Of course, the Daily Prophet thing has nothing to do with Hogwarts.

Lu Ke didn't care about it, and Harry was quickly distracted by the golden egg and forgot to worry about Lu Ke.

He still doesn't know how to solve the mystery of the golden egg.

This troublesome affair lasted until Harry had his first chance to go to Hogsmeade after school started.

There, Harry didn't see Ron at all, who was taking Catherine to enjoy the local scenery, but it was enough for him to be with Hermione now.

While they were sitting together, they saw Ludo Bagman.

As one of the referees of the Triwizard Tournament, this staff member of the Ministry of Magic always wanted to help Harry, and he did not miss this opportunity when he met him here.

He even wanted to tell Harry directly how to unlock the secret of the golden egg.

But before he could tell the answer directly, Ludo Bagman was called away by the sudden appearance of the goblin.

Harry was a little surprised.

"Why did the goblin come to him?"

Hermione shook her head: "He probably borrowed money from Gringotts."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Hermione glanced sideways at the back of Rodo Bagman who disappeared at the door of the bar: "Elves only work so seriously when it comes to money. Of course, Gringotts rarely lends money to wizards because they never think wizards can afford it. "

Harry shook his head: "That's strange..."

But while they were talking casually, a figure walked in.

That's Rita Skeeter.

Harry looked at the popular reporter with a flash of anger in his heart.

Of course, his anger was not that intense, after all, the victim Lu Ke's reaction was too cold.

Rita Skeeter was walking and talking, seemingly arranging Ludo Bagman.

"Another victim, huh?"

Harry couldn't help but make a sound.

Rita Skeeter turned around in surprise, then looked at Harry with an expression of surprise.

"Harry Potter...do you have something to say?"

Harry looked disgusted: "How can you speak ill of others like that..."

Rita Skeeter smiled: "So, in your eyes, what kind of person is Luke Grindelwald?"

Harry was about to speak when he suddenly woke up, but he didn't say anything.

Because Harry knew that whatever he said, Rita Skeeter could turn it into slanderous nonsense.

"It's obvious that you don't know what terrible things Lu Ke has done. He is controlling public opinion, you know? Everything that everyone in the wizarding world knows is a lie he spun!"

Rita Skeeter looked like a hero who had died for a just cause.

Hermione glanced at the reporter with disgust: "Don't blame others for the scandal you did!"

Rita Skeeter glanced at Hermione, and Harry noticed that when she looked at Hermione, her eyes were cold, without any of the enthusiasm she had when she looked at him.

Harry shook his head, turned around, pulled Hermione and left the bar together.

"We should just stay there and discredit her."

Hermione complained in the snow.

Harry shook his head: "Forget it, don't worry about this. Lu Ke has never failed in anything, and he will definitely be the same this time."

Hermione shook her head: "No, never think that someone will do it for you if you don't do it yourself, Harry."

"Lu Ke is just an ordinary person who has done nothing about house elves. I have to deal with that Rita Skeeter myself."

Harry glanced at Hermione. He thought what Hermione said made sense, but he didn't feel the need to do so.

Besides, it was very dangerous to go against Rita Skeeter.

"Hermione, I don't think you need to conflict with her at all..."

Hermione shook her head: "What if something bad about me appears in tomorrow's Daily Prophet? My parents don't read that newspaper, so they won't be frightened and panicked by the rumors in it."

Harry smiled helplessly: "Okay, but be careful, they can confuse right and wrong."

In the end, Harry reluctantly gave up his efforts to unlock the golden egg by himself, and asked Hermione to help.

But there was nothing Hermione could do about this magical magical creation for the moment.

They began to read various records from scratch, and Hermione even began to read the large alchemical tomes that only seventh-year students needed to read.

"There is no doubt that this is an alchemical item. Considering that all the warriors in the original plan were seventh graders, alchemy may be needed to solve the puzzle."

As Hermione spoke, she used various methods to analyze the golden egg, from its material to its alchemical techniques to the traces of spells left on it.

She was making rapid progress. What kind of alchemical technique was used to make the golden egg, what kind of magic spell was fixed on it, everything was clear. The only thing was what message the horrifying voice inside contained. Harry and Harry were still the same. Fog.

Hermione became more and more fascinated by this challenge and spent almost all her free time on it.

Eventually, it got to the point where Harry couldn't bear it.

He reluctantly decided to tell Hermione Cedric's tip.

Although Harry had always wanted to solve this mystery on his own.

But now that he was causing trouble to Hermione, Harry felt that his persistence should be forgotten.

After hearing what Harry said, Hermione almost screamed excitedly in the library.

"It's a mermaid!"

Harry looked confused: "What?"

Hermione smiled and pulled Harry out of the library and straight to the bathroom.

"We are looking in the wrong direction, Harry. We have been studying the boxes containing things until now. In fact, what is really important is what is inside the boxes!"

Harry looked confused: "What are you talking about?"

"The voice inside that golden egg!"

Hermione smiled: "The imprisoned invisible thing, the fleeting thing that solidifies but does not dissipate, of course, is the sound."

Harry followed Hermione into the bathroom occupied by Moaning Myrtle, and Hermione placed the golden egg in the sink.


When Hermione opened the golden egg, Harry heard a sound that surprised him.

It was definitely not a scream that he could not forget, but a light singing voice, a poem.

"Look for us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing on the ground.

As you search, consider:

We took away your most precious treasure.

You only have an hour,

To find and regain what we took,

After an hour all hope is gone,

It is completely gone and will never appear again. "


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