Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 40 Get back the Firebolt

When Lu Ke spoke, sparks flew in his breath.

Now he was filled with frustration, partly because the fire he planned to deal with the Dementors was completely ineffective, and partly because what he had originally prevented had happened.

Now, Harry's fear has become dementors, and he will be reminded of the moment when Voldemort killed his parents.

Lu Ke looked down at the unconscious Harry, and then began to remember.

He couldn't find any other way, at least facing the dementors, Lu Ke would never be able to do anything.

After a groan, Harry woke up. He opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him.

"Are you okay Harry?"

Hermione and Ron quickly reached out and helped him up.

Harry shook his head: "What happened?"

Professor McGonagall looked down at Harry: "You were unconscious. Fortunately, Lu Ke brought you back to the castle. What do you think?"

Harry was silent for a moment: "I'm fine."

Professor McGonagall shook her head: "You need to rest well. Even if the dementors don't leave scars, they will make you exhausted."

Harry nodded slowly.

In the wilderness, under the shadow of a boulder.

The leader of the dementors was standing in front of a small rune snake.

"So you see, Hogwarts is just an amusement park that you can come and go as you wish."

The dementor leader stood in front of the rune snake, greedily feeling the happy breath of the little snake.

"You're right, but you don't get too many chances and we're injured."

Rune Snake nodded: "So you are scared? Think about it for yourself, where did your food come from before? Others threw it to you like feeding dogs. Now you can hunt by yourself. If you hunt by yourself, you must guard it carefully. Of course, if you want to let others feed you, just go back to Azkaban."

The leader of the dementors looked up.

"We will never return to Azkaban, we say goodbye to that prison!"

Voldemort in the Rune Snake laughed.

"Ah, yes, that's the spirit!"

His plan worked.

Dementors are no different than beasts, they are stupid, stubborn, and follow instinct rather than logic.

It's easy to trick them, but it's also hard.

Because they will only listen to people who benefit from them.

And this time, it's the last time.

In order to convince the Dementors that Hogwarts was the best hunting ground, Voldemort even used the backhand he had worked so hard to hide in the Ministry of Magic to lure Dumbledore away from Hogwarts temporarily.

Now it seems that it was all worth it.

Once animal greed arises, it will only disappear under the threat of death.

Dementors, on the other hand, are almost immortal.

Even the Patronus Charm only serves to drive them away.

In this way, Voldemort had an extremely powerful helper.

Of course, what Voldemort wanted was definitely not for dementors to start a suicide attack on Hogwarts. He had a deeper and higher goal.

"Lu Ke... you poor Muggle child, I will let you live until the end, crying alone in the dark..."

The three heads of the Rune Snake raised, and the left one turned towards Hogwarts: "So, how are you going to hunt?"

The dementor leader fell silent.

"We... rush in... find a place with many people..."

Voldemort shook his head helplessly: "Ah, it is a very smart method, but unfortunately, it is not smart enough. You should go to the Ministry of Magic and tell him that dementors cannot control each other. Your partners It’s out of control and they must be rewarded.”

"Understand? In this case, food will come soon. Don't act like a guard dog is afraid of its master. It is them who should be afraid. You are very strong."

The dementor leader nodded quickly and then rose into the sky.

In the next few days of winter vacation, Harry, the three of them and Lu Ke had been sitting in the hall, spending the good time carelessly.

Hermione looked very anxious. The table in front of her was piled with more books than Ron and Harry could imagine. It seemed that she was preparing to use the last few days to complete the homework for the entire winter vacation.

But every once in a while she would look at Harry cautiously, as if she was afraid that Harry might collapse at any moment.

And Harry was completely unaware of this.

He was completely lost in memories.

In fact, before being affected by the dementors, Harry had completely forgotten what happened when he was one year old.

In that murder, Voldemort took away his parents, and at that time Harry was just a child who knew nothing.

But in fact, children know everything.

Ron looked at everyone except him with a worried look on his face.

Lu Ke's condition was not good either. Originally, Harry would stare at him, but now Harry himself was absent-minded. Lu Ke seemed to be talking to the owl on his shoulder, muttering to himself silently.

When Ron looked around, he saw a beautiful witch who was almost going crazy with anxiety, a melancholic handsome man immersed in his own world, and an owl master who was even more gloomy than Snape.

Ron felt like he was going crazy.

Fortunately, Harry finally recovered slowly.

The day before the holiday ended, Professor McGonagall walked into the hall carrying a long paper package and placed it on the table.

"Potter, I think it's time to give it back to you."

Harry gave Professor McGonagall a confused look, then cheered: "Firebolt!"

Professor McGonagall sighed. She looked a little tired, but also very excited: "Professor Flitwick and I did a thorough inspection. This is an amazing broomstick... In short, there is no dangerous charm in it. , is absolutely safe.”

"Potter, you must use this broom to win the championship this year. Gryffindor...has not won the Quidditch House Cup for several years."

Harry smiled and nodded: "Of course!"

Ron eagerly opened the paper bag on the side: "Harry, do you want to go out and fly around?"

Harry smiled and picked up his broomstick.

"Hermione! Luke!"

Hermione stood up reluctantly, and then followed Harry out of the hall.

At this time, Harry had already mounted his broomstick and soared into the sky.

At the gate of the castle, Lu Ke and Professor McGonagall stood in the shadows together.

"Don't worry Lu Ke, I'm about to find a way."

Lu Ke nodded: "Thank you, professor."

Professor McGonagall shook her head: "This is actually the opportunity I have always wanted. You know that until now, there is no Animagus in the form of a fire dragon, right?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Because Animagus needs a huge amount of magic power to support its transformation."


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