"Is there any Horcrux you particularly want?"

Dumbledore did not answer the question. He drew his sword from the Sorting Hat, walked to the table, and struck down with the sword.

Although he is a wizard and looks older, Dumbledore is still not weak in power.

The sound of the huge collision of gold and iron echoed, and Lu Ke felt the floor beneath his feet shake.

But the metal cube was safe and sound.

Dumbledore shook his head.

He was about to put down his sword and take out his wand when Lu Ke walked over.

"Let me do it."

Dumbledore nodded: "Be careful..."

Lu Ke was a little surprised. He reached out and took Gryffindor's sword from Dumbledore's hand, then stood in front of the table holding the sword in both hands.

Cut down with a sword.

The terrifying speed caused a scream, but in the end there was no huge sound. ,

Only the crisp metal trembles like a thin line.

The block broke in half.

Lu Ke looked down and found a ring inside.

But before he could do anything, Dumbledore had already walked over, reached out, grabbed the ring and put it on his hand.

At that moment, Lu Ke had an intuition that something bad was going to happen.

Then Dumbledore reached out and tried to turn the stone on the ring.

It's too late.

Dumbledore let out a wail of pain.

Lu Ke stretched out his hand as fast as lightning. He tried to take the ring off Dumbledore's finger, but he couldn't do it.

A sharp pain like lightning shot through Lu Ke's hand.

Dumbledore's pain became more intense, and he couldn't even stand and collapsed directly to the ground.

"What are you doing!"

Lu Ke roared and used force, and finally took the ring off Dumbledore's hand.

But it was as if Lu Ke had used the ring to drain all Dumbledore's life force away.

Starting from the finger where the ring was on, at least half of Dumbledore's body was charred black. He looked emaciated, as if he had aged dozens of years.

Lu Ke put the ring aside casually, bent down and helped Dumbledore up.

"Hufflepuff's potions..."

Dumbledore shook his head blankly: "No..."

Lu Ke asked him to sit down against the table, and then took out the scalpel from his pocket.

At this time, Fawkes, the phoenix that had been staying on the shelf, had flown over. It fell into Dumbledore's arms and began to cry. However, the phoenix's tears fell on Dumbledore's wound, but it failed to bring about any change.

Lu Ke had never felt so full of frustration. He didn't know what happened, but he also knew that Dumbledore had stepped into Voldemort's trap.

Dumbledore tried in vain to raise his hands to stop Luke, but he was too weak now to do anything.

Lu Ke stretched out his hand, dripped his own blood into a silver cup that was originally placed on the table, and then forced Dumbledore to drink it.

Dumbledore looked better, there was finally a trace of color in his face.

Lu Ke stood up and glanced at the Horcrux on the table, then nodded to Fox: "Call Professor Snape over... We need a targeted potion."

The Phoenix screamed and then disappeared in the firelight.

Lu Ke stood there with his head down, and put the empty cup back on the table blankly.

He had a very, very bad feeling.

Right before his eyes, Dumbledore, the most important figure in the fight against Voldemort, was in great danger.

And there seems to be no remedy.

Lu Ke raised his right hand.

The little man in the bottle appeared out of thin air. He glanced down at Dumbledore and then shook his head: "This is not any curse I know. Voldemort knows how to avoid the power of Hufflepuff's crown."

Lu Ke let out a long sigh.

Not long after, Snape rushed in.

He glanced down at Dumbledore, then shook his head in horror: "Why is this happening?"

Lu Ke smiled bitterly silently.

"Is there any way?"

Snape shook his head: "I'll prepare an antidote, and you can bring the Philosopher's Stone."

Lu Ke nodded.

Then he waved his hand, and the man in the bottle floated out with Snape.

Not long after, the man in the bottle came back with the magic stone.

Lu Ke placed the Philosopher's Stone on Dumbledore's injured hand.

Then he saw the Magic Stone begin to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Ke didn't know what would happen in the end, but for Dumbledore, he no longer cared about the Sorcerer's Stone.

In the end, the magic stone disappeared completely as if melting into the air.

Lu Ke looked at his empty palms, feeling very complicated.

Still, he has no regrets.

Because then Dumbledore was finally able to speak.

"You are so wasteful, Lu Ke..."

Lu Ke gave him a cold look.

Dumbledore struggled to his feet.

Lu Ke looked up at Dumbledore: "I need to explain."

Dumbledore nodded: "This is an exquisite trap. Only the person who wears the ring..."

Lu Ke shook his head: "But nothing happened when you just put on the ring!"

"Tell me, what happened?"

Dumbledore shook his head dejectedly: "The Resurrection Stone..."

Lu Ke looked shocked and angry: "Just for this?"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly: "Otherwise..."

Lu Ke almost roared: "There is no resurrection stone in the world!"

"That is a standard dark magic item, a malicious prank. You actually fell into Voldemort's trap just for this thing!"

Dumbledore's face showed surprise: "What did you say..."

Lu Ke explained helplessly: "Slytherin once told me that it was actually a dark magic creation called the Ghost Box."

"There is no such thing as a resurrection stone in the world!"

Dumbledore was silent for a long time, and then he sighed feebly: "But there are a lot of stupid people in the world..."

Lu Ke shook his head: "You haven't told me yet, what does this have to do with the Resurrection Stone!"

Dumbledore turned and glanced at the ring on the table.

"The ring is set with the Resurrection Stone... The way to use the Resurrection Stone is to turn it three times in your hand. Obviously, the trap Tom left on the Horcrux will only explode at this time."


Dumbledore shook his head and said no more.

Lu Ke turned around helplessly and angrily: "Is it because of this?"

"I have never seen a curse on you..."

Dumbledore shook his head: "That's not a curse, but a curse that sucks away all the life force in an instant, just as naturally after a hundred years. It's not poison, it's not a curse, it's not a wound, so Hufflepuff's magic The medicine doesn’t work.”

Lu Ke nodded silently.

So the power of the magic stone can be used to target this curse.


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