Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 57 The Dark Lord Restarts

When Harry told Ron that he couldn't go to Hogsmeade, Ron was shocked, but Hermione was relieved.

"I think it might be a little too dangerous, and there's no map now..."

Ron was a little disappointed: "I thought we could go have fun together..."

Hermione rarely spoke at the side: "Harry is right, you are in danger now. Have you forgotten that not long ago, Sirius Black got into the Gryffindor tower?"

Ron nodded helplessly: "Yeah, I can't forget it even if I want to. Now there are guards and trolls everywhere outside..."

The entrance to the Gryffindor common room is now replaced by the Fat Lady, but she is already frightened. In order to reassure her and for the safety of the students, Dumbledore hired a lot of troll bodyguards, who are usually at the entrance of the tower. He walked around the oil painting and questioned anyone he saw rudely.

No Gryffindor would like trolls, but they couldn't help it. They even thought that this would prevent Sirius Black from sneaking in, and would give him a little more security.

"Okay then, whatever you like, the two of us will help you bring it back."

Harry nodded, then thought for a moment: "Butterbeer, and Ice Mouse."

Ron and Hermione on one side.

But before they went to Hogsmeade, Hermione found Harry alone.

Harry was a little surprised, because now all the students were gathered in front of the door expectantly, and Hermione was supposed to be there too.

Hermione looked at Harry and hesitated, but finally made up her mind to speak.

"Harry, I heard a prophecy."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "What prophecy? Our numerology class has only one prophecy so far?"

Hermione shook her head, then pulled Harry and hid behind a pillar in a corridor.

"You know I chose the divination class, but you and Ron didn't, because what Lu Ke said was right."

Harry nodded.

He and Ron did not take the divination class because Lu Ke said that the divination class itself required too much talent, and success was always rare and difficult to judge.

Hermione sighed: "I had a fight with Professor Trelawney from the Divination class."

Harry looked stunned.

Hermione was the most serious and obedient student he had ever seen. No matter how much Harry imagined, he could not imagine Hermione arguing with a professor.

"Because she said you were going to die."

Harry couldn't help but laugh.

Although it sounded like a curse, Harry didn't feel angry at all, and even found it funny.

"And you had a fight with her?"

Hermione nodded: "In the divination class a few days ago, she asked us to look at the crystal ball and said that you were going to die under a big black dog."

Harry nodded: "I think there is absolutely no need for you to quarrel with the professor over this kind of thing..."

To his surprise, Hermione slowly shook her head: "Because I have seen big black dogs many times this school year..."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Hermione sighed: "I went to see Crookshanks several times and saw him walking with a big black dog."

Harry nodded: "Don't worry, Hermione, that won't come true. You see, I'm still fine until now. Sirius Black has even gotten into Gryffindor Tower!"

Hermione nodded dumbfounded: "So you made the absolutely right choice not to go to Hogsmeade this time. Harry, I don't care at all whether you are the savior or not. I don't want you to get hurt."

Harry nodded: "Don't worry, the divination is all fake."

Hermione nodded: "But after that divination class, I wanted to return the crystal ball to the professor, and I heard a prophecy that might be true."

Harry looked at Hermione curiously: "What prophecy?"

Hermione was silent for a moment with fear on her face: "The Dark Lord will come back with the help of his servants and become even more powerful."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Voldemort?"

Hermione nodded slowly: "You don't know Harry, Professor Strawney was completely different when she said this prophecy. I feel... I don't know why, but I think this prophecy is true."

Harry nodded: "If Voldemort comes back...wait..."

He was suddenly stunned for a moment: "If you put it this way, it seems that that's when Professor Snape and Professor Lupin went to find me together..."

Hermione looked confused: "What do they want from you?"

Harry shook his head: "It's nothing, that's the weirdest thing, isn't it?"

Hermione took a deep breath: "They know the prophecy! They are just looking for you to make sure you are safe!"

Harry nodded: "But why didn't they tell me?"

Hermione shook her head: "Of course..."

Harry couldn't help but laugh: "I'm afraid I'll seek revenge from Voldemort... Forget it, at least not yet. There's still Sirius Black who hasn't been caught..."

Hermione grabbed Harry's arm tightly: "Harry! You must not go..."

Harry nodded casually: "I won't."

Hermione shook her head: "If you really want to go, you must take me with you!"

Harry smiled and nodded: "Okay, it's time for you to go to Hogsmeade."

"I want to eat chocolate frogs, remember to buy more for me."

Hermione was silent for a moment, then hugged Harry and turned towards the door.

Harry stood alone down the corridor, staring into the distance.

Lu Ke was walking in his dream.

The strange thing is that he knew it was a dream, but he didn't wake up, let alone leave.

Moving forward along the dark and narrow corridor, he soon came to a large door.

After opening the door, Lu Ke saw an extremely handsome wizard.

That's Tom Riddle.

"Lu Ke..."

Tom Riddle stood behind the desk, with an elegant smile on his face and a casual and comfortable tone in his voice.

Lu Ke smiled: "Tom...it's been such a long time."

Tom Riddle shook his head: "It's not that long...but I really can't wait."

"I really wanted to see your expression, and I was not disappointed."

Lu Ke shook his head: "What, what you want to see is not surprise?"

Tom Riddle turned around and opened his arms: "Why are you surprised?"

"Didn't you deliberately give me Hufflepuff's blood?"

"The dementors are just tools for you to use. It's really pitiful, isn't it?"

Lu Ke nodded: "I can only say that they are born pathetic, and I don't feel sorry."

Tom Riddle turned around: "Oh, Lu Ke, Lu Ke, you are really hard-hearted. This does not look like a good wizard."


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