But Aunt Maggie stared back without fear.

Lu Ke felt unprecedented despair.

He was good at threatening people, especially after passing the Gryffindor test, and experiencing the look of death could change most people's minds.

But it was obvious that this Aunt Maggie did not belong to the majority at all.

In the end, Lu Ke had no choice but to leave.

He didn't want Harry to see him in such a mess.

This was Lu Ke's complete defeat for a long time.

He returned to his residence, filled with worry.

No one knows how things will develop. Now Lu Ke feels that the situation is completely out of control.

And this is indeed the case.

Meanwhile, at the Dursleys' house, a terrible disaster is brewing.

It was obvious that Aunt Maggie was furious at Luke's appearance, and she believed that Harry Potter was the culprit.

As for this picked-up orphan, Aunt Maggie was simply too used to bullying him.

So now to vent her anger, Aunt Maggie sat Harry in the living room, on the other side of Dudley.

Then she started to get into her habitual weirdness.

But this time the main direction is not Harry and his parents, but Lu Ke.

"That must be a wild child without parents, that's why he's so uneducated."

As she spoke, Aunt Maggie took a swig from her wine glass.

Then the cup in her hand suddenly shattered.

Maggie froze for a moment, and the Dursleys were horrified.

But Maggie just put the cup aside casually, "It's okay, I accidentally pushed too hard."

After saying that, she changed her cup and continued chattering.

"I have seen many children. Not to mention my lovely Dada, even the children from the House of Lords are not so self-righteous and arrogant. His parents must have died in a car accident."

At this moment, Harry completely lost control.

He stood up and raised his wand towards Aunt Maggie.

Aunt Maggie, who was about to take a sip of red wine from her glass, floated up.

She was slowly inflating, like an inflated balloon.

The Dursleys let out a scream of terror.

"what have you done?"

Harry rushed out amid the screams of Vernon Dursley.

He started to pack his things.

At that moment, Fenon rushed forward, trying to pull down Aunt Maggie who was slowly rising.

Then Aunt Marge's dog pounced and bit Vernon Dursley's leg.

Harry gathered everything and rushed to the door.

"Come back! Get her done!"

Harry turned to look at the Dursleys in front of him and shook his head firmly, "I won't come back."

With that he walked out of the Dursley's house.

Under the night sky, Privet Drive was dark.

But Harry clearly remembered the location of Lu Ke's residence.

Without hesitation, he pulled his suitcase and walked to the door of Lu Ke's residence.

When Harry was about to knock on the door, Lu Ke had already opened the door.

"What happened, Harry?"

Harry was silent for a moment. "She insulted my parents and I used a spell..."

Lu Ke sighed, let Harry walk through the door, and then took the suitcase from him.

"Of course I am willing to let you stay here..."

Lu Ke sighed, "You need to rest, so spend the night here tonight."

Harry nodded.

Lu Ke took him to the bedroom on the second floor and put down the suitcase.

Harry suddenly laughed, "I've actually wanted to do this for a long time."

Lu Ke shook his head and said, "Go to bed early."

Then he closed the door and returned to the living room on the first floor.

Sitting at the table, Lu Ke fell into deep thought.

This was an unexpected event, but it was expected, but Lu Ke didn't know how to face what was going to happen next.

Dumbledore never expected that Harry would do something that would get him expelled from Hogwarts, and that happened to be now.

The Ministry of Magic is very sensitive and maybe they will show up soon.

The previous incident of Johanna Ogulius becoming the principal had already made the relationship between the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore very tense. Although William was now there to ease the tension, it was still on the verge of breaking out. Just in time for Harry's incident, Lu Ke could almost see something troublesome happening.

And it was a covert operation.

So Lu Ke was alone and could make all decisions by himself, but he couldn't ask anyone for help.

It was impossible for him to go to Dumbledore or Johanna Ogulius now, but Lu Ke definitely didn't want to face Fudge alone.

The current Minister of Magic has many ideas of his own, and contrary to what Dumbledore thought, his stupidity has long surpassed his reason.

Lu Ke looked at the door. He knew very well that Fudge would walk in at some point.

But until dawn, this did not happen.

When the sun just rose, Lu Ke began to prepare breakfast.

He didn't dare to leave the house, but fortunately he had bought enough ingredients before.

Harry walked down the stairs sleepily, and the first thing he saw was the sumptuous breakfast on the table.

"Good morning, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke nodded, "Good morning, Harry."

"Come quickly and have breakfast."

Lu Ke put the last omelette on the bread, and then the two of them sat down and started eating.

Harry laughed while eating, "I suddenly thought that if I am expelled from Hogwarts, it would be okay to live here in the future..."

Lu Ke shook his head, "You will not be expelled from Hogwarts, Harry."

"You will graduate successfully, find a good job, and then have a family and a happy life as a wizard. Compared to that, your current troubles will be nothing more than vague memories."

Harry smiled "I believe you."

Lu Ke nodded.

After the two of them finished breakfast, Lu Ke put away the tableware and then turned to look at Harry.

"Let's go to Diagon Alley."

Harry was stunned for a moment "Why?"

Lu Ke sighed, "The Leaky Cauldron can be a suitable place for wizards to stay. We'll wait there until Dumbledore finds you."

Harry shook his head "I just want to stay here..."

Lu Ke shook his head, "It's time for you to buy textbooks for the school year."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He went back upstairs to pack his luggage.

Lu Ke stood on the first floor, waiting until Harry came down, then helped him carry his luggage and walked out of the room.

"What about you?"

Standing outside the door, Harry turned and glanced at the locked door.

Lu Ke smiled, "Of course I will wait with you at the Leaky Cauldron."

Harry smiled, then shook his head "I just don't know... maybe what if I really can't go back to Hogwarts?"

Lu Ke shook his head, "Don't worry, come here."

He stood on the roadside and raised the giant's wand.

Harry heard a deafening bang.


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