Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 89 The Sorting Hat Appears Unexpectedly

It was dark here, and they carefully hid behind the mirror, looking in the shadows toward the secret room.

Percy Weasley, who had jumped before them, was not here.

So does the basilisk.

Malfoy held the mirror shield carefully, and even spoke in a lower voice unconsciously.

"He can't run away now anyway, let's walk slowly."

Harry, the three Gryffindors looked at Malfoy and sighed helplessly, "No, the sooner the better."

Ron walked forward and said, "I'll hold the mirror..."

Then Malfoy looked at him with a worried look on his face and said "Hide behind! What if the basilisk comes out?"

Ron could only go back to the back.

Then Malfoy began to advance slowly.

They were cautious and cautious as they moved forward along the pipeline, but never encountered any trouble.

They didn't dare to use magic spells to light up the surroundings, so they could only move forward in the dark. Malfoy screamed from time to time because he stepped on the bones of some small animal.

But in the end, none of them ran into any real trouble.

Naturally, the result was three Gryffindors looking helplessly at one Slytherin.

Until finally, they came to the door of the secret room.

This is a thick stone wall with two giant snakes embossed on it, and their eyes are inlaid with emeralds.

Malfoy couldn't help but sigh, "This is so Slytherin."

Harry sighed, "If Slytherin really hides a basilisk here, then Slytherin is not a good person."

Malfoy was speechless.

Then Harry looked into the snake's eyes and said in the snake's language "Open."

The intertwined snakes parted, and then the stone wall cracked and slid apart.

The four of them fell into silence together.

It was a long, dark room with pillars entwined with giant snakes on both sides.

Obviously, this is Slytherin's secret for Hogwarts, the basilisk's residence.

"let's go……"

Harry's voice sounded dry and unnatural.

Malfoy held the mirror carefully as they walked deeper into the room.

Slowly, they were able to make out a large statue at the end of the room in the shadows.

It was an old wizard, sitting there with his feet on the ground and the roof of the room above his head.

And Percy Weasley was standing under the statue.

He didn't look like the man who was running for his life just now. Now Percy Weasley looked calm and confident, standing in front of Harry and the others.

Malfoy quickly retreated behind the mirror.

"Slytherin won't let anyone see him if he's not ready. Be careful."

Harry nodded.

Hermione couldn't help but reply, "So you Slytherins are all like this?"

Malfoy remained silent.

But in front of them, Percy Weasley spoke.

"Who are you here for?"

Ron almost rushed out, but Harry held him back with all his strength.

Percy Weasley nodded, "So now that you think about it, this...Percy Weasley has such a pitiful last name."

"He is a poor Gryffindor. He is obviously a Slytherin deep down, but he has to become a Gryffindor in order to take care of other people's feelings. Even I feel a little pity for him..."

Ron yelled "Percy is not a Slytherin!"

Malfoy from the front sighed helplessly, "Don't yell so loudly..."

Percy Weasley nodded, "It's because there are too many people like you that poor Percy is so depressed and lonely."

"You want to save him?"

"Then do you know if he is willing to be saved by you?"

Ron yelled "Let go of Percy!"

Percy Weasley sighed "Okay, as you wish."

Then Percy Weasley fell to the ground.

At that moment, Harry and Hermione worked together to stop Ron.

He was just like crazy.

"You're upset, why?"

A Hogwarts student, about as tall as Percy Weasley and far more handsome, stepped out of the shadows.

"I followed your wishes and let him go."

Ron looked at the wizard with confusion on his face, "Who are you?"

The wizard smiled. "Tom Riddle."

Ron roared angrily "What did you do to Percy?"

Tom Riddle smiled and shook his head "He's going to die."

Ron cast a spell without hesitation.

But the flash of the spell passed through Tom Riddle's body, and nothing happened.

On the other hand, Percy Weasley, who fell to the ground, let out a painful groan.

"what is that?"

Harry and others all had a very bad premonition.

"Don't waste time," Tom Riddle walked to Percy Weasley and sighed, "All your spells can't hurt me, they will only deepen Percy Weasley's pain."

"So now, let's make a deal?"

Harry hesitated and said "What do you want?"

But Ron grabbed him and said, "Don't believe him, he hurt Percy like this and he's still a Slytherin!"

Tom Riddle shook his head "Percy Weasley is going to die."

Harry nodded "What do you want?"

Tom Riddle showed a gloomy expression, "You, Harry Potter."

The four of them fell into silence for a while.

Ron held down Harry who was about to stand up, "Don't believe him."

Tom Riddle smiled and took out a tattered hat from behind his back.

"I'll take this in exchange."

Harry and others were stunned for a moment, "What is that?"

Hermione hesitated and said, "The Sorting Hat..."

Harry thought of the hat chattering on his head.

"Why do you have that hat?"

Tom Riddle shook his head "Come here, let me see you, Harry...Potter..."

Harry stood up.

This time, even Ron and Malfoy couldn't hold him down.

"What do you want to see?"

Tom Riddle sighed longly, "Look at what you... relied on to defeat the greatest dark wizard in history..."

Harry walked towards Tom Riddle.

Ron and Hermione tried their best but couldn't stop him.

"Is the hat on your hand a fake?"

Tom Riddle couldn't help laughing, "Yes, are you afraid that I will lie to you?"

"It's just a hat that can't do anything but keep talking."

"It has been in my hand for at least two days. At first, I thought it really had some powerful secret. However, it was later confirmed that it could not do anything except talk. I was really disappointed."



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