The twins bowed like opera singers taking their final bow on stage: "Of course."

"False mission, sir."

Sirius Black laughed, "I knew it!"

Harry and Ron smiled helplessly.

They had long heard that Sirius Black loved adventures and mischief, but they had no idea he was so fond of twins.

"Harry, you know I used to think I was very talented at pranks..."

Sirius Black let out a long sigh: "But you know, a wizard who likes Quidditch may not necessarily become a member of the national team. When he realizes that his talent is limited, he can only become a fan of a certain star. "

"Now I am a fan of the Weasley twins. They are real prank geniuses and will definitely become superstars in the future."

The twins smiled proudly: "Of course, we have known this for a long time."

"The moment we first turned Ron's doll into a spider we heard our fate announced."

Then they laughed at each other.

It was another joke, and Sirius Black was laughing his head off.

Harry and Ron sighed silently together.

I don't know why, but miraculously, they now completely understand each other and are connected.

Just then Mr. Weasley stepped out of the fireplace.


One of the twins said, "No, it's Fred."

Mr. Weasley was stunned for a moment: "Oh, sorry..."

"Wait, that's not what I meant!"

"You've done another prank!"

One of the twins shook his head: "But I didn't give him candy, let alone ask him to eat it."

"I even put back everything that fell out just for safety, who would have thought..."

The other twin spoke next, and they cooperated seamlessly: "How could there be such a shameless person who picks up other people's things without thinking about returning them, and eats them himself without hesitation."

Mr. Weasley shook his head: "Isn't this something you already knew?"

"I really tried my best to solve this trouble..."

Sirius Black looked at Mr. Weasley and smiled: "Didn't the result be resolved smoothly?"

Mr. Weasley shook his head helplessly: "You know how troublesome it is for Muggles to see magic, but I still work in this office."

Sirius Black patted Mr. Weasley on the shoulder nonchalantly.

Mr. Weasley sighed, giving up completely.

"Okay, help Harry put the things in the room."

So the twins smiled and turned around.

They knew they had escaped disaster again this time.

Just then, Mrs. Weasley walked over.


She was overjoyed and rushed over to hug Harry, then turned and glanced at the twins who were about to leave.

"Nothing happened, right?"

Mr. Weasley was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "Of course not, everything went well."

Mrs. Weasley sighed, then nodded: "You work in the Ministry of Magic, so you should know these things to pay attention to."

Mr. Weasley nodded a little embarrassed, then looked left and right with a saved expression.

"By the way, I haven't introduced you yet, Harry, this is Charlie and Bill."

Harry turned around and smiled at the two red-haired wizards in front of him.

These are the two brothers of the Weasley family. Charlie is working with fire dragons in Romania and looks very strong, while Bill is working in Gringotts in Egypt. He is a wizard like Harry has never seen before.

He looked like a rock star, not a Weasley.

But when Harry thought about the appearance of the twins, he felt that this seemed normal.

Mrs. Weasley then asked Harry to go to his room first.

On the stairs, Harry met Hermione.


Hermione looked a little different. Although Harry went to Black Mansion with her this summer to try to persuade Kreacher, Harry was still surprised to find that Hermione had become prettier again.

This was probably Johanna again, an amazing witch, even though Harry didn't know her well.

"Did you listen to Sirius? Kreacher seems to be doing better now."

Harry shook his head helplessly: "If you ask me, it would be better for us to just wait for Kreacher to die of old age."

Hermione sighed: "Harry, don't say that."

"Besides, house elves are usually much older than wizards. At least Sirius can't wait until the day Kreacher dies."

Harry glanced at Hermione helplessly, and then they both laughed.

After they put their things away, they came out of the room.

Ron complained about Percy's obsession along the way: "He is now an intern under Mr. Barty Crouch, and it is said that he is quite valued. Percy now shuts himself in his room every day and prepares something desperately. ”

Harry nodded helplessly.

He knew that Percy still hadn't gotten over what happened in second year, but this was not something he and Ron could help with.

Harry followed Ron to the kitchen, wanting to help Mrs. Weasley, but this time there was obviously nothing they needed to do. Mrs. Weasley smiled and asked them to help in the front yard.

They walked outside and saw chaos.

Brothers Charlie and Bill are using magic to make two tables fight in the air. The twins are cheering on and Crookshanks is chasing the goblins.

It was chaos, but Harry liked it.

Mrs. Weasley soon had dinner ready and they pushed the two tables together and enjoyed their meal together.

Percy finally walked out of the room, and Harry saw Percy for the first time in a while, only to find that he seemed to be a different person.

In the past, all the seriousness in Percy was pretended. He was actually full of Weasley-like showoff, but now Percy is really serious and looks more like a man who works in the Ministry of Magic than Mr. Weasley. A wizard for many years.

But Harry quickly put all this behind him.

Everyone was talking at the dinner table. Mrs. Weasley was worried about Bill's dress, and then Ginny said something.

Charlie and Ron were debating the possible development of the game, and Ron surprised Charlie with the data.

The twins were whispering, but were sternly warned by Mr. Weasley.

Harry sat with Sirius Black talking excitedly about Quidditch.

"Dumbledore is right, there is no way I can find you a home, but here you can, Harry."

Sirius Black looked at the Weasleys and sighed.

Harry smiled and glanced at the others.


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