Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 53 Neville’s Parents

Christmas is finally here.

Early in the morning, Sirius Black rushed Kreacher to start preparing Christmas decorations, and the entire Black family seemed to be different.

Kreacher, who looked very old, showed proficiency and power that ordinary wizards could not achieve. He easily conjured up various decorations needed for Christmas, giving the entire mansion a brand new look.

Hermione, who was helping on the side, whispered to Harry: "Compared to their work, the treatment house elves receive is completely inadequate!"

Harry could only smile helplessly.

Mrs. Weasley and her family are preparing to go to the hospital to see what Mr. Weasley has to bring. They are going to try again to see if Mr. Weasley can come here for the dinner: of course what they really want is for the whole family to be together. The Burrow.

But the Weasley family was already happy.

After all, Mr. Weasley is fine.

When going to the hospital, Mrs. Weasley called everyone, and they walked out of the house together and got into the Muggle taxi called by Luke.

There were very few Muggles on the road. They were all probably going home to celebrate Christmas.

For a moment, Harry looked at Hermione next to him and felt that everything should not be like this.

Hermione looked at Harry's expression and smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Harry shook his head.

He didn't want to tell Hermione that he felt everything was in chaos. The old Hermione should have spent Christmas at home, and so did the Weasley family. Although he would stay at Hogwarts, he was still happy.

Voldemort's return changed everything.

They queued in the lobby of St. Mungo's Hospital for a while before walking into Mr. Weasley's new ward.

Because the therapists have now begun to study the effects of the potion to heal him.

Mr. Weasley had already told them in desperation that he had drank Hufflepuff's potion, but his desire to leave the hospital did not follow: the therapists were very nervous that Weasley Mr. was deceived.

Anyway, Mr. Weasley unfortunately won't be able to leave the hospital for Christmas.

When he complained helplessly, everyone around him couldn't help laughing.

Then Lu Ke left the ward with the others and Harry and Hermione, and they gave up the space to the Weasley family.

"Shall we go sit in the tea room on the sixth floor?"

The three Harrys quietly left the group and walked upstairs.

They don't want to be around other people.

The ancient wizards in the portraits on the road kept trying to prove that they had dangerous diseases, which made Ron very unhappy.

Then they bump into someone unexpected.


Neville was walking out of a side room, followed by a witch.

The witch looked old and scary, wearing a green robe decorated with moth-eaten fur and even a stuffed vulture on her hat.

Harry looked at the witch in amazement, and then he suddenly understood.

This should be the grandma Neville talks about.

But Neville didn't seem to want to run into Harry or the others at this time.

He tried hard to hide, but failed.

Neville's grandmother, Mrs. Longbottom, had already spotted the three Harrys and came over.

"Is this your friend?"

Mrs. Longbottom looked at Harry and nodded: "I know who you are. Neville talked about you, Harry Potter."

She reached out warmly and took Harry's hand.

The hand was extremely thin, almost like an eagle's talon.

"He thinks very highly of you."

Harry nodded awkwardly: "Thank you..."

Mrs. Longbottom then shook hands with Ron and Hermione one by one, seeming to be very interested.

"The Weasley family are all good people. I have known your grandfather for a long time..."

"Hermione Granger, you helped him, right? He does lack a bit of his father's talent, and so do I..."

She said and motioned to the hospital bed on the other side with her chin.

Hermione looked at the hospital bed on one side awkwardly: "Uh..."

Mrs. Longbottom immediately saw the surprise in her eyes: "Why, Neville didn't tell you about this?"

She showed an angry look and turned to look at Neville: "I told you this is not a shameful thing at all!"

"They didn't do all this just to be ashamed of you!"

Neville turned his face away from Harry and the others and whispered, "I don't think so."

Mrs. Longbottom looked at him sternly: "I didn't see it!"

"My son and daughter-in-law were tortured crazy by Voldemort's lackeys, because they have always been the ones who resisted the most firmly, and they are one of the most respected Aurors..."

At this moment, a skinny witch walked out of the room on one side.

"Alice? What's wrong..."

That witch was Neville's mother. She couldn't speak. She was holding something in her hand and wanted to hand it to Neville.

Mrs. Longbottom nodded: "Take it, Neville, whatever it is."

Neville took a bubble gum wrapper from his mother and whispered, "Thank you," in a voice only he could hear.

Then his mother went back.

Mrs. Longbottom nodded: "Okay, we should go back."

"Throw it away. What she gave you can at least cover your whole room."

Then Mrs. Longbottom nodded to the three Harrys: "Goodbye."

She left with Neville.

The three Harrys stood there in silence for a long time.

Then Ron sighed: "Can we go to Lu Ke and ask... about his magical potion..."

Hermione looked like she wanted to retort, but ended up just nodding.

They found Lu Ke and Johanna in the corridor downstairs.

"Lu Ke..."

Harry hesitated for a moment and finally decided to speak: "Neville's parents..."

Lu Ke nodded: "I know."

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then he felt disappointed.

Lu Ke sighed: "The injuries they suffered cannot be cured by any magic medicine, because it is not trauma, disease, or curse."

All three of Harry fell silent.

Johanna smiled at them: "Don't worry, this time because of you and our efforts, the Dark Lord hurt many fewer people than last time."

Harry shook his head silently, and then left casually.

He walked aimlessly somewhere else, not knowing where he should stop.

When Harry came to his senses, he found himself standing in front of a window, with Hermione and Ron beside him.

"Never mind, Harry."

Ron looked at Harry and smiled: "You have caused a lot of trouble for the mysterious man, including saving my father this time."

"We will win!"


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