"Let's get out of here."

Ron pulled Harry: "Let them stay here, we just need to be careful, no Death Eaters can find us in the future."

Hermione nodded, and the three of them returned to the front of the tent.

Hermione folded the tent and the three of them disapparated together.

This time they came to a big city. Even though it was late at night, the lights were still on both sides of the street, and Muggles passed by from time to time.

"Where is this?"

Ron asked casually.

Hermione shook her head: "I have never been to this city, let's find a place to rest first."

The three of them got into an alley together. Hermione led them around to a dead end behind a tall building, then set up a protective spell and set up a tent.

Harry remained silent until the three men entered the tent.

Ron glanced at him worriedly: "Don't worry, it's not your fault."

Harry shook his head silently.

He hesitated to speak, afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would accidentally say that name again.

Hermione shook her head: "There is no need to pay too much attention. I think the spell is not strong enough to let the Death Eaters know who the person who named it is."

"As long as there aren't many Death Eaters coming to see us, we'll have no problem escaping."

Harry hesitated: "But we certainly can't keep running away."

Hermione nodded: "But don't think about it tonight, it's too late, just rest."

Harry nodded thoughtfully.

Then the three of them went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Harry suddenly woke up.

Time seemed to pass only a moment. He didn't know how long he had slept, and he got up from the bed in a daze.

Then Harry heard the sound of many people talking.

There was no doubt that someone was coming from outside the tent.

Harry's first thought was of Death Eaters.

He raised his wand and rushed out.

Just as Harry rushed to the door, Hermione and Ron also rushed out.

They were all sleeping in their clothes, waiting for the day to come, so naturally they woke up immediately.

"Muggle or Death Eater?"

Harry shook his head: "It's always good to be careful."

Ron nodded, then carefully poked his head out.

Then he turned and ran towards the back door: "Death Eaters."

Harry and Hermione turned around.


"Did I talk in my sleep?"

There was lingering self-blame and confusion in Harry's heart. The two were mixed together, and a anger slowly rose from the deepest part.

"Why are Death Eaters just unwilling to give up..."

Hermione shook her head next to Harry: "It's definitely not your fault this time..."

Harry shook his head: "How did the Death Eaters know we were here?"

Hermione was speechless.

This matter is very strange. All three of them are still confused.

They still used the same tactics as before, rushing out from the back exit for a sneak attack. The three of them cooperated tacitly and quickly eliminated the surrounding Death Eaters.

"Six people, an ordinary search team. If they knew it was us here, there would be more than just that..."

Just as Hermione was speaking, a curse flew from the darkness in the distance.

The three of them rushed out quickly.

They looked around blankly for any sign of Death Eaters, but saw nothing.


Harry was the first to discover the origin of the curse, thanks to his long practice as a Quidditch Seeker.

Then the three people rushed towards the corner.

But it was obvious that the Death Eaters on the roof were well prepared. They followed the three of them tightly, and spells fell like rain.

"We must fight back!"

Harry shouted, then suddenly remembered something.

He raised his wand: "Firebolts are coming!"

Although the Death Eaters on the roof took the opportunity to sneak attack, Hermione raised a shield and blocked the curse for Harry.

A broomstick rushed out of the tent, Harry grabbed it, turned over and took off.

The broomstick soared into the sky. The Death Eaters upstairs obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. They turned the direction of their wands, but it was already too late.

Harry threw the spell on his broomstick among the Death Eaters. Although he couldn't see the figures in the dark, it was enough.

Hermione and Ron climbed to the top of the building using the platform created by transfiguration. Together, the three of them easily defeated the Death Eaters.

They stood together on the roof of the building in the dark, looking around.

"what happened?"

This raid was full of weirdness, whether it was the sudden appearance of the Death Eaters who found the location of Harry and the three of them, or the fact that the Death Eaters on the roof stood idly by while the Death Eaters were fighting below, everything was full of anomalies.

"Don't think so much first, let's leave quickly..."

Just as Hermione was about to turn around and go back to pack the tent, Harry pulled her back.

"We don't know how they found us. There will always be Death Eaters coming. Don't even think about resting or escaping."

Hermione showed a worried expression: "What do you think?"

Harry nodded: "We might as well stay here and capture a few Death Eaters to question."

Ron turned around and glanced at the Death Eaters on the ground around him: "Is it possible that they know?"

Hermione sighed helplessly: "You'll know if you ask."

Next, the three people started busy.

They packed up their tents, selected the best location for the ambush, and woke up the Death Eaters one by one to question them.

"No one knows what happened. They came on the orders of a Death Eater."

"Still an acquaintance."

Ron couldn't help but laugh when he said this: "Umbridge."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Her?"

"I don't feel like a troublesome opponent..."

Ron smiled.

Hermione shook her head: "Don't take it lightly!"

The three of them stopped in an alley together.

There are no too tall buildings around here. There are three walls and only one entrance. Even if you are besieged, you can avoid using a small number to defeat a large number.

In addition, Hermione also used Transfiguration to reinforce the walls on three sides and set up dense traps. This is now the home court of the three of them.

“Remember, we’re not here to win.”

Hermione gave Harry a worried look.

Ron nodded: "Let's catch Umbridge, ask why they found us, and then get out of here."

Harry took a deep breath: "The most important thing is always to find and destroy the Horcruxes, everything else is secondary."

Hermione nodded with satisfaction: "I don't think Umbridge is too talkative. That kind of person is willing to say anything."

As she said this, the Death Eaters appeared.

They appeared at the entrance of the alley, and at the same time, screams were heard from behind three walls.

Hermione couldn't help but laugh: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​putting the trap there?"

Ron smiled proudly: "Learn from the twins."


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