Lu Ke nodded: "Gryffindor is only strict with itself and its successors, I understand."

Hat sighed.

Then Lu Ke took off his hat and took Pallas out of the room.

Back in the Slytherin common room, Lu Ke glanced at the clock on the wall. To his surprise, it seemed that he had only been in the Colosseum for less than twenty minutes.

Lu Ke recalled it himself. Each time the battle before he was knocked down was indeed extremely short, but he always thought that he fell into a coma for a long time.

That doesn't seem to be the case now.

Lu Ke returned to the dormitory and fell into a deep sleep.

Johanna was still preparing for the fictional Hogwarts student, and Lu Ke suddenly found that he was very leisurely this semester. Although he used the time turner, it was like a vacation compared to before.

With the notebook in Johanna's hands, Harry Potter would not face any danger at all, and Lu Ke had nothing to worry about.

As for the test of Gryffindor, he can put it off for ten years and wait until he can defeat Gryffindor before completing it. The remnants of Grindelwald are all Dumbledore's trouble. Even if Ke wants to interfere, Dumbledore will never allow it.

And you won't feel bored even on leisurely days like this, because Lockhart is a living treasure who constantly provides a source of jokes.

All the twins' current joke creation materials are found in Lockhart. No matter what grade they are in, as long as there is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the twins can produce a lot of new Lockhart jokes.

The day couldn't be better.

This kind of life did not change at all until Lu Ke's first ancient rune research class.

This was the first course that Lu Ke found very troublesome.

His status as a squib did not affect his learning, but Lu Ke soon discovered that the main content of this class was memorizing vocabulary.

And it starts from a single word, which is a rune.

Lu Ke doesn't like memorizing words very much.

But he had no choice. After all, runes accounted for a large part of alchemy, and in order for a squib to live a normal life in the wizarding world, runes were necessary.

The professor of the ancient rune research class was a good person. He took special care of Luke, who was unable to cast spells. Moreover, he heard Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall mention Luke, so he treated him differently.

But Lu Ke had no intention of studying ancient runes at all. He just wanted to learn some basic things.

The first lesson was spent learning the history of runes and learning the first rune.

By the time get out of class was over, Lu Ke was sure that he had remembered how to write this rune and what its extended meaning was, but he was still confused about the more complicated applications.

This made Lu Ke start to worry about his number divination course.

Johanna heard Lu Ke say this during lunch and laughed at him hard.

After all, it is really embarrassing that I have no confidence in the elective courses I chose.

Moreover, Johanna also chose this course, and the two of them took the class together. Johanna did not find it difficult at all.

After all, for wizards from pure-blood families, many of their bloodlines can be traced back to the time when runes were still the common language in the wizarding world. Even if they do not have systematic study of runes, they still have a lot of understanding.

Muggle-born wizards like Lu Ke rarely choose this elective course. Most of the time, the study of ancient runes is something that only wizards who are prepared to study ancient magic items will learn.

Lu Ke could only admit that he was unlucky. After all, he was Nico Flamel's student. Since he wanted to learn alchemy, he had to learn ancient runes.

Then the next day, Lu Ke and Johanna went to their first number divination class together.

This is a classroom that doesn't look like a divination class at all.

There are no crystal balls in the classroom, no incense that pretends to be magical, and nothing that can make people feel mysterious.

The windows are open and there is plenty of light. The only different decoration is the tapestries hanging on the walls on both sides. The patterns on them are large regular Roman numerals.

Exactly from one to ten.

The professor in class is also a very serious-looking person.

Except without her glasses, she looked like a younger version of Professor McGonagall.

Although this professor was not familiar with Professor McGonagall, he also gave a little extra care to Lu Ke, a student who was unable to cast spells.

Of course, most of the time, numerology does not require magic spells.

"This course studies the magical properties of numbers, and we need to use a lot of tables most of the time."

Then in the first class, the professor gave everyone a large table, and then asked them to calculate the magic properties of numbers based on the contents of the table.

Of course, they need to use these forms for a whole school year, which is almost a year's worth of textbooks.

The first lesson is about the magic of numbers.

The basis of these is the most basic ten numbers.

That is, the numbers from one to ten on the tapestry hanging on the classroom wall.

At first, Lu Ke thought it might be difficult for him to learn these things, but soon he began to discover that this course might actually be the most suitable for him.

Because the point of arithmetic divination is not divination, but arithmetic.

And Lu Ke is very good at arithmetic.

He found the calculations, conversions, interactions of various strange numbers, and the changing positions in tables to be very simple.

After all, these are things I have learned before.

But for wizards, this is something very difficult to understand.

Wizards don't like mathematics. If you want to say why, it is that the wizarding world is not purely based on rules and logic like mathematics.

The wizarding world is full of exceptions and impossibilities, but there are no exceptions in mathematics.

So when get out of class was over, Johanna and the other students began to want to give up, but Lu Ke felt that this was a class that he was very good at.

The two of them returned to the hall together and sat there to start finishing their homework.

"So... do you really believe that as long as numbers are magical, then the results obtained after calculation will also be magical?"

Johanna watched Lu Ke take out the arithmetic and divination homework and sighed carelessly.

Lu Ke nodded: "First of all, there is no doubt that numbers have magic power. Then the calculation results of numbers are also numbers, so they also have magic power. Isn't this natural?"

Johanna shook her head: "I don't know why, but I always feel that what you said is wrong."

Lu Ke could only shake his head helplessly.



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