without looking back.

“Free next time?” Professor Quirrell froze, but when he reacted, there was no longer Wilkes’s shadow in front of him.

Professor Quirrell gritted his teeth and stood in place: “Wilkes! ”

Unexpectedly rejected him directly?


“Wilkes, when did we make an appointment to go to the library together?” On the way, Luna blushed and asked softly.

“Just now.” Wilkes grinned and pulled Luna towards the Hogwarts library.

The Hogwarts Library, located on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, has thousands of shelves and thousands of books.

As soon as he arrived here, Wilkes’s eyes lit up, which was an unknown number of times more than the books in the Ravenclaw common room.

However, he did not go through them one by one, so that he could not turn them over for a few days, but found the librarian, Irma Pince.

She has a catalogue of books there to help him better find the books he needs.

In the end, he borrowed three books: “Forgotten Ancient Magic and Spells”, “A Guide to Medieval Witchcraft”, and “Selected Charms of the Eighteenth Century”.

Wilkes put all the books in the dragonskin bag and left the library with Luna to walk around Hogwarts Castle.

“Wilkes, didn’t you say you went to the library to read a book?” Luna blushed all the way.

Because Wilkes hadn’t let go of her hand since just now.

“Reading in the library? That’s just a perfunctory look at Professor Quirrell, besides, didn’t I borrow a few books to come out, and I have time to read them in the evening. Wilkes disagreed.

Reading a book in the library with Luna? Wouldn’t that be a waste of good time, it would be better to cultivate and cultivate feelings before the afternoon class started, maybe you can …

Wilkes turned his head to look at Luna, the corners of his mouth unconsciously upturned.

“But unfortunately, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor’s classes are rarely social, which is a troublesome matter.” Wilkes sighed.

Not to mention that Hermione was in Gryffindor, and Harry Potter, he still wanted to try to contact him, would it trigger the system.

“It seems that we have to think of a way.” Wilkes was taking a walk with Luna to cultivate a relationship while planning other things.

Right now, there’s a solution, Professor Quirrell.

As a professor, you should be able to change the curriculum of the college a little, right? Otherwise, it would be too inferior, in his previous world, this kind of thing often happened.

But now he didn’t want to contact Professor Quirrell too early, and planned to dry him for a while.


In this way, it soon came the afternoon class, which was much more boring than the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the morning.

Herbology class.

A discipline that studies magic and common plants and mushrooms, equivalent to Muggle botany.

In his herbology class, Wilkes learned how to care for and use plants, and learn about their magical properties and applications.

First-grade herbology only talks about two, Bai Xian and Devil’s Net.

The Devil’s Net, Wilkes only remembered its weaknesses, feared light and fire, anyway, he would not plant such a thing as the Devil’s Net.

As for Bai Xian, it is a very precious magic material with a strong ability to heal wounds.

When Borgin traded Hogwarts admission, Wilkes also bought a whole bunch of messy, bottles and jars, and there was white flavor.

So Wilkes knows this too.

In class, apart from teasing and mentoring Luna from time to time, Wilkes performed almost perfectly.

After class, he was no different from the other Ravenclaw students and began a long peaceful life.

He did not contact Professor Quirrell, nor did he intend to sneak into the forbidden area of the library for the time being, let alone explore the hiding place of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Like a “good baby”, Wilkes gradually “precipitated”.

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