Harry and Ron exclaimed together: "Firebolt..."

That is a very, very beautiful flying broomstick, and it is the most powerful firebolt on the market now.

Although Hermione looked confused, all wizards who had a certain knowledge of Quidditch knew and longed for the most powerful broomstick in the world.

For Harry, the Seeker of the Gryffindor team, there is simply no broomstick more worthy of him than the Firebolt.

It's like a powerful wizard should have the most powerful wand.

Then Professor McGonagall, who was about to leave, also came over.

"Harry...is that a..."

As we all know, Professor McGonagall is also a crazy Quidditch fan, so she also knows this broomstick.

Harry couldn't help but laugh: "Firebolt!"

But the smile on Professor McGonagall's face quickly disappeared.

"Harry...who gave this gift to you?"

Harry picked up the paper package that had just been opened and took a look: "Yes..."

He raised his head and looked at Lu Ke across the table: "Lu Ke, it's you, right?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Despair rose on Harry's face.

He knew what Professor McGonagall would think.

"I'm sorry Harry... we don't know who sent this to you, it could be Sirius Black... for your safety I can't give it to you."

Then Harry watched helplessly as Professor McGonagall took the Firebolt away.

At that moment, Harry and Ron both looked desperate.

Hermione glanced at Luke with a worried look, but Harry just sat down slowly.

"Professor McGonagall is right..."

Ron was stunned for a moment: "Uh... Harry, do you really think so?"

Harry nodded: "A lunatic who betrayed his best friend and used any means necessary could indeed leave a curse or something on that Firebolt. Besides, my current broomstick is also very useful."

He shook his head: "Forget it, don't worry about it. I never thought about changing the broomstick. I'm going to find Professor Lupin."

With that Harry walked out of the hall.

The day after the Christmas vacation began, Lu Ke left Hogwarts.

It was a leave he had taken from Snape, and his destination was the Hebrides.

It was a series of uninhabited islands in the northernmost part of Anglicis. Of course, this was a Muggle misconception. In fact, wizards from the McFasty family lived on it, as well as a community of black dragons.

This kind of fire dragon is also the prototype of many legendary dragons: a black, fire-breathing, violent beast.

Accompanying Lu Ke was William, and besides him there was Lockhart.

Since his memory was completely erased by a forgetting spell last year, Lockhart has now become a much easier employee to deal with. Even during the Christmas vacation, he is willing to go to the Hebrides to collect materials for work.

They apparated to the seaside on the other side of the archipelago, and then walked into an old wooden house here.

It was a Viking longhouse.

There is a roof made of hay above the wooden beams. Long rafters like whale ribs can be seen in the room. In the middle of the room is a long brazier with several iron pots hanging on it.

There is a high-backed chair farthest from the door, and an old wizard is sitting on it.

He had a long beard and seemed to be taking a nap.

"I am William Shafik, asking to see the black dragon of the McFasty family."

The old man opened his eyes and glanced at William, then nodded: "Two gold galleons for each person, half a day, and one more gold galleons for each additional half day. No matter whether you are injured or dead, it is all based on your own free will. Okay, now You can pay and leave.”

William nodded, then took out nine gold galleons and placed them on the table aside.

With the sound of gold galleons falling on the table, a small door next to the high-backed chair opened.

William nodded: "Let's go."

Then he took the lead and walked behind the small door.

Lu Ke and Lockhart followed. They walked through a dark corridor that didn't seem too long, and then came to another long house.

But here, they could already hear the roar of the fire dragon, as well as the flapping of its wings and the vibration of the strong wind.

The entire longhouse seemed to be shaking in a never-ending wind.

"William Shafiq's three men?"

A middle-aged wizard who looked very strong walked up to William and nodded: "Follow me, you are lucky, there happens to be a fire dragon in a good mood."

As he spoke, he strode outside.

William and three others followed.

They walked out of the longhouse together, and then were slapped hard in the face by the freezing wind.

It felt like facing the tide head-on.

William waved his wand like lightning, and then a wave of warmth enveloped the three people, making them feel much better.

The wizard, who was about to laugh at them, turned his face in disappointment.

At this time, the shadow of a fire dragon passed over the heads of several people.

They raised their heads together and saw at least four fire dragons hovering in the sky. It was a sight that many wizards would never see in their lifetime.

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly.

Then they followed the wizard to a huge rock.

This place is on a small island, not far away from the violent tide, and the wind is full of the smell of sea water.

There was a black fire dragon lying on the boulder. When he saw the four people approaching, he just moved his nose indifferently, and then continued to close his eyes.

"Okay, this is your fire dragon. Now you can do whatever you want, but I suggest you don't do anything that will hurt you."

Lu Ke nodded and walked to the fire dragon alone.


In the ears of the wizards around Lu Ke, Lu Ke shouted several times in succession like a furious roar.

But the fire dragon that was lying in front of them raised its head.

"Hmph...Wizard...what do you want?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "Learn magic spells."

The fire dragon opened his eyes: "You are very smart..."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

His real purpose was certainly not what Slytherin said, to become the master of the fire dragon.

The real problem with this goal is that there is no dark force united by fire dragons at all: fire dragons are typically solitary beasts, and two of them will fight if they get too close.

The black fire dragon spread its wings and moved one eye in front of Lu Ke.

"But you have no wizard powers at all."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I do."

He had the gift left to him by Gryffindor, an almost endless amount of magic that he couldn't use.


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