Slughorn sat Malfoy down and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet on the side.

"I don't have anything in my collection that can compare to your gift, but there are herbs I added to make you feel better."

Malfoy took the cup and put it to his mouth, smelling a strong aroma.

It was the smell of alcohol mixed with the smell of another plant. It was very sweet, but strangely it was not greasy at all. Malfoy drank it down unconsciously.

It was as if a warmth spread from his chest, and Malfoy felt better.

He has never stopped using Occlumency, and even if he loses to Harry, he can remain calm, but emotions are always more depressed and intense. Malfoy could hardly hold on at the party just now. Only then would he show his dissatisfaction with Pansy Parkinson in front of others.

But now, Malfoy felt as if he could accept everything that had happened. He had become more relaxed. It was not that he had forgotten what had happened, but his view of them had changed.

This is a more comfortable kind of relaxation than being drunk or numb.

Slughorn looked at Malfoy and smiled, knowing that his formula was working again.

"If you want, you can stay here until you want to go out."

Slughorn patted Malfoy on the shoulder and walked towards the door: "As for me... you know that a party can't be without a host."

Then Slughorn walked out of the room.

Lu Ke returned to the door of the party soon after. It was already very late and the party had just ended.

The students were satisfied and walked toward the stairs with more than satisfied. Although they felt that Filch would give Professor Slughorn face, the deans of the four houses would not.

So they had to rush back to the common room as soon as possible.

Lu Ke waited for Johanna next to the stairs, and then the two of them walked down the stairs together, and entered a small door in the shadow of the corner that no one noticed at all.

"So you really encountered the Savior doing bad things?"

Johanna looked at Lu Ke and smiled.

Lu Ke nodded helplessly: "Harry almost smashed Malfoy to pieces."

Johanna was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

"He doesn't look like someone who would do such a thing at all."

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh: "Because Malfoy took action against Ron. It seems that Harry has not forgotten the fight between Malfoy and Ron when Malfoy escaped from the Burrow during the summer vacation."

Johanna nodded suddenly: "This can be explained..."

"But who made the first move?"

Lu Ke sighed.

Johanna never fails to find the key points.

"Ron followed Malfoy, and Malfoy made the first move."

Johanna smiled and shook her head: "It's a mess, right?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Harry and the others are indeed very smart. My deliberate laissez-faire towards Malfoy has been hidden from most people, but not from them."

Johanna turned around and walked out of a small door, which was the exit of the secret passage. Now the two of them were in the underground corridor leading to the Slytherin common room.

"Harry and the others should be able to settle down for a while after this incident. Compared to this, I have another interesting news to tell you."

Lu Ke nodded: "What happened at the party?"

Johanna smiled meaningfully: "Slughorn used the wine Malfoy gave him to celebrate the end of the party, and everyone drank a glass."

Lu Ke smiled: "Is there something wrong with the wine?"

Johanna nodded: "That's a potion that only works on Muggles. You know, Muggles can't resist the spell, so it's fatal."

Lu Ke turned around and walked into the door of the common room: "Does that mean no one was hurt?"

Johanna followed and walked in: "Yes, but Malfoy didn't show up. I was actually looking forward to his expression when he saw you were gone."

Lu Ke shook his head and said nothing more.

Harry was distracted for a long time, waiting for Professor McGonagall's punishment, which did come quickly.

The three Harrys did not return to the dinner, but went directly back to Gryffindor Tower. When they walked into the common room, they found Professor McGonagall already waiting inside.

Harry stood in front of Professor McGonagall. Just as he was about to say something, Professor McGonagall said in a strange tone: "Are you okay?"

Harry froze.

He began to wonder if Lu Ke had told Professor McGonagall something strange.

Professor McGonagall shook her head: "Okay, you are all going to be in confinement and come to my office on Monday night."

"Okay, now go back and rest."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall turned and left.

Although the three Harrys remained silent, their minds were full of questions.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall suddenly stopped.

Harry felt a flash of disappointment, but mostly relief.


Then Professor McGonagall handed Harry a note: "Dumbledore asked you to go to him for class the morning after tomorrow."

"If you decide not to leave Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays."

Harry took the note and then looked up at Professor McGonagall carefully: "Then our confinement..."

Professor McGonagall nodded matter-of-factly: "If you go home for the holidays, of course you won't come, but if you are at Hogwarts, I will wait."

After saying this, Professor McGonagall turned and left.

The three of them stood there, and then they all fell down on the sofa in confusion.

Of course they won't forget that tomorrow is the Christmas holiday.

And Harry will definitely stay, but Ron and Hermione may not.

Ron shook his head: "I can tell my family that I won't go back for Christmas."

Hermione also nodded: "I think it would be better not to go back. There are dangers everywhere outside Hogwarts now..."

Harry shook his head: "Isn't this just right?"

"I was the one who made the mistake, so I am the only one who is imprisoned. It's the best thing."

Ron and Hermione fell silent.


Ron hesitated: "You can go to the Burrow, or the Black family."

Harry shook his head: "Forget it, I'm going to stay here and take lessons with Dumbledore. I hope he can speed up the progress..."

Ron looked at Harry and chose silence.

Hermione shook her head: "You won't learn anything if you are too anxious. Besides, everyone will have a rest during the Christmas holiday. I'm afraid Dumbledore also has other things to do."

Harry fell silent.

He knew there was a good chance that what Hermione said was true.

But Harry himself still hoped to complete the course quickly.

Harry was awakened by what Lu Ke told him. He finally realized that he was actually a candidate for a warrior. Harry wanted to become someone who could really fight Death Eaters as soon as possible.

And Dumbledore's lessons are the latest hope.


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