After dinner, Dumbledore asked all the students to stay before he announced what had happened in Gryffindor Tower.

"For your own safety, all of you will spend the night in the lobby today."

Then he and the other professors walked toward the door.

Halfway through, Dumbledore suddenly turned around: "By the way, you will need this."

He waved his wand, and then the four long tables in the hall gently floated to both sides, and hundreds of purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground in the middle.

"Good night."

Then Dumbledore left the hall.

There was a lot of chatter in the hall for a while. Gryffindor told the students in other houses what happened, while Harry was busy explaining what happened to Hermione and Ron beside him.

They hid in the corner together, and Hermione pulled Johanna over.

Harry was a little disappointed to find that Lu Ke was not here.

"So the professors think Sirius is still in the castle..."

Hermione shook her head and gave Harry a worried look.

Harry nodded: "It's possible that he didn't get into the tower and got nothing."

Ron shook his head: "What do you think he is looking for?"

Harry was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Hermione sighed: "What are the dementors doing? Aren't they here to hunt down Sirius?"

Johanna shook her head: "Don't expect the dementors to protect anyone, and Sirius escaped from their lair."

Hermione got into her sleeping bag with her clothes on: "Hogwarts obviously has so much magic protecting it, why is it like this?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other and could only shake their heads.

Then they also got into their sleeping bags, and several of them listened to the other students talking and whispering in the corner.

But in the end they couldn't come to any conclusion, and Hermione fell into a deep sleep leaning on Johanna's arms.

Only Harry remained awake.

He knew that Sirius was here to find him.

Time passed quickly, and at some point late at night, Harry heard footsteps.

Dumbledore came to Percy, he was here to give orders to the prefects.

"Sirius has already left. We can send them back to the dormitory tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Dumbledore was about to leave, but Harry heard the footsteps of another person.

Then there were voices.

"Why can Sirius enter Hogwarts..."

There was a hint of gloom in that voice, it was Snape whom Harry had not seen for a long time.

Dumbledore glanced at Snape: "We don't know yet, Severus."

Snape glanced at Percy, his voice deliberately lowered.

"I haven't said this before, but if there is no internal response... think about what happened in the past two years, only the professors of Hogwarts can bring something into the castle."

Dumbledore looked at Snape seriously: "I don't think there is anyone in this castle who will help Sirius come in."

Snape nodded silently.

This is the will of the principal.

Then Dumbledore turned and glanced at Percy: "I'm going to find the dementors. You continue to guard here."

Dumbledore strode out of the hall, Snape following him.

A flicker of doubt flashed through Harry's mind.

Walking out of the hall, Dumbledore left the castle and came outside the gate of Hogwarts.

Here, the leader of the Dementors was standing with the Ministry of Magic official, Umbridge, who had terrible taste.

"Principal Dumbledore..."

Umbridge's face was full of flattery.

Dumbledore nodded grimly.

Almost no students or professors at Hogwarts have seen his expression like this. It was full of danger and could make the wizard feel like he was facing a dark wizard.

"You," Dumbledore said, completely ignoring Umbridge and speaking the language of Dementors, "have crossed a line."

At that moment, the leader of the Dementors almost went crazy with rage.

But it still held back.

"Because we want to hunt down Sirius. If we weren't unable to enter Hogwarts, we would have caught him long ago!"

Dumbledore nodded with a sneer: "Then where did he come in from?"

The dementor leader was speechless.

In fact, it had never seen Sirius at all.

"If you want to keep the little wizard safe... let us enter the castle. You can't find Sirius. We can smell his fear!"

Dumbledore shook his head gloomily: "Don't blame me for not reminding you that the Ministry of Magic does not allow dementors to enter Hogwarts. If I see a dementor crossing the line, I will kill it. "

Umbridge nodded flatteringly: "Of course, Principal Dumbledore..."

But before she could finish her words, Dumbledore had turned and left.

Under the night, a short, fat pink creature and a tall, thin black ghost stand together, full of postmodernism and thought-provoking.

The next morning, all the students continued the discussion last night, even more enthusiastically.

Harry also whispered to Hermione and Ron about the conversation he overheard at night. The three of them fell into deep thought about what Snape said.

"Is Professor Snape hinting..."

Ron shook his head: "It shouldn't be possible, right?"

Hermione and Harry didn't give Ron the firm answer he'd hoped for.

Hermione shook her head: "If you have read a history of the school like me, then you will know that nothing can penetrate the magical protection of Hogwarts. Maybe it is really as Professor Snape suspected..." Harry sighed. He was most willing to believe Snape, but this meant that there was a problem with the professors of Hogwarts again. Hermione glanced at Harry: "I know this is hard to accept..." They all knew that the most likely person to have a problem at Hogwarts must be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Quirrell in the first year and Lockhart in the second year, whether intentionally or unintentionally, became the target of the mysterious man. If there is anyone who is most suspicious among the professors at Hogwarts now, it must be the new Professor Lupin. Because all other professors have been tested by time and are absolutely reliable. Only Professor Lupin is new. Although he is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that Harry and the other two have never met. Especially Harry, he is the most talented in Defense Against the Dark Arts among all people, and therefore likes and trusts Professor Lupin the most. Ron shook his head: "I don't think we can doubt a professor so easily. There are other possibilities."

Hermione nodded: "That's right."


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