This is an extraordinary cliff. The tide hits the cliff directly, and the sound of the waves is endless.

Dumbledore stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down at his feet.

Lu Ke was beside him.

At this height, most people would feel intimidated or even dizzy, but Dumbledore remained calm. He was even in the mood to carefully identify the rocks that were appearing and disappearing in the middle of the tide.

"I don't know if Tom had been here when he sneaked out of the orphanage, or if he would never have sneaked out at all. At that time, he was already using his talents to bully other orphans. The orphanage belongs to him. territory."

Lu Ke smiled: "It's really an old-fashioned story about the devil. He has not been a good person since he was a child."

Dumbledore smiled, as if he had heard a wonderful joke, and he could hardly stand upright.

It wasn't until Lu Ke suspected that he was going to faint from lack of oxygen that Dumbledore stopped.

He raised his blackened right hand and wiped the corners of his eyes, then nodded to Lu Ke: "Actually, Tom once said that you would be the next Dark Lord, and some people believed it."

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh: "I'll just take this as a compliment."

Dumbledore nodded: "You are actually very similar to Tom...a talent beyond ordinary people. You are more willing to do something than others very early on, and you rarely fail."

Dumbledore bent down with difficulty, then hung his feet outside the cliff and sat on the edge of the cliff.

"I once thought that it would be a bit shameless to leave such a troublesome matter to you."

Lu Ke shook his head: "It's not troublesome if I can do it, and I won't do it if I can't do it."

Dumbledore shook his head: "You still don't know one thing. I met Tom at the Ministry of Magic before the summer vacation."

Lu Ke glanced at Dumbledore with a complicated expression.

He wanted to ask what happened between Dumbledore and Voldemort, but he never asked.

Dumbledore continued, minding his own business: "He said that I made him become like that, and you and Harry will also become like that."

Lu Ke smiled.

"Harry and I can't."

Dumbledore nodded: "Tom said, even if you don't become like him, you have already been thrown into hell by me."

"No student who has not yet graduated from Hogwarts should stand in front of Voldemort and fight him. No wizard should accept such an arrangement, and no wizard should be turned into a murderous weapon."

"Lu Ke...what were you thinking when you killed the Death Eaters?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.

"I'm here to protect Johanna."

Dumbledore seemed relieved.

He stood up: "After I die, everything to fight against Voldemort will be left to you, Lu Ke. Before that, you still have some time to go with that Muggle private... Auror to understand what Voldemort has become. Everything before Voldemort."

Lu Ke nodded: "I will find a way to find the Horcrux."

Dumbledore smiled: "As for me... I want to take advantage of this time to be with Harry."

Lu Ke's expression was complicated. He silently reached out and pulled Dumbledore.

"Don't blame me for being partial, Lu Ke. I don't want to take care of Harry, but I want Harry to take care of me."

Dumbledore stood up with difficulty: "I have always been partial to certain students against the teacher's ethics. James is one of them, especially Harry. I think I regard him as one of my own relatives now."

Lu Ke glanced at Dumbledore with some pity.

Dumbledore shook his head: "Don't pity me, Lu Ke, I chose all of this myself, and the moment I made the choice, I knew very well that the final result would be this."

Dumbledore glanced at Lu Ke casually.

Lu Ke shook his head: "I gave the private detective a commission before. She should be not far from here. I just go to the city to find her."

Dumbledore was a little surprised and nodded with a sigh: "If wizards were willing to deal with Muggles, Tom wouldn't be such a serious threat."

After saying that, he turned around and nodded to Lu Ke: "Goodbye then."

Lu Ke nodded: "Goodbye."

Dumbledore disappeared in an instant.

Lu Ke turned around and walked away.

He quickly passed through the neighborhood and arrived at the center of the city.

Although it is a small town, it looks dilapidated and dilapidated, and it looks like there is only a small town left.

Lu Ke found Watson in a pub.

She was drinking and looked in high spirits. There were only a few people in the tavern, and everyone including the boss was fascinated by the little secrets she told her about.

"So you're serious?"

"Is the Prime Minister also afraid of his wife?"

Watson nodded nonchalantly: "Of course!"

"And the gentlemen in the House of Lords are all the same."

Everyone around made a sound of admiration.

When Lu Ke walked in, Watson stood up with a smile, which obviously made everyone else a little unhappy.

However, Watson only said "I'll buy you a drink today" and made all the unhappy people happy.

Lu Ke turned around helplessly and followed Watson out of the tavern, then raised his right hand outside the door.

The little man in the bottle appeared out of thin air, glared at Lu Ke and Watson, and then disappeared.

Watson looked at the place where the little man in the bottle disappeared with a sigh on his face: "Is that your girlfriend?"

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel..."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "That's not my girlfriend."

Watson smiled: "You can't fool me. The jealous eyes of a woman in love are one of the most dangerous things in the world, and they are also the things I fear the most. They are unmistakable."

Lu Ke glanced at Watson in surprise, then turned to look at the seaside in the distance.

"Did you find anything?"

Watson nodded: "I found the orphanage where he once stayed."

Lu Ke smiled: "Then we are not far from success. What do they say?"

Watson shook his head: "That orphanage was closed twenty years ago, and the person who was there was still fifty years ago."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, then nodded helplessly: "Do you have any other plans?"

Watson smiled: "Of course, the nun who once worked in that church went to another parish. Although she has passed away, she should have left something behind."

Lu Ke nodded helplessly: "Let's go take a look..."

But Watson wasn't finished yet: "Besides, most of the orphans who once lived in the orphanage have stayed here."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.


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