Griphook nodded at Hermione.

He also knew Hermione.

Harry Potter is the savior among wizards. From the time he first came to Gringotts at the age of eleven, Griphook had carefully observed him, trying to see through this wizard who was destined to be extraordinary.

Hermione Granger was a mediocre witch: at least for goblins, but she was not poor, and she was smart.

As for Ron Weasley, the goblins didn't even know the wizard existed in the world.

At this moment Hermione spoke, and Griphook felt very satisfied.

Because she doesn't have the fear that wizards have of goblins, and she doesn't have the usual malice.

"Hello, Ms. Granger."

Behind Hermione, Ron carefully raised his wand.

Hermione stood in front of Griphook and tried to imagine it as a house elf.

"We are here to fight against the mysterious talents."

Griphook remained silent and motionless.

Hermione looked at his expression and was silent for a moment.

This seemed to represent many possibilities, but Hermione felt that the goblin in front of her was not ready to hand them over to the Death Eaters right now.

"I once asked Lu Ke what the mysterious man thought of Gringotts and goblins..."

Griphook's eyes flickered.

He knows Lu Ke.

In fact, Lu Ke's reputation is very loud among goblins.

He once talked to a goblin about some methods on how to control wealth and how to control the world through wealth. That set of theories has now spread to every goblin's ears.

Among wizards, this is the wisest one: at least that is what the goblin believes.

"What did Mr. Lu Ke say?"

A flash of ecstasy flashed through Hermione's heart, and she couldn't help but smile.

This is the best development in the plan. The goblin is indeed interested in Lu Ke.

"He said that Voldemort has been looking for an opportunity to completely destroy Gringotts and take away everything in the vault."

Griphook fell silent.

Hermione watched the expression on his face carefully, guessing what the goblin was thinking right now.

In fact, Lu Ke did not say that.

At least he didn't say that in front of the three Harrys.

This was a conclusion that Hermione had deduced based on what she had learned from Lu Ke before.

But Hermione believed she was right.

But her confidence is meaningless, what matters is whether the goblin is willing to believe it.

Hermione and Harry and Ron had imagined the meeting with the goblin countless times before and prepared various persuasive arguments, but in the end they chose this simplest and most direct one.

Harry believed that Voldemort would never disappoint in being fearsome.

And so it is.

After a long silence, the goblin Griphook looked at Hermione and said, "Is there any way you can stop it?"

Hermione felt a flash of ecstasy, but she tried her best to calm down.


Griphook glanced at Hermione, then shook his head: "The mysterious man is immortal. He uses a mysterious black magic. In addition... he is the owner of the little man in the bottle, and the wand in his hand is even more legendary. "The Elder Wand."

Even so, the expression on Griphook's face was not one of despair.

Hermione was not surprised, and was even more excited.

Because everything is expected.

Goblins are actually very proud. They know the threat of Voldemort, but before that threat becomes a reality, they all have unreasonable confidence.

What Hermione had to do was to crush this confidence.

"The mysterious man's lifelong pursuit is to escape death. The Elder Wand is just the beginning, and the mysterious black magic of immortality is just the beginning. The little man in the bottle knows all the knowledge in the world. One day, he will definitely get all the Deathly Hallows."

Hermione was betting that goblins knew the legend of the Deathly Hallows.

After all, they were three ancient, powerful and precious magic items. Although the legend was only spread among a few wizards, the goblins must have heard of them.

And this was indeed the case, and a trace of panic flashed across Griphook's face.

The goblins knew that Voldemort was looking for the Deathly Hallows, although they did not believe that collecting three Deathly Hallows could actually allow a wizard to escape death and gain immortality.

But the problem is that Voldemort is almost immortal.

If he really becomes the master of the wizarding world, then the rule of this crazy wizard will last for a long, long time, and the safety of everyone in the wizarding world, including the goblins of Gringotts, will depend on Voldemort's thoughts.

A madman may be able to keep from going crazy for decades, but he certainly cannot keep going for a hundred years.

So it is almost certain that sooner or later, Voldemort will burn Gringotts to the ground.

For the goblins, this is not a distant threat, but death that is right in front of them.

Griphook looked at Hermione, his expression gone.

"But what can you do in front of the mysterious man?"

This is a simple and direct question, and it can even be said to be full of malice.

But Hermione knew very well that this was the greatest kindness a goblin could have.

Don't think that just because a goblin is groveling and flattering you, it means he is your friend. When goblins do this, they are just treating you as a fool who can be deceived.

Only when a goblin is expressionless and logically arguing with you about how to get greater benefits, then he treats you as a true companion.

And that's exactly what happened now.

Hermione smiled, relieved that the plan had worked.

"We are now thinking of ways to destroy the dark magic that keeps the mysterious man immortal. As for the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore also gave us clues."

Griphook looked at Hermione with a trace of surprise on his face.

In the eyes of the goblins, Voldemort is almost invincible, but it seems that the three young wizards in front of them have actually found a way to fight Voldemort.

Although they were able to do this with Dumbledore's help.

"What are you going to do?"

Ron quietly lowered his wand.

The plan finally succeeded.

"We want to go into the mysterious man's treasure house and take a look."

Griphook nodded.

He wasn't surprised at all.

"But even the goblins of Gringotts may not be able to enter the treasure house. I am still alone among the goblins."

Hermione nodded slowly.

This is also expected.

There are also those who are cautious and muddle along among fairies, and they make up the majority.

But the goblin who is willing to risk the threat of Voldemort and come into contact with the three Harrys must be willing to take risks.

Of course, he must be more greedy than other goblins.

For the three Harrys who had been prepared, such greed was a good thing.

"After success, we are willing to offer something made by a goblin as reward."


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