Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 44 Target: The Man in the Bottle

Umbridge was very happy to see Voldemort's reaction.

She felt that her efforts were indeed in vain.


Then Voldemort closed the mirror.

Umbridge looked at her open-mouthed, dumbfounded face in the mirror, and stood motionless for a long time.

Then Umbridge gave up thinking.

Voldemort stood in the darkness and lowered his wand.

Now that Lu Ke is indeed restricted, the plan can proceed to a critical step.

In fact, generally speaking, Voldemort knew that Lu Ke was difficult to restrain, but this time he believed it.

It's a very simple truth. Among the students at Hogwarts, there are very few people like Lu Ke who have such a reason to study alchemy in depth.

If the owner of the Philosopher's Stone didn't understand alchemy, he would be easily laughed at.

And learning this kind of thing is a comprehensive restriction, which even greatly reduces the possibility of Lu Ke even being distracted and thinking about other things.

The most important step in Voldemort's plan is to initiate an election.

Because he knew that Lu Ke had always controlled the Daily Prophet, Voldemort had never dared to do this. Now, he can finally do so.

But this doesn’t just start right away.

Voldemort needed a trigger, one that would make the Ministry staff angry at Fudge.

And there is no more suitable goal.

Voldemort laughed.

His target had been chosen long ago, now it was time to start planning.

Lu Ke knew nothing about Voldemort's plan.

Because he was busy with his alchemy class.

After a period of study, Harris Green finally decided to let Lu Ke start the final alchemist course.

In fact, all of Lu Ke's previous levels were in line with the alchemy course graduation requirements required by Hogwarts, except that he didn't know much about the branches of alchemy.

During this time, Lu Ke learned the various schools of alchemy and the distinguishing characteristics between them, which was particularly simple for Lu Ke.

If Harris Green arranges an alchemy graduation exam from the examination committee for Lu Ke now, he feels that Lu Ke will definitely get full marks.

But Lu Ke didn't care at all, he just let Khris Green start the next level course.

For Lu Ke, just his identity as the master of the magic stone was enough for all recruiters to not care whether Lu Ke had an alchemy qualification certificate issued by the Ministry of Magic.

As for Lu Ke, who is already the general manager of the Shafiq family's industry, he will never have to look for a job with his alchemy qualification certificate.

So the two started the more advanced courses in perfect agreement.

However, in the advanced course, the first problem Lu Ke faced was choosing a direction.

Alchemy is now an extremely complex and advanced course, and the individual directions included in it are enough for an alchemist to study for a lifetime. Therefore, no one can learn everything, and the result will be to understand nothing.

And what Lu Ke finally chose was life alchemy.

It's a bit taboo, a bit close to one direction of black magic.

But Harris Green was not surprised at all.

"You want to study the man in the bottle, right?"

Lu Ke smiled and nodded.

This is not a surprise at all.

As the owner of the Philosopher's Stone: Although Lu Ke did not make this Philosopher's Stone himself, the only way to prove himself is to develop the only alchemical product that is higher than the Philosopher's Stone: the little man in the bottle.

The alchemy of life is the only way to get close to the little man in the bottle.

"But there are the least teaching materials on life alchemy now."

Harris Green took out a thick book as he spoke: "Besides this, the latest authoritative document on the alchemy of life is probably what Mr. Nico Flamel mentioned, that alchemists should fully understand the alchemy of hemp. Study."

Harris Green said and gave Lu Ke a meaningful look.

Nico Flamel's paper mentioned that it was Lu Ke who gave him this inspiration.

Lu Ke nodded: "Muggles have completed the alchemy of creating life from metals. Of course, they call this kind of organic chemistry."

Harris Green was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"Why is this not mentioned in Mr. Flamel's paper?"

Lu Ke smiled: "Because he thinks it's not important."

He probably knew why. Nico Flamel's research direction was not the alchemy of life. He had been an alchemist without desires since he created the magic stone.

Harris Green looked at Lu Ke, with a trace of unwillingness flashing deep in his eyes.

This is what ordinary people feel when they look at a genius.

In fact, it is not surprising that someone does better than you.

What's really hard to swallow is that you don't know why he's doing better than you.

Just like Lu Ke in front of him, how did he know that Muggles had already achieved that level?

Muggle-born wizards are everywhere now, and many of them are alchemy apprentices. Why doesn't anyone among them notice this?

However, Harris Green's idea was not worth mentioning in Lu Ke's eyes.

He just started studying the thick alchemy of life course.

It was a collection of essays that could be called lazy.

There is almost no system in it, and it is filled with dozens of papers related to the alchemy of life without any organization.

However, after reading it all, Lu Ke still felt that this book was very good.

Because this is all the progress of the alchemy of life so far.

In other words, after reading this book, as long as an alchemist knows how far the alchemy of life has developed.

But Lu Ke was still a little disappointed.

Because the so-called alchemy of life is not a problem that can be solved by simply copying Muggle technology.

This involves the most fundamental issue: the soul.

Lu Ke felt that he should read Schrödinger's "What is Life" again.

Of course, he knew that this book would not give him the answer, but it could give him confidence.

There are indeed many things in the wizarding world that science cannot explain for the time being, but scientific research methods are always reliable tools.

Lu Ke just suddenly encountered a problem that no one seemed to be able to solve, so he just needed a little confidence.

The alchemy of life has never been able to explain why the curse exists: Lu Ke's research results have already explained this, but the subsequent soul is even more elusive.

The man in the bottle is an artificial soul.

The reason why it is called the ultimate alchemical achievement that surpasses the Philosopher's Stone is because creating the little man in the bottle means that alchemy can create souls.

This is of course very difficult and clearly on the verge of black magic.


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