Isabella Strange turned around and walked outside: "Go away."

Then she raised her right arm to her supporters: "Ministry of Magic!"

The crowd burst into cheers.

"New Era!"

"Trust the Minister for Magic Isabella Strange's inaugural speech..."

In the hall, almost everyone gathered around Hermione, listening to her read the news from the Daily Prophet.

"Voldemort has returned, and the Ministry of Magic will fight against it firmly, completely contrary to the inaction of its predecessor..."

"The first person to alert Voldemort of his return will be rewarded..."

Hermione raised her head and glanced at Lu Ke, but Lu Ke had no expression on his face.

"Martial law will gather forces to fight the Death Eaters..."

Hermione shook her head and put down the newspaper: "We're in trouble."

Lu Ke nodded.

There is more than meets the eye.

As part of Fudge's martial law, Umbridge became Headmistress of Hogwarts, and in her inaugural speech, Isabella Strange made no mention of Hogwarts at all.

This means that I am afraid that the Ministry of Magic has acquiesced in Umbridge's appointment and will continue to maintain it.

This was completely opposite to what Lu Ke expected.

You know, Umbridge does not have very strong abilities or good popularity. She stands out within the Ministry of Magic entirely because of her personal relationship with Fudge.

But Fudge is no longer the Minister of Magic.

Lu Ke sighed silently.

Of course he knew that there were Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic.

But Lu Ke never expected that Umbridge would contact Voldemort so early.

Just as Lu Ke expected, someone asked about Umbridge.

"Isn't it mentioned that Umbridge was removed?"

A Ravenclaw in the crowd spoke.

Hermione looked up at him, then shook her head: "I think the new Minister of Magic likes Umbridge very much."

This sentence drew a burst of dissatisfied boos from around him.

Although there were indeed people in the crowd who supported Isabella Strange becoming Minister of Magic, they felt vaguely that they should change their minds after hearing the news.

Just then, Umbridge walked over.

She looked obviously sleep-deprived, but she still had the swagger of a Hogwarts Headmaster.

Seeing the students gathered together in the hall, a smile appeared on her face.

"I am very happy that you are celebrating the new Minister of Magic's appointment as soon as possible..."

Umbridge stood at the end of the hall, opening her arms to the students: "At the same time, I would also like to remind you that gatherings without permission are now not only against school rules, but also against the regulations of the Ministry of Magic."

The crowd slowly dispersed, and they returned to the long tables of the four colleges with fear.

Only Luke was still standing in the middle of the crowd. He glanced at Umbridge casually, then turned to return to the Slytherin table.

At this moment, Umbridge said: "Lu Ke..."

Lu Ke turned around.

He was a little surprised, but not so surprised.

"What's up?"

Lu Ke walked towards Umbridge.

Umbridge smiled and raised her wand: "You are fired."

Lu Ke nodded: "Goodbye then."

Umbridge sneered: "We probably won't see each other again."

Lu Ke smiled: "Maybe..."

Umbridge looked at Lu Ke's smile, and a chill suddenly flashed in her heart.

She didn't know why Lu Ke could still laugh now.

Lu Ke turned around, and the three Harrys and Johanna had already walked over.

Umbridge spoke slowly behind Lu Ke: "Oh, I must remind you that Hogwarts students are not allowed to talk to expelled students, otherwise they will be put in solitary confinement."

Harry gave Umbridge an angry look.

Hermione shook her head: "Don't worry, Harry."

Lu Ke smiled: "Umbridge is not ready to wait."

As he said this, he was surprised to see Malfoy walking over.

Umbridge could no longer keep her smile on.

"Get out now!"

But Snape came out from behind Umbridge and said, "I'll take him away without you having to worry."

Umbridge glanced at Snape, and although the anger on her face had not dissipated, she turned and left without saying anything.

Snape walked up to Lu Ke: "Do you need anything?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Let Harry and I have a word alone."

Snape glanced at Harry and others, then turned around.

They left the hall together, and Snape took them to the basement level and into the Potions classroom.

Then Snape walked out.

After the classroom door closed, Harry said angrily: "She can't do this!"

Lu Ke shook his head: "Okay, listen to me."

"Umbridge will lock you up after I leave, Harry. You don't have to answer anything she asks."

Harry was a little confused: "What?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "You tell him that there are secrets left by me in the Forbidden Forest, which can subvert the Ministry of Magic."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "Of course not, but keeping Umbridge is enough."

Harry gave Hermione a blank look.

Hermione already understood a little bit. She looked at Lu Ke nervously: "But is this really okay?"

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "Of course, I have already told them, remember not to separate and just walk towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest."

Harry sighed: "Okay, but you leave Hogwarts..."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "I stay in Hogwarts, and it's not me who is being protected."

Harry shook his head.

He hesitated, but finally decided to say those words: "You can't leave Hogwarts!"

"Voldemort found the dragon-slaying weapon in the Ministry of Magic. If you go to fight them, you will definitely be killed!"

Lu Ke glanced at Harry helplessly: "You haven't learned Occlumency, so it's normal to see these things..."

"Even so, you should learn not to believe those things."

Harry shook his head: "But you are really going to step on this trap, Lu Ke!"

Lu Ke shook his head: "Even if I have to go, there will be others around me to help. Forget about this, Harry."

"You just need to remember what I just told you, don't forget it!"

Harry wanted to say something else, but Hermione stopped him.

Lu Ke nodded, then glanced at Malfoy: "Don't forget the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you still have the last bit of time."

Several people have one head.

Then Lu Ke took them out of the classroom.

He and Johanna walked into the Slytherin common room together.

"Everything is as you expected."

Johanna looked at him and smiled.

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "Good luck."


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