So everyone turned their wands and pointed them at the door in front.

Working together, they quickly dispatched the more numerous Death Eaters.

Then everyone stayed where they were.

"we won?"

Ron looked incredulous.

Then he jumped up and waved his fist in the air: "We won!"

Even Harry found it incredible, because he had never thought that students who had not graduated from Hogwarts could defeat the Death Eaters: although their numbers did exceed the Death Eaters: there were at least twenty students here , there are a little less people in Ravenclaw, and the number of people in the other three houses is about the same.

"Don't relax!"

Harry took a deep breath: "The fact that they were solved so easily by us means that they are not Death Eaters at all, but just followers of Isabella Strange."

This statement immediately calmed everyone down.

And it was like a magic spell, making everyone accept it instantly.

Then everyone raised their hands holding the wand again.

Harry smiled and breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's get out from over there."

Then he lowered his wand.

Others followed, feeling too nervous and lowering their hands, but still holding their wands tightly.

After passing through the gate, they finally came to the place they had been looking for.

Hermione looked around: "These are prophecy balls! Harry?"

Harry nodded: "This is it!"

He looked around: "In the corner... Lu Ke should be right here!"

Harry turned and ran towards the end of the huge space.

Others quickly followed.

"The corner on the left hand side after entering..."

Harry rushed to the end of the narrow walkway and looked left and right.

There is a row of armor under the foot of the wall here.

"Armor holding a spear..."

Harry walked to the right.

Then finally, he saw the spear he had seen before.

"right here……"

Then Harry heard a voice.

"Yes, this is it."

With an impressive, almost instantly favorable voice, Isabella Strange stepped out from behind the shelf holding the crystal ball.

"Although I wonder why Lu Ke came late, it doesn't matter. If you are here, Lu Ke will come naturally."

Harry looked around blankly: "Why isn't Lu Ke here?"

Isabella Strange smiled: "I'm afraid I have to ask Lu Ke himself. He is an elusive...squib, isn't he?"

While they were talking, Death Eaters gathered around on both sides of the aisle at the foot of the wall.

"Now you have nowhere to go."

Isabella Strange glanced at Harry contemptuously: "Of course I can declare you to have illegally broken into the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, and then send you to the Wizengamot and then to Azkaban... …”

Harry sneered: "You can try."

Isabella Strange nodded: "Yes, I never thought of doing this."

A Slytherin voice came from behind Harry: "Then what are you going to do?"

Isabella Strange smiled, as if she suddenly heard a funny joke at an unexpected time: "Of course you will never have to leave here again."

The Slytherin groaned: "How is it possible...don't you hate You-Know-Who the most? You are...the only correct wizard!"

All the smiles on Isabella Strange's face disappeared instantly: "No!"

"The one I admire and love the most is the Dark Lord!"

"Of course I am the only correct wizard, especially compared to Fudge."

Harry no longer cared that there were still some admirers of Isabella Strange among the students at Hogwarts.

He stared at Isabella Strange's right hand, cautiously, not knowing when she would raise her wand.

Then Isabella Strange raised her wand: "Catch them..."

At this moment, a voice came from not far away.

"Let them go, Bella."

That's Lu Ke.

Isabella Strange threw a bolt of green lightning in the direction of the sound without even thinking about it. Wherever it went, the wooden frame fell over, the crystal ball fell to the ground, and after it shattered, it was a ghostly white void. The shadow rose from it and began to repeat the previous prophecy.

But Isabella Strange was disappointed to find that Lu Ke did not appear.

Obviously based on the sound, he should be behind the shelf.

Isabella Strange pointed at two Death Eaters casually: "You, you, look at them."

Then she turned and walked towards the other side of the room.

As she walked, Isabella Strange threw Avada Kedavra in all directions.

"Stop hiding, Lu Ke!"

"We don't like hide and seek, do we?"

Isabella Strange said as she strode towards the center of the hall.

Harry had been watching her back carefully, but he soon discovered that Isabella Strange did not care about these Hogwarts students at all.

Harry looked to the left and right, and there happened to be two Death Eaters blocking them on one side, and in the last direction was the back of Isabella Strange.

Harry decided to take a gamble.

As long as Isabella Strange doesn't look back before everything is over, then they still have a chance to defeat the two Death Eaters on both sides.

He raised his wand, pointed it at the Death Eater on his right and without hesitation threw a spell: "Expelliarmus!"

Then the Death Eater sneered, "You didn't learn anything at Hogwarts, I know that for sure."

That was Lucius Malfoy's voice.

Harry sneered: "Really?"

At this moment, Draco Malfoy, who was blocked in the middle of the crowd, spoke: "Father?"

Lucius Malfoy shuddered as if he had been electrocuted.

Then his wand flew out of his hand.

The Death Eater on the other side sneered: "Oh, isn't this our Young Master Malfoy?"

Harry turned around without hesitation: "Kill him!"

The others followed Harry's lead, almost without thinking.

Despite this, that Death Eater still showed superhuman strength.

He dodged back and forth between the shelves with the crystal balls, taking the time to counterattack, each time as if he could cast the spell without reciting it, viciously and swiftly.

But after all, there were many people on Harry's side.

Malfoy was the only one facing Lucius Malfoy. Father and son faced each other, speechless for a moment.

During this gap, Harry and the others finally took care of the Death Eater.

The crucial blow was done by Luna, who sealed the Death Eater's eyes with a spell.


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