"You should ask why your parents didn't tell you this so you wouldn't accidentally let the house elf go."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment, "Why?"

Hermione sneered and glanced at Malfoy, "Because you are a natural young master and don't care whether the house elf has clothes to wear."

Malfoy was speechless.

He didn't know how to answer Hermione's sudden accusation.

"Thank you……"

Hermione suddenly realized that she didn't know the chef's name.

But Hermione didn't care, and the chef seemed reluctant to tell Hermione.

"Leave here, and don't think about coming here again. Even if Lu Ke lets you in, we won't welcome you!"

Malfoy shook his head, "Then we won't come back!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Hermione sighed and nodded "Goodbye."

Looking at her back as she turned and left the kitchen, the chef shook his head angrily, "Never again."

Walking out of the kitchen, Malfoy and Hermione walked towards the hall together.

"So now you know what to do."

Malfoy nodded, "But I can't give Dobby clothes directly, right? Dobby has only one master, and that is my father."

"If my father knew that I wanted to lose the house elves to my family, he would kill me!"

Hermione glanced at Malfoy with contempt, "That's all you have the courage to do."

Malfoy sighed helplessly, "I'm not Gryffindor."

Hermione replied coldly, "Lu Ke and Johanna are also Slytherins, so they are not as timid as you."

Malfoy was speechless.

Together they returned to the Great Hall, where both Ron and Harry were.

"Did you succeed?"

Seeing Hermione, Ron and Harry hurriedly opened the closed books and then picked up the quills.

But this time Hermione didn't talk to them as usual, but sat next to the two of them.

"We succeeded, but Master Malfoy did not have the courage to resolve the matter."

Although Malfoy was a little dissatisfied with what Hermione said about him, he still didn't refute.

"Slytherin doesn't need courage..."

Harry and the three of them laughed together "because Slytherin has no courage at all."

Malfoy looked around awkwardly, then changed the subject, "Where's Percy Weasley? Is your trouble over?"

Ron smiled and shook his head, "I don't care about this."

Hermione shook her head, "Let's wait until after the final exams."

"The deal between us is over, Malfoy, and what you do after that has nothing to do with us."

Harry nodded. "Ms. Granger is going to teach us review. You can stay here and listen if you want, but please stay quiet."

Hermione looked at Harry and smiled, "You have to work harder."

The final exam is over soon.

Christmas is coming, and the winter vacation is about to begin. In just a few days, it seems like the most perfect vacation.

Except for Harry and Luke, everyone seemed to be packing their bags. They were going home for the winter vacation. Some wizards who were used to preparing everything in advance had already started preparing Christmas gifts for their friends.

For example, Hermione.

Ron discussed with Harry every day whether he would like to spend Christmas at the Weasley house.

Harry thought a winter holiday was too long, but a Christmas might be nice.

The atmosphere of the Weasley family together was something Harry had never experienced before.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and the Weasleys were going to Egypt to visit Bill.

This can be regarded as a tradition of the Weasley family, but Ron didn't expect it to be established so quickly. In the past, his parents only needed to visit Bill, but now with Charlie, it is indeed necessary once a year.

But Ron thought there was nothing wrong with this, he could stay with Harry.

Then when Ron was talking about it, Hermione suddenly said she would stay.

"I thought I could have a nice chat with Percy over the holidays."

But in fact, Hermione didn't have to wait until the winter vacation.

Christmas dinner is coming soon.

Hagrid and Lu Ke were still in charge of the preparations, and the professors worked together to put up the decorations. It was a winter morning with heavy snow, and the sunlight miraculously illuminated the Gryffindor Tower in the early morning.

As usual, when Harry got up in the morning, he saw the gifts piled in front of the bed.

There are Mrs. Weasley's, Snape's, Hagrid's, and Luke's.

Ron's was similar, but he didn't know as many friends.

What surprised both of them was that Malfoy also gave them gifts.

Harry and Ron opened the box while laughing at Malfoy's timidity.

Then they went to the hall.

The party has already begun here.

Because of Lu Ke's previous attempt, all the students remaining in the school were sitting on a long table. The Weasleys gathered together, and Lu Ke sat next to the twins.

Johanna wasn't here and Hermione sat next to Percy.

Then Harry and Harry walked over to Hermione and sat down.

"Merry Christmas, Hermione."

They sat together laughing and then started the banquet.

Percy looked relieved for the first time in a long time.

But he didn't seem to notice that George had changed the word on his prefect badge to "Fool".

But no one would be watching anyway, so it didn't matter.

This seemed to be the best Christmas Harry had ever had, with his friends around him, nothing to worry about, and everything was perfect.

Harry sat between Ron and Luke, telling jokes he could remember.

Luke listened carelessly, then smiled.

Magically dry snow was falling from the ceiling of the hall, and they ate and drank, singing Christmas songs under Dumbledore's command.

After eating, they sat together, chatting carelessly.

Hermione and Percy talked about something, and then Percy hesitated.

"Actually I want to... tell you that secret."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, "What secret?"

Percy sighed, "Actually... you all know that the notebook was left by Tom Riddle, and that dark wizard actually... left more than one such dangerous dark magic item."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, "That's too dangerous... Why would he tell you these secrets?"

Percy sighed, "Because he wanted to turn me into a complete dark wizard... He told me how to make such a notebook."

Hermione hesitated, "Shouldn't I know such dangerous dark magic..."

Percy smiled, "That method is to commit murder."


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