Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 31 The Screaming Shack

There was no heavy impact, Lu Ke pushed the thick branch aside, then lowered his head and walked into the hole under the Whomping Willow.

He moved through the darkness and soon came to the exit.

Outside is a large house that has been in disrepair for a long time. It looks like it is all made of wood and has the atmosphere of a ghost story.

However, Lu Ke didn't believe in ghost stories. He saw a lot of ghosts and even talked and laughed with them.

Walking up the dilapidated stairs, every step made the wooden boards under his feet creak. Lu Ke shook his head helplessly, and then stopped at the corner.

He saw a familiar figure.


The big cat stood in front of Lu Ke and let out a low, threatening cry.

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "If you are angry because I secretly left Hogwarts, then this is something Dumbledore knew and allowed."

Crookshanks stopped roaring.

Lu Ke nodded: "So you know that I have no ill intentions towards Sirius, which is gratifying. Your wisdom may be better than that of most wizards..."

Crookshanks turned proudly.

Lu Ke continued upward helplessly, and then he came to a room.

It was dark here, and in the darkest corner lay a giant black dog.

Lu Ke and the big dog nodded: "Hello, Mr. Black."

The big dog raised his head and glanced at Lu Ke, then let out a low growl.

Eventually, it transformed into a skinny wizard.

The face looked exactly like the wanted man's photo in the Daily Prophet.

"Lu Ke...are you working for Dumbledore?"

Lu Ke nodded.

Sirius walked out of the shadows and stood in front of Lu Ke: "You hid your emotions in front of the dementors, broke two steel bars with brute force, and used the Daily Prophet to inspire my fighting spirit. Why?"

Lu Ke sighed: "The Dementors have been acting strangely recently, please pay more attention."

Sirius turned around and grabbed Lu Ke's neck: "Answer my question!"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly, raised his right hand and held Sirius's wrist: "Be careful of a poisonous snake with three heads, it is Voldemort."

Sirius let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted.

Lu Ke turned his head left and right: "The Dementors' actions are slowly exceeding the limits promised by the Ministry of Magic. If you continue to act as before, be careful and you will be ecstatic with a kiss."

Sirius snorted coldly: "So now Dumbledore has such useful subordinates."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I'm just Harry Potter's bodyguard. I'm a Slytherin, you know."

Sirius was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Do you have anything to eat?"

Lu Ke shook his head and sighed: "Sorry, but Crookshanks can go to the kitchen, and I will let the house elf prepare food."

Sirius shook his head and went back to lie down in the corner.


Lu Ke turned and left the Screaming Shack.

The day has come to enter Hogsmeade.

Hermione and Ron acted awkwardly in front of Harry, excited about the happy time to come and ashamed of the idea that their best friend Harry couldn't go to Hogsmeade when they were supposed to. This makes me sad, not excited.

In comparison, Malfoy was much better, he was simply excited, and even a little happy that Harry was not there.

However, Harry himself was not too frustrated: "Lu Ke can't go either."

This relieved Hermione and Ron.

Harry would definitely feel much better if Lu Ke was with him.

Although this means that Lu Ke is also quite pitiful, Lu Ke never needs to be pitied.

In fact, almost no one has seen Lu Ke disappointed or sad. He always looks like he is in a good mood, except for one time last year when he looked tired, but that was also because of injury, and the injured Lu Ke also had any spells. To no avail, he defeated several wizards hiding in the darkness.

This made Hermione and Ron feel much better. They were looking forward to that day happily, and secretly decided to help Harry bring back all kinds of delicious things.

Time passed quickly and the day finally arrived.

All third years and above happily left Hogwarts, while Harry remained in the Great Hall.

Lu Ke stayed by his side.

"follow me."

Harry hesitated and shook his head.

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Have the twins already looked for you?"

Harry was stunned for a moment: "How do you know?"

Lu Ke smiled: "The twins and I took an adventure together when we were in first grade and got a very good thing, which can help you now."

"But since they have already helped, I don't have to do anything extra."

The two of them walked out of the hall laughing together.

Lu Ke looked around. It was deserted here: "Have fun in Hogsmeade."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Let's go together. The invisibility cloak can hide two people."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "No, the dementors remember me. They are everywhere in Hogsmeade now. You also remember to be careful."

Harry nodded and walked out of the castle alone.

Lu Ke turned around and returned to the hall.

Harry came behind the statue of a one-eyed old woman.

It's in a corner beneath the castle that almost no one notices.

He opened the Marauder's Map and walked into the secret passage according to the description above.

After passing through a long stretch of darkness and then opening an upward trap door, Harry found himself standing in the cellar of a candy store.

Relying on the invisibility cloak and quick movements, Harry quietly climbed up the stairs and arrived at the store.

Standing behind the counter, he could see the Hogwarts students crowded in front of the shelves, filled with all kinds of fantastic candies.

It's like a lot of colorful crystals piled together, chocolate, jelly, cream, fruit candies, wonderful candies everywhere, and that's not all.

The entire wall of shelves is filled with magical candies that can only be found in the wizarding world, including bubble-blowing ice sculptures of mice running around, and toad-shaped mint ice cream.

Harry hid under the invisibility cloak and saw Hermione, Ron, Malfoy and Johanna huddled together in a corner.

"Bloody flavored lollipops... Harry probably won't like them. These are vampire specials."

Hermione and Ron were seriously studying what to buy for Harry, while Malfoy was holding a pile of candies boredly: "Whether you want to eat it or not, this is too much..."

Johanna smiled and put her arm around Hermione's shoulders: "Why don't we ask Harry himself."

Hermione turned around in surprise, then reached out and touched Harry's invisibility cloak.


Then Harry put away the Invisibility Cloak.


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