Dumbledore asked Cedric and Harry to go back to rest, and then Lu Ke was the only warrior left in the small room.

Professor McGonagall looked at Lu Ke worriedly: "All tests require magic spells, and you have no way to deal with them, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "We should be more worried about Harry."

Dumbledore nodded and they walked out of the room together.

The professors separated at the entrance of the hall, but Lu Ke stayed at the end.

He looked at Dumbledore: "Barty Crouch should have done it, but the key is who involved Harry."

Dumbledore nodded: "There are no disguised Death Eaters in Hogwarts. How exactly all this happened, I don't know."

Lu Ke glanced at the extinguished Goblet of Fire at the end of the hall: "Harry doesn't think this game is insignificant like me."

Dumbledore smiled: "Is this...if he is willing to work hard in the game, he can learn a lot."

Lu Ke smiled: "This is best, but after going through so much, does he still need this level of exercise?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "You are probably the only person who is not qualified to say that. He is still far worse than you were a year ago."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment.

Then he shook his head resignedly and returned to the Slytherin common room.

The Slytherins were waiting here. Although they noticed something strange about Lu Ke, for them, this was still something worth celebrating.

Of course, their enthusiasm was very restrained. Nowadays, Slytherins know how to learn not to be annoying. After congratulating Lu Ke, they went back to the dormitory.

Only Lu Ke, Johanna, and Malfoy were left in the common room.

Johanna smiled and glanced at Malfoy: "Draco, don't you have something to say to Luke?"

Malfoy took a deep breath and then walked up to Lu Ke: "I think you did something wrong."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Malfoy looked very excited: "You had a way around Dumbledore's age limit, and then you actually told Harry Potter!"

Malfoy obviously felt that this was an excessively harsh accusation: "I didn't say there was anything wrong with you participating in the competition..."

Lu Ke raised his right hand to stop Malfoy from continuing: "What does Slytherin use to gain honor?"

Malfoy was stunned for a moment: "Conspiracy and exploitation are just like what you did this time."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "Do you think participating in that competition, in full view of the public, is considered a conspiracy?"

Malfoy stayed where he was.

Lu Ke sighed, turned away and ignored Malfoy, but looked at Johanna: "Did you do it?"

Johanna smiled and shook her head: "I have no interest in wasting time on such boring things."

A flash of anger flashed across Malfoy's face, then he turned and went back to his dormitory.

Lu Ke raised his head and thought for a moment: "So, he was actually jealous of Harry, and then lost control... because he liked Granger?"

Johanna smiled and nodded: "I really want to teach Hermione how to take advantage of this, but she doesn't like it. It's such a pity."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "It would be great if Malfoy could be smarter."

Johanna glanced at Lu Ke: "Are you saying that Harry Potter is smarter than Malfoy?"

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Harry Potter was in the Gryffindor common room.

All around him were the reveling Gryffindors.

He still tried to convince others that he wasn't the one who threw the note into the Goblet of Fire, but no one believed it.

Everyone was very happy that Gryffindor also had a champion, which was simply overjoyed.

The twins even admitted that Harry's prank skills surpassed their own, which made Harry's denial pale in comparison.

The party continued late into the night, until finally Harry found a chance to talk to Ron and Hermione.

"I did not do that……"

Hermione nodded: "Of course you didn't do it. Even Lu Ke couldn't get around Dumbledore's restrictions. If no one helps you, then someone wants to frame you."

Ron smiled and shook his head. He was also happy that Harry had become a warrior. Of course, he only entered the common room half way through the carnival.

"I don't think this is a frame-up. If I really want to know who did this, I must thank him."

Hermione shook her head angrily: "You don't know what kind of test you will face. Don't forget, the previous Triwizard Tournament was stopped because too many people died!"

"Harry, you're going to die!"

Harry shook his head: "I hate that person. I didn't do such a thing at all. He framed me."

Ron was stunned for a moment, and it took him a moment to realize that Harry was angry at being wrongly accused.

"Do you think this matter is really worth paying attention to? Everyone is happy anyway. Of course we should be careful about that person, but he has not done anything bad so far."

Harry shook his head: "Of course you don't think so. You were talking happily to Kathleen and didn't even think about what I was facing in that small room."

Ron was stunned for a moment.

He was a little embarrassed.

Hermione quickly said: "Are you talking about Karkaroff and Madame Maxime?"

Harry nodded slowly.

Hermione looked angry: "They can't do this to you! Isn't it because they didn't take precautions that this happened? You are the victim, Harry!"

Harry looked at Hermione's expression and finally felt better: "Forget it, at least you believe me. I just hope that others can calm down."

Hermione nodded: "Don't be angry for others, Harry, the most important thing for you now is to pay attention to your safety."

Harry shook his head: "I don't think so. This is just a competition. Besides, there will be so many professors here. How could I be in danger?"

Ron glanced at Hermione: "But considering what Hermione said makes sense, Harry, you'd better prepare for the first test. Did they say what it was?"

Harry shook his head: "They didn't let me know that the only weapon was the wand."

Saying this sentence is the same as not saying it.

The three of them never imagined what the first test would be. Finally, they came out of the corner hiding from the carnival Gryffindor, struggled to squeeze out of the crowd, and returned to the dormitory.

Lying on the bed, Harry let out a long sigh of relief.

He began to wonder what would happen tomorrow.

Whatever it was, Harry was pretty sure it couldn't be good.

The expressions of Madame Maxime and Karkaroff appeared before his eyes and then disappeared.


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