When the train arrived at the station, the rain was still pouring down. Hagrid stood in the heavy rain and shouted to everyone.

They got into the carriage together and came to the entrance of the castle.

Then at last they entered the castle and entered the great hall.

Everyone was covered with water stains, and the heavy rain made them miserable.

Even now, when I look up at the transparent ceiling, it still looks like there is lightning and heavy rain.

Harry was looking forward to the Sorting Hat Ceremony. When he was in first grade, he didn't know what it meant. Now, Harry just wanted to look at the anxious expressions of the new students and enjoy it.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall walked in with the first-year students.

They all looked nervous, and Harry couldn't help but think of his first year.

After the sorting ceremony, it was time for Dumbledore to speak.

"It is with great regret that I have to tell you that the Quidditch House Cup will not be held this year."

Everyone was disappointed, especially Harry, but what he didn't know was that Malfoy was even more disappointed than he was.

In the midst of the uproar, Dumbledore announced an earth-shattering news: "Because we are going to hold the Triwizard Tournament this year."

Fred Weasley couldn't help shouting: "You're kidding!"

Dumbledore laughed.

"Of course I'm not kidding, but speaking of jokes, I did hear a very funny one. One day, a troll, a hag and a leprechaun..."

Professor McGonagall coughed in her seat, interrupting Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then nodded reluctantly: "Ah, yes, it's a bit inappropriate to tell a joke at this time."

"Let me explain what the Triwizard Tournament is..."

To put it simply, this is a long-standing magic school competition. The participants are representatives of three magic schools, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang.

Each school chooses a student, the warrior, and the three of them compete together for the final victory.

Although it has a long history, it has little reputation because it was closed down a long time ago due to too many deaths.

However, recently, through the efforts of Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic, the strong assistance of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports, and the consent of the principals of the other two magic schools, this historic competition is finally being revived.

Of course this complicated history would only interest Hermione.

What really got the students excited was the winner's reward: "Winning honor for your school and receiving a personal bonus of a thousand gold galleons."

Everyone was whispering, and everyone in Gryffindor decided to participate almost instantly.

Then Dumbledore poured cold water on everyone: "Only seventh-year students can participate."

The twins roared in displeasure.

Everyone was unhappy.

Nonetheless, Dumbledore was merely proclaiming a long-established rule that would not be changed.

After the dinner, everyone walked casually towards Gryffindor's tower. As they walked, they thought about how to become warriors.

The twins were determined to win this game, and they absolutely wanted to get that thousand galleons.

The three Harrys just listened. Hermione was still worried about Dumbledore's words because there were too many dead people, while Harry and Ron hoped in their hearts that they could become warriors.

That's obviously a bit difficult.

Lu Ke followed Dumbledore into the principal's office.

He didn't go back to the Slytherin common room because Dumbledore wanted to see him.

"Although Johanna Ogulius gave me a definite answer, I am still worried about you."

Dumbledore looked like an old man who was worried about his younger generation, and Lu Ke even felt a little ashamed.

"I'm fine."

Dumbledore nodded: "You have already met, Moody, this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Lu Ke turned around and glanced at the old man who had been standing quietly behind Dumbledore. He looked riddled with holes and had lost an eye and a leg. An eye that was obviously a magic item had disappeared since Lu Ke came in. He kept looking at him.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Moody nodded slowly: "You really don't seem to have become a Death Eater..."

"Would you be interested in becoming an Auror?"

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "Aurors can't defeat Voldemort."

Moody snorted gloomily: "You are not polite at all. No one likes the truth, kid."

Lu Ke just smiled.

Dumbledore sighed: "Actually, I asked you to come because of the trouble Moody got into before."

Lu Ke nodded: "You made the trash can explode."

Moody smiled: "Guess who was standing in front of that trash can when it exploded?"

Lu Ke smiled: "Bellatrix Lestrange?"

Moody nodded: "Of course the people at the Ministry of Magic think I'm just crazy, and that's what I told them."

"Albus reminded me to have a good relationship with the Ministry of Magic, right?"

Dumbledore nodded helplessly: "It's hard to say whether you succeeded or failed this time..."

Moody smiled coldly: "I can't beat that witch, but she can't do anything to me. Fortunately, you warned me in advance."

Lu Ke nodded: "Did she use the death curse?"

Moody shook his head: "No."

Dumbledore nodded: "In other words, they have another plan."

The three of them understood each other tacitly.

They all knew what Voldemort was going to do, which was to sneak into Hogwarts, get Harry Potter's blood, and then resurrect him.

But since he had been prepared, everything would not go smoothly. At least the first step, sneaking into Hogwarts in place of Moody had failed.

"Voldemort probably won't give up."

Moody sneered and nodded: "As long as he is not here, I will kill every Death Eater who comes."

Dumbledore looked helpless: "You just lost to Bellatrix Lestrange."

Moody nodded nonchalantly: "It took me too long to retire."

Dumbledore nodded: "Watch Harry, Alastor."

Moody nodded.

Then Dumbledore turned and looked at Lu Ke: "As for you, don't get too involved in these troublesome things this year. You need to have a good rest."

Lu Ke nodded helplessly.

Although he was certainly fine, Dumbledore's decisions rarely changed.

Moody sighed contentedly: "What should I teach these students? It is said that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts are always in trouble. Their level must not be enough."

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly: "Actually, Remus did quite well last year."

Moody smiled contemptuously.


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